The Intelligence from The Economist podcast

The Intelligence from The Economist

Get a daily burst of illumination from The Economist’s worldwide network of correspondents. Our reporters dig past the headlines to get to the stories beneath—and to stories that aren’t making headlines, but should be. A unique perspective on the issues and events shaping your world. Sign up for Economist Podcasts+ at [] ( . If you’re already a subscriber to The Economist, you’ll have full access to all our shows as part of your subscription. For more information about Economist Podcasts+, including how to get access, please visit our [FAQs page] ( at [] (

Get a daily burst of illumination from The Economist’s worldwide network of correspondents. Our reporters dig past the headlines to get to the stories beneath—and to stories that aren’t making headlines, but should be. A unique perspective on the issues and events shaping your world. Sign up for Economist Podcasts+ at [] ( . If you’re already a subscriber to The Economist, you’ll have full access to all our shows as part of your subscription. For more information about Economist Podcasts+, including how to get access, please visit our [FAQs page] ( at [] (



Field of streams: sports viewing changes

As the Olympics begin, more people than ever will be watching via streaming services. We examine the changing viewing habits [transforming] ( sport’s role in the broadcast business. The [sentencing] ( of Evan Gershkovich, an American journalist, reveals the empty, performative nature of justice in Russia today (11:10). And the internet has dubbed Kamala Harris “ [brat] ( ”—and that is a kind of compliment (18:34). Get a world of insights by [subscribing to Economist Podcasts+] ( . For more information about how to access Economist Podcasts+, please visit our [FAQs page] ( or watch [our video] ( explaining how to link your account. ... Read more

22 hrs Ago



22 hrs Ago


Bibi talk: a speech light on detail

Anyone hoping to glean hints of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s plans for the Gaza war and its aftermath will have been disappointed: it was a political speech aimed at Israelis. Nigerians spend more than anyone on food, as a fraction of income. We look at the factors making the squeeze [even tighter] ( (11:44). And Starbucks franchises as community-level [drivers of innovation] ( (18:28). Get a world of insights by [subscribing to Economist Podcasts+] ( . For more information about how to access Economist Podcasts+, please visit our [FAQs page] ( or watch [our video] ( explaining how to link your account. ... Read more






Destruction instruction: Western armies learn from Gaza

From tunnels to tanks to drones, Gaza’s horrors provide object lessons in urban warfare. We ask what Western forces [will be learning] ( about their own future conflicts. Silicon Valley types [may relish] ( the prospect of J. D. Vance, a former tech investor, becoming America’s vice-president—but it should in fact worry them (10:15). And the [superstitious forces] ( affecting Hong Kong’s property sector (18:57). Get a world of insights by [subscribing to Economist Podcasts+] ( . For more information about how to access Economist Podcasts+, please visit our [FAQs page] ( or watch [our video] ( explaining how to link your account. ... Read more

24 Jul 2024



24 Jul 2024


Keep Kamala and carry on: Harris’s smooth route

A day is a long time in American politics: Kamala Harris has reportedly already secured the votes to become Democrats’ presidential nominee, a pile of campaign cash and the [Trump campaign’s attention] ( . For insight into how China treats its startup scene, we count the dwindling number of [newly born unicorns] ( (10:03). And why Britain’s twee beach huts are so [eye-wateringly expensive] ( (15:40). Get a world of insights by [subscribing to Economist Podcasts+] ( . For more information about how to access Economist Podcasts+, please visit our [FAQs page] ( or watch [our video] ( explaining how to link your account. ... Read more

23 Jul 2024



23 Jul 2024


Joe of good faith: Biden bows out

Joe Biden has at last [succumbed to the pressure] ( to step aside and has endorsed his vice-president, Kamala Harris. We ask how things should progress from this extraordinary moment. India could be better run if power were devolved from the national government. The solution? Create lots of [new states] ( (10:03). And remembering [Dr Ruth] ( , who taught America to talk about sex (17:34). Get a world of insights by [subscribing to Economist Podcasts+] ( . For more information about how to access Economist Podcasts+, please visit our [FAQs page] ( or watch [our video] ( explaining how to link your account. ... Read more

22 Jul 2024



22 Jul 2024


Dicky birds: the next pandemic?

The scars of the covid pandemic are still raw, but now [a virus spreading] ( among farm animals could leap to humans. Could bird flu become the next pandemic? White women are sometimes absolved of blame in the crime of slavery in America (9:50). [Research suggests] ( they may have been culpable too. And meet the creator of [Dateline] ( , the Economist’s history quiz (17:25). Listen to what matters most, from global politics and business to science and technology— [Subscribe to Economist Podcasts+] ( For more information about how to access Economist Podcasts+, please visit our [FAQs page] ( or watch [our video] ( explaining how to link your account. ... Read more

19 Jul 2024



19 Jul 2024


Veep show: America meets J.D. Vance

J.D. Vance was largely unknown in American politics until [Donald Trump picked him] ( as his running-mate for vice-president. Last night he gave his first speech to the Republican National Convention. Why is trade so [sluggish within Latin America] ( (11:34)? And forget management books: [literature offers the best lessons] ( in leadership (20:14). Listen to what matters most, from global politics and business to science and technology— [Subscribe to Economist Podcasts+] ( For more information about how to access Economist Podcasts+, please visit our [FAQs page] ( or watch [our video] ( explaining how to link your account. ... Read more

18 Jul 2024



18 Jul 2024


Food for thought: raising the world’s IQ

If you don’t have enough food in the first 1,000 days of your life, your brain may never reach its full potential. Our correspondent discusses what [better nutrition] ( would mean for the world. Undersea cables are the arteries of our telecommunications system, but that also [makes them vulnerable] ( (9:13). And a new powder may help make periods [less of a bloody nuisance] ( (17:42). Listen to what matters most, from global politics and business to science and technology— [Subscribe to Economist Podcasts+] ( For more information about how to access Economist Podcasts+, please visit our [FAQs page] ( or watch [our video] ( explaining how to link your account. ... Read more

17 Jul 2024



17 Jul 2024


Lost in stagnation? Japan’s economic paradox

After decades of torpor, is Japan [recovering its dynamism] ( ? Our correspondent turns to an ancient bento box merchant to test Japan’s economic future. A new study shows how [few therapies tested on animals] ( end up being applied to humans (10:02). And if you don’t know a pickle fork from a fish fork, it could be time to take an [etiquette class] ( (16:28). Listen to what matters most, from global politics and business to science and technology— [Subscribe to Economist Podcasts+] ( For more information about how to access Economist Podcasts+, please visit our [FAQs page] ( or watch [our video] ( explaining how to link your account. ... Read more

16 Jul 2024



16 Jul 2024


An assassination attempt: what next for America?

After the [shocking attempt to kill] ( former President Donald Trump, [how will America respond] ( ? Though leaders have called for calm, the risk is that an already hate-filled campaign could take a [darker turn] ( (11:06). Our correspondents consider the consequences for the two candidates, the presidential race and America at large Listen to what matters most, from global politics and business to science and technology— [Subscribe to Economist Podcasts+] ( For more information about how to access Economist Podcasts+, please visit our [FAQs page] ( or watch [our video] ( explaining how to link your account. ... Read more

15 Jul 2024



15 Jul 2024


An officer and a gen AI: the future of war

Artificial intelligence is already [making a difference] ( in the theatre of war, and more involvement will certainly come. That raises a host of thorny ethical issues. In some cases, [scientists just clocked] ( , extinct beasts’ DNA can be extraordinarily well preserved—revealing once-inaccessible biological secrets (10:43). And remembering [Pål Enger] ( , who never quite knew why he felt compelled to steal “The Scream” (19:25). Get a world of insights by [subscribing to Economist Podcasts+] ( . For more information about how to access Economist Podcasts+, please visit our [FAQs page] ( or watch [our video] ( explaining how to link your account. ... Read more

12 Jul 2024



12 Jul 2024


Bidin’: will Joe go or no?

Democrats’ worried murmurs have become public statements. Polls give Donald Trump a widening lead. Why won’t President Biden [make way] ( for a younger successor? Off Colombia’s coast a shipwreck bursting with treasures is about to be plundered, but who owns that loot is [hotly contested] ( (10:12). And why Finnish schools are trying to [lure in] ( more foreign students (17:43). Get a world of insights by [subscribing to Economist Podcasts+] ( . For more information about how to access Economist Podcasts+, please visit our [FAQs page] ( or watch [our video] ( explaining how to link your account. ... Read more

11 Jul 2024



11 Jul 2024


Change of heart surgeon: Iran’s reformist president

Masoud Pezeshkian rode to victory on a promise of reforms that Iran’s people seem [desperately to want] ( . Will the former heart surgeon be permitted to carry them out? Ukraine has been getting a wartime pass on servicing its debts, but its creditors will [soon come knocking] ( (10:05). And why thousands of plutocrats are [moving to Dubai] ( (17:00). Get a world of insights by [subscribing to Economist Podcasts+] ( . For more information about how to access Economist Podcasts+, please visit our [FAQs page] ( or watch [our video] ( explaining how to link your account. ... Read more

10 Jul 2024



10 Jul 2024


Holey alliance: NATO’s worries at 75

It was formed to unite the world’s strongest countries and preserve peace, but as NATO holds a celebration summit for its 75th anniversary, it [faces tricky challenges] ( . Climate change is [jeopardising Scottish salmon] ( , one of Britain’s biggest food exports (10:15). And why North Korea is sending [hot air balloons] ( over to the South, filled with rubbish and faeces (16:50). Listen to what matters most, from global politics and business to science and technology— [Subscribe to Economist Podcasts+] ( For more information about how to access Economist Podcasts+, please visit our [FAQs page] ( or watch [our video] ( explaining how to link your account. ... Read more

09 Jul 2024



09 Jul 2024


Lurch in the left: France’s election shock

A tactical ploy to diminish the chances for Marine Le Pen’s hard-right National Rally has worked—a surprise result that puts the left in front, but [no party in charge] ( . Despite sporting passions in Africa, continental leagues have fizzled; a [passion for basketball] ( may soon change that (9:25). And remembering [Ángeles Flórez Peón] ( , the last militiawoman who defended Spain’s Second Republic (17:26). Get a world of insights by [subscribing to Economist Podcasts+] ( . For more information about how to access Economist Podcasts+, please visit our [FAQs page] ( or watch [our video] ( explaining how to link your account. ... Read more

08 Jul 2024



08 Jul 2024


Boom! Episode 1: 1968 - Born to be wild

Why are two old, unpopular men the main candidates for the world’s most demanding job? It’s the question John Prideaux, The Economist’s US editor, gets asked the most. And the answer lies in the peculiar politics of the baby boomers. The generation born in the 1940s grew up in a land of endless growth and possibility, ruled by a confident, moderate elite. But just as they were embarking on adult life, all that started to come apart. The economy faltered, and the post-war consensus came under pressure from two sides: from the radical right, who hated government moves on civil rights – and from the ‘New Left’, as boomers rebelled against their parents' generation and its war in Vietnam. This episode is free to listen. For the full series, subscribe to [Economist Podcasts+] ( . If you’re already a subscriber to The Economist, you have full access to all our shows as part of your subscription. For more information about how to access Economist Podcasts+, please visit our [FAQs] ( page or watch our [video] ( explaining how to link your account. ... Read more

07 Jul 2024



07 Jul 2024


Starming victory: Labour sweeps to power

Britain has [elected a Labour government] ( for the first time in 14 years. The party inherits a spattered legacy and a country that is often seen as a laughing stock internationally. We consider Sir Keir Starmer’s long to-do list: growing the economy, mending Britain’s reputation…and [moving house within 24 hours] ( . Listen to what matters most, from global politics and business to science and technology— [Subscribe to Economist Podcasts+] ( For more information about how to access Economist Podcasts+, please visit our [FAQs page] ( or watch [our video] ( explaining how to link your account. ... Read more

05 Jul 2024



05 Jul 2024


Leader of the package: Amazon turns 30

It has changed our lives and become one of the world’s most valuable companies. As [Amazon turns 30] ( , what comes next? Education is key to [social mobility in India] ( , so protests have erupted over widespread cheating in university entrance exams, presenting Modi’s new government with its first scandal (8:52). And why [durian, a giant smelly fruit] ( , has become a geopolitical tool (15:53) Listen to what matters most, from global politics and business to science and technology— [Subscribe to Economist Podcasts+] ( For more information about how to access Economist Podcasts+, please visit our [FAQs page] ( or watch [our video] ( explaining how to link your account. ... Read more

04 Jul 2024



04 Jul 2024


Trailer: Boom!

How did two old, unpopular men end up running for the world's most demanding job? The answer lies in the peculiar politics of the generation born in the era of the bomb. It’s a generation that has enjoyed extraordinary wealth and progress. Yet their last act in politics sees the two main parties accusing each other of wrecking American democracy. As the boomers near the end of their political journey, John Prideaux, The Economist’s US editor, tries to make sense of their inheritance and their legacy. Launching July 2024. To listen to the full series, subscribe to [Economist Podcasts+] ( . If you’re already a subscriber to The Economist, you have full access to all our shows as part of your subscription. For more information about how to access Economist Podcasts+, please visit our [FAQs] ( page or watch our [video] ( explaining how to link your account. ... Read more

04 Jul 2024



04 Jul 2024


Degree programme: stopping heat deaths

As [heatwaves become more frequent] ( and intense, they exacerbate existing inequalities. The poor, sick and elderly are particularly vulnerable. How should governments respond? Universities depend on the high fees international students pay. Now [Indian scholars are replacing] ( the diminishing flow of Chinese ones (10:00). And [full-body deodorant is all the rage] ( : find out if you should be using it (16:15). Listen to what matters most, from global politics and business to science and technology— [Subscribe to Economist Podcasts+] ( For more information about how to access Economist Podcasts+, please visit our [FAQs page] ( or watch [our video] ( explaining how to link your account. ... Read more

03 Jul 2024



03 Jul 2024


Rule and divide: Donald Trump is judged immune

The [US Supreme Court has granted] ( the former President immunity from prosecution for official acts committed while in office. We ask what that means for future Presidents and the 2024 American election. Humanity is standing by while sea levels rise. Now scientists want to [geo-engineer polar ice] ( to stem the flow (10:45). And why a [hot sauce beloved by many] ( suddenly disappeared from our shelves (19:45). Listen to what matters most, from global politics and business to science and technology— [Subscribe to Economist Podcasts+] ( For more information about how to access Economist Podcasts+, please visit our [FAQs page] ( or watch [our video] ( explaining how to link your account. ... Read more

02 Jul 2024



02 Jul 2024