True Crime All The Time podcast

True Crime All The Time

Hosts Mike Ferguson and Mike Gibson guide you through the most interesting true crime stories. This is a true crime podcast that spares none of the details and delves into what makes these killers tick. Join us for a good mix of lesser known cases as well as our take on what we call the "Big Timers". We don't take ourselves too seriously but we take true crime very seriously.

Hosts Mike Ferguson and Mike Gibson guide you through the most interesting true crime stories. This is a true crime podcast that spares none of the details and delves into what makes these killers tick. Join us for a good mix of lesser known cases as well as our take on what we call the "Big Timers". We don't take ourselves too seriously but we take true crime very seriously.



Michael Glazebrook

In October 1981, 30-year-old Sonia Herok-Stone was murdered inside her home in Carmel, California. Initial suspects included one of her neighbors and Sonia's estranged husband. The police had some evidence to work with, but it wasn't enough to bring about charges. It took over four decades to finally get her killer. Join Mike and Gibby as they discuss Michael Glazebrook and the murder of Sonia Herok-Stone. Sonia's husband had been accused of molesting their young daughter. That, plus being the estranged husband, put him on the suspect list. But soon, all signs began pointing toward one of her neighbors. Could the police put together enough evidence to convince a DA to take the case to trial? You can help support the show at Visit the show's website at for contact, merchandise, and donation information An Emash Digital production See Privacy Policy at [] ( and California Privacy Notice at [] ( . ... Read more

22 Jul 2024

1 HR 13 MINS


22 Jul 2024


Alejandro Rojas

On Valentine's Day 2020, the body of 21-year-old Dioneth Lopez was found on a logging road in Washington State. Dioneth was beaten with a tequila bottle and attacked with a box cutter in a remote wooded area in what was an extremely vicious murder. Join Mike and Gibby as they talk about Alejandro Rojas and the murder of Dioneth Lopez. Lopez had been seeing Rojas, a married man, for about two years. Before she died, she flew to Washington to visit him, not knowing she would be murdered a day later.But it would take a lot of cunning on the part of the police to get Rojas to implicate himself. You can help support the show at Visit the show's website at for contact, merchandise, and donation information An Emash Digital production See Privacy Policy at [] ( and California Privacy Notice at [] ( . ... Read more

15 Jul 2024

1 HR 02 MINS


15 Jul 2024


William Burke and William Hare

William Burke and William Hare were killers who murdered victims in the city of Edinburgh and sold the bodies to an anatomist who needed cadavers for lessons. They killed at least sixteen people in one year, but their greed made them reckless, and they were ultimately caught. Join Mike and Gibby as they talk about Burke and Hare. Graverobbing was a big thing many years ago, so much so that some people hired guards to make sure their loved one's bodies were not disturbed. Burke and Hare discovered they could make a lot of money selling bodies to a local doctor. But they took their plan to the extreme, decided to cut out the graverobbing, and began killing people on their own. You can support the show at Visit the show's website at for contact, merchandise, and donation information An Emash Digital production See Privacy Policy at [] ( and California Privacy Notice at [] ( . ... Read more

08 Jul 2024

1 HR 08 MINS


08 Jul 2024


The Murder of Phil Hartman

By 1998, Phil Hartman was a household name after a successful run on Saturday Night Live and several movies. He married his third wife, Brynn, in 1987. Brynn had aspirations to be a model and an actress, but her career never took off like Phil's. Few could have believed that the couple's lives would be ended the way that they were. Join Mike and Gibby as they discuss the murder of Phil Hartman. On May 29th, 1998, successful actor and comedian Phil Hartman was killed by his wife, Brynn Omdahl, in a tragic murder-suicide case. They appeared to be a happy couple to outsiders, but those in their inner circle knew they fought often and had tension in their marriage.But what exactly went so wrong for this tragedy to occur? You can help support the show at Visit the show's website at for contact, merchandise, and donation information An Emash Digital production See Privacy Policy at [] ( and California Privacy Notice at [] ( . ... Read more

01 Jul 2024

1 HR 01 MINS


01 Jul 2024


Jodi Arias Part 2

Jodi Arias became infamous after she murdered her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander in June 2008. Her 2013 trial was a media circus. Jodi argued that she killed Travis in self-defense. They had a complicated relationship. There was a whirlwind romance, and then Travis tried to distance himself. But, as some friends described it, Jodi was his kryptonite. Join Mike and Gibby as they discuss Jodi Arias and the murder of Travis Alexander. In the second and last part of the Jodi Arias episodes, we’ll cover the trial of Jodi Arias and dive into the evidence against her. Jodi came up with a number of different stories of what happened. She and her defense team tried to paint Travis as a horrible individual. But would the jury buy it? You can support the show at Visit the show's website at for contact, merchandise, and donation information An Emash Digital production See Privacy Policy at [] ( and California Privacy Notice at [] ( . ... Read more

24 Jun 2024

1 HR 17 MINS


24 Jun 2024


Jodi Arias Part 1

Jodi Arias became infamous after she murdered her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander in June 2008. Her 2013 trial was a media circus. Jodi argued that she killed Travis in self-defense. They had a complicated relationship. There was a whirlwind romance, and then Travis tried to distance himself. But, as some friends described it, Jodi was his kryptonite. Join Mike and Gibby as they discuss Jodi Arias and the murder of Travis Alexander. In part one of the Jodi Arias episodes, we’ll cover the early lives of Jodi Arias and Travis Alexander, how they met, and their tumultuous relationship that ended with Travis being brutally murdered in his own home. You can support the show at Visit the show's website at for contact, merchandise, and donation information An Emash Digital production See Privacy Policy at [] ( and California Privacy Notice at [] ( . ... Read more

17 Jun 2024

1 HR 15 MINS


17 Jun 2024


Wendi Mae Davidson

Wendi Mae Davidson claimed that she found her husband, Michael Severance, dead in their home. The couple had only been married for months, marrying just before Wendi delivered a son. Michael and Wendi were set to leave for Maine to visit Michael's parents. This would have been the first time his parents met Wendi. But they never made it. Instead, Michael's parents received a phone call from Wendi saying he was missing. Join Mike and Gibby as they discuss Wendi Mae Davidson. The facts of this case are cloudy because most of them come from Wendi. She initially said Michael was missing and claimed he might have gone awol because he didn't want to go on his scheduled deployment. But eventually, her story changed. She said she found him dead and then disposed of his body. But, to this day, she claims she did not kill Michael. You can help support the show at Visit the show's website at for contact, merchandise, and donation information An Emash Digital production See Privacy Policy at [] ( and California Privacy Notice at [] ( . ... Read more

10 Jun 2024

1 HR 11 MINS


10 Jun 2024


Father Gerald Robinson

On April 5th, 1980, Sister Margaret Ann Pahl was murdered inside the chapel of Mercy Hospital in Toledo, Ohio. Father Gerald Robinson, one of the hospital chaplains, was suspected and even questioned in her murder. But, it would take many years to solve the mystery of who killed Sister Margaret. Join Mike and Gibby as they discuss Father Gerald Robinson. Early in the investigation, it seemed some authorities were trying to protect Father Robinson and the Church. But as forensic techniques advanced, more evidence pointed toward Father Robinson's responsibility. It was an extremely brutal murder, and the question of motive was hard to answer. You can help support the show at Visit the show's website at for contact, merchandise, and donation information An Emash Digital production See Privacy Policy at [] ( and California Privacy Notice at [] ( . ... Read more

03 Jun 2024

1 HR 05 MINS


03 Jun 2024


Dan White

On November 27th, 1978, former San Francisco Board of Supervisors member Dan White walked into City Hall and murdered Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk. White was angry about Moscone’s decision not to reappoint him to the Board after he resigned earlier that month. Harvey Milk had urged the mayor not to reappoint White. Join Mike and Gibby as they discuss Dan White. George Moscone was thought by many to be a good mayor, and Harvey Milk was one of the first openly gay elected officials in the United States. Their murders were a blow to the City and its residents. Harvey Milk was revered by most in the gay community and was often referred to as the mayor of Castro Street. Harvey Milk worked hard to pass anti-discrimination ordinances and fought against all propositions that would harm the LGBTQ community. You can help support the show at Visit the show's website at for contact, merchandise, and donation information An Emash Digital production See Privacy Policy at [] ( and California Privacy Notice at [] ( . ... Read more

27 May 2024

1 HR 13 MINS


27 May 2024


Roderick and Mark Newell

Nicholas and Elizabeth Newall were wealthy retirees with an estate worth hundreds of thousands of pounds. Their two adult sons were the sole beneficiaries of their money and properties. The Newalls disappeared after an evening out with their sons. Roderick and Mark Newall were the main suspects, but putting the puzzle pieces together wasn’t quick or easy. Join Mike and Gibby as they discuss Roderick and Mark Newell. Both brothers inherited a large sum of money from their parents. It was natural for police to have to rule them out as suspects, but they could not do that. They also could put together the evidence needed to prove they had anything to do with it. It took five years for the truth to come out, and it did so in a very unique way. You can help support the show at Visit the show's website at for contact, merchandise, and donation information An Emash Digital production See Privacy Policy at [] ( and California Privacy Notice at [] ( . ... Read more

20 May 2024

1 HR 14 MINS


20 May 2024


Stephen Allwine

Stephen Allwine had a normal, seemingly happy life. He was married, had a son, and was an elder at his local church. In 2016, the FBI became aware of a contract to kill his wife, Amy. The Allwines were warned and encouraged to increase their home security. Amy was killed months later. Join Mike and Gibby as they discuss Stephen Allwine. Despite being a church elder who counseled others in the church, Stephen was having multiple affairs. He quickly rose to the top of the suspect list. The police soon discovered a tangled web of lies that involved the dark web, a hitman organization, and the use of bitcoin. You can help support the show at Visit the show's website at for contact, merchandise, and donation information An Emash Digital production See Privacy Policy at [] ( and California Privacy Notice at [] ( . ... Read more

13 May 2024

1 HR 24 MINS


13 May 2024


Tony Boyle

On December 31st, 1969, Joseph Yablonski, his wife, and his daughter were murdered inside their home in Clarksville, Pennsylvania. Earlier that year, Yablonski announced he was running for president of the United Mine Workers of America. His opponent was Tony Boyle, who had been president since 1963. Join Mike and Gibby as they discuss Tony Boyle. Federal and state investigators uncovered a conspiracy to murder Joseph Yablonski organized by Boyle, who saw him as a threat to the union’s leadership strategies.Boyle conspired with his fellow cronies in the union in planning the murder. You can support the show at Visit the show's website at for contact, merchandise, and donation information An Emash Digital production See Privacy Policy at [] ( and California Privacy Notice at [] ( . ... Read more

06 May 2024

1 HR 18 MINS


06 May 2024


Matthew Owens

19-year-old Sonya Ivanoff, a resident of Nome, Alaska, disappeared during an early morning walk on August 11th, 2003. Her body was found the next evening. None of the early leads panned out, but weeks later, investigators found evidence pointing to local police officer Matthew Owens. Join Mike and Gibby as they discuss Matthew Owens. Nome is a small town in Alaska, and Owens seemingly used his position as a police officer to stalk his prey. Several women came forward to tell their stories about what Matthew Owens did to them. Law enforcement and prosecutors had a tough road trying to put away one of their own. You can support the show at Visit the show's website at for contact, merchandise, and donation information An Emash Digital production See Privacy Policy at [] ( and California Privacy Notice at [] ( . ... Read more

29 Apr 2024

1 HR 09 MINS


29 Apr 2024


Arohn Kee

Arohn Kee is known as the “East Harlem Rapist.” Over eight years, he murdered three teen girls and raped four more teens in New York City. One detective called him “every young lady’s worst nightmare.” Join Mike and Gibby as they discuss the life and crimes of Arohn Kee. This man was so despicable that we were often disgusted while talking about him. His crimes were horrible, but his callous nature towards his victims also stands out. He once told a victim that she should be happy about what was happening because he was such a good-looking guy. You can help support the show at Visit the show's website at for contact, merchandise, and donation information An Emash Digital production See Privacy Policy at [] ( and California Privacy Notice at [] ( . ... Read more

22 Apr 2024

1 HR 14 MINS


22 Apr 2024


Amanda Noverr and Adam Williams

In the fall of 2019, Adam Williams left Utah to escape prosecution for multiple felonies. He and his wife, Amanda Noverr, planned to flee the country and start a new life in Mexico, but they needed to steal a vehicle first. They targeted James and Michelle Butler, a married couple traveling the country in their RV and happened to be at the same campsite. Join Mike and Gibby as they discuss Amanda Noverr and Adam Williams. Both had criminal records, but Williams's charges were much more serious. It seemed as though he was willing to do anything not to face his current criminal charges in Utah, including murdering an innocent couple. But what was Amanda's role in this crime? Was she involved willingly or in a toxic relationship that she was too scared to exit? You can help support the show at Visit the show's website at for contact, merchandise, and donation information An Emash Digital production See Privacy Policy at [] ( and California Privacy Notice at [] ( . ... Read more

15 Apr 2024

1 HR 13 MINS


15 Apr 2024


Sammy Almahri

In 2012, Nadine Aburas met Sammy Almahri through an online dating website. Nadine was looking for love, and her sister suggested that online dating might be the way. At first, the pair hit it off even though Nadine lived in Wales and Sammy lived in the United States. But it soon became apparent that Sammy had a controlling nature. Join Mike and Gibby as they discuss Sammy Almahri. Nadine sensed that Sammy was too controlling, so she tried to end the relationship. That is when the full extent of Sammy's nature became known. He tried to blackmail Nadine by telling her he would post risque photos and videos of her online for her family and friends to see. The controlling, stalking, and harassment escalated to murder. You can help support the show at Visit the show's website at for contact, merchandise, and donation information An Emash Digital production See Privacy Policy at [] ( and California Privacy Notice at [] ( . ... Read more

08 Apr 2024

1 HR 11 MINS


08 Apr 2024


Larry and Danny Ranes Part 2

Larry and Danny Ranes were serial killer brothers who primarily targeted victims near Kalamazoo, Michigan. Larry and Danny were suspected of committing multiple murders. Danny enlisted the help of a teenage accomplice named Brent Koster in some of his crimes Join Mike and Gibby for this second and last episode on Larry and Danny Ranes.What makes the Ranes brothers unique is that they killed victims independently. This is thought to be the only known instance in US history where one family produced two serial killers at separate times in unrelated incidents.We cover the rest of the investigation, the trials of Danny and Brent Koster, and the headlines the brothers made in later years. You can help support the show at Visit the show's website at for contact, merchandise, and donation information An Emash Digital production See Privacy Policy at [] ( and California Privacy Notice at [] ( . ... Read more

01 Apr 2024

1 HR 07 MINS


01 Apr 2024


Larry and Danny Ranes

Larry and Danny Ranes were serial killer brothers who primarily targeted victims near Kalamazoo, Michigan. Larry and Danny were suspected of committing multiple murders. Danny enlisted the help of a teenage accomplice named Brent Koster in some of his crimes Join Mike and Gibby as they discuss Larry and Danny Raines.What makes the Ranes brothers unique is that they killed victims independently. This is thought to be the only known instance in US history where one family produced two serial killers at separate times in unrelated incidents. You can help support the show at Visit the show's website at for contact, merchandise, and donation information An Emash Digital production See Privacy Policy at [] ( and California Privacy Notice at [] ( . ... Read more

25 Mar 2024

1 HR 08 MINS


25 Mar 2024


Lucille Miller

On October 8th, 1964, Dr. Gordon E. Miller was burned alive in a car fire on a lonely, dark road in San Bernardino County. Gordon's wife Lucille said they were returning from the store when the car suddenly caught fire. She said she did everything she could to save him, but the authorities did not believe her. Join Mike and Gibby as they discuss Lucille Miller and the murder of her husband, Gordon. Lucille had some burns, but they were not viewed as being consistent with trying to save her husband. When investigators learned she was having an affair, their attention towards her only intensified. You can help support the show at Visit the show's website at for contact, merchandise, and donation information An Emash Digital production See Privacy Policy at [] ( and California Privacy Notice at [] ( . ... Read more

18 Mar 2024

1 HR 17 MINS


18 Mar 2024


Kelly Ellard and Warren Glowatski

In November 1997, 14-year-old Reena Virk was a victim of severe bullying in Canada. She was severely beaten by a group of teens who disliked her because they thought she was spreading rumors about them and trying to steal their boyfriends. After this initial beating, Reena was followed by two of the teens who continued to beat her, and then she was drowned. Join Mike and Gibby as they discuss the brutal beating and murder of Reena Virk. Many teens were charged and convicted of the beating of Reena. Two teens, Kelly Ellard and Warren Glowatski, were charged with her murder. A series of legal battles and trials that stretched on for years followed. Kelly and Warren pointed the finger at each other. But the majority of the teens said that just one of them bragged about actually committing the murder and even said they felt joy. You can help support the show at Visit the show's website at for contact, merchandise, and donation information An Emash Digital production See Privacy Policy at [] ( and California Privacy Notice at [] ( . ... Read more

11 Mar 2024

1 HR 11 MINS


11 Mar 2024


Gregory Harris

Chiquita Tate was a young, successful defense attorney who was murdered in her office in downtown Baton Rouge, Louisiana, as she was preparing for a murder trial. The killer made attempts to throw the police off, but the evidence pointed to Chiquita’s husband, Gregory Harris. Join Mike and Gibby as they discuss Gregory Harris and the murder of Chiquita Tate. The prosecution alledged that Chiquita was on the verge of leaving Gregory and the evidence seemed to back that up. There was also a life insurance policy that would have solved Gregory's financial problems. But, the most damning evidence came from Gregory's interview with police. You can help support the show at Visit the show's website at for contact, merchandise, and donation information An Emash Digital production See Privacy Policy at [] ( and California Privacy Notice at [] ( . ... Read more

04 Mar 2024

1 HR 11 MINS


04 Mar 2024


Steven Todd Jenkins

Steven Todd Jenkins was convicted of murdering two bankers who seized his family’s farm after his parents filed for bankruptcy. Steven cast the blame on his father, but prosecutors argued that Steven, who was a skilled marksman and obsessed with weapons, was the shooter. Join Mike and Gibby as they discuss the case of Steven Todd Jenkins. The jury had a tough decision to make about just who fired the shots that killed the two men. Complicating matters, Steven's father ended his life after the shooting. Steven maintained his innocence at trial, but was that really the truth? You can help support the show at Visit the show's website at for contact, merchandise, and donation information An Emash Digital production See Privacy Policy at [] ( and California Privacy Notice at [] ( . ... Read more

26 Feb 2024

1 HR 08 MINS


26 Feb 2024


Robert and Michael Bever

In 2015, five members of the Bever family were killed by the two oldest sons in the family. They planned the murders for a year. After killing their family, they wanted to travel around the country and commit mass murders so they would have a Wikipedia page written about them. They thought killing multiple people would make them “like a god.” Join Mike and Gibby as they discuss Robert and Michael Bever. The case has often been called The Broken Arrow Murders because the Bevers lived in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. The details that came from the boys after they were caught, which matched the crime scene the police found, were graphic and shocking. And the reasons behind the murders were shocking as well. You can help support the show at Visit the show website at for contact, merchandise, and donation information An Emash Digital production See Privacy Policy at [] ( and California Privacy Notice at [] ( . ... Read more

19 Feb 2024

1 HR 15 MINS


19 Feb 2024


The Murder of Dan Markel

41-year-old Dan Markel was a well-known law professor at Florida State University. On July 18th, 2014, Dan was fatally shot inside his home. Within months of the murder, investigators uncovered a murder-for-hire conspiracy involving his in-laws. Join Mike and Gibby as they discuss the murder of Dan Markel. Dan had gone through a contentious divorce with his ex-wife Wendi. Wendi wanted to move south to Miami to be closer to family, but Dan protested, and a judge wouldn't allow it. They were also wrapped up in litigation that revolved around assets and parenting rights. Dan Markel was murdered was murdered before a critical hearing could take place. You can help support the show at Visit the show's website at for contact, merchandise, and donation information An Emash Digital production See Privacy Policy at [] ( and California Privacy Notice at [] ( . ... Read more

12 Feb 2024

1 HR 23 MINS


12 Feb 2024


Rod Matthews

Rod Matthews was once the youngest inmate in the state of Massachusetts. When he was just 14 years old, he beat another teen boy to death “just for the heck of it.” Rod planned the murder for at least a month, and he targeted Shaun Ouilette, a fellow freshman who was new to town and didn’t have many friends. Join Mike and Gibby as they discuss Rod Matthews. Rod claimed that he had a bad childhood that began after his father left the family. He also claimed that he was obsessed with starting fires. But, according to Rod, it was after watching "Faces of Death" that he became obsessed with wanting to know what it was like to kill someone. Experts disagreed on Rod's mental health status and whether or not he knew right from wrong at the time of the murder. You can help support the show at Visit the show's website at for contact, merchandise, and donation information An Emash Digital production See Privacy Policy at [] ( and California Privacy Notice at [] ( . ... Read more

05 Feb 2024

1 HR 10 MINS


05 Feb 2024


Kaitlin Armstrong

On May 11th, 2022, professional cyclist Moriah Wilson traveled to Austin, Texas. She planned to participate in the 157-mile Gravel Locos race in Hico, Texas, on May 14th. She stayed with a friend and told Colin Strickland she was in town. The two made plans to see each other, but it was not a date.That night, she was found shot to death in her friend's apartment. Join Mike and Gibby as they discuss Kaitlin Armstrong. Armstrong was dating Colin Strickland, and the two had an on-again, off-again relationship. During one of their breaks, Colin dated Moriah Wilson. After Moriah's murder, Kaitlin became the police's prime suspect. But they would have to find her and then try to put their case against her together. You can help support the show at Visit the show's website at for contact, merchandise, and donation information An Emash Digital production See Privacy Policy at [] ( and California Privacy Notice at [] ( . ... Read more

29 Jan 2024

1 HR 06 MINS


29 Jan 2024