" [The French Storage Podcast] (https://tfsp.fr/) " (aka TFSP) is about Data, Data Management and Storage. Hosted on Podcastics, the dedicated web site is [TFSP.fr] (https://tfsp.fr/) . It is owned, hosted and driven by [Philippe Nicolas] (https://www.linkedin.com/in/phnicolas/) , observer of the storage industry for more than 30 years. As an international podcast, TFSP has the mission to cover the industry as a whole with interviews, debates, round tables and technical talks, and the wish to keep some french aspects and episodes when needed. TFSP publishes a new episode every Friday at 12pm Paris time. You can find all statistics on the TFSP site [here] (https://TFSP.fr/stat) . You can contact me on Twitter via [@CDP_FST] (https://twitter.com/CDP_FST) .
" [The French Storage Podcast] (https://tfsp.fr/) " (aka TFSP) is about Data, Data Management and Storage. Hosted on Podcastics, the dedicated web site is [TFSP.fr] (https://tfsp.fr/) . It is owned, hosted and driven by [Philippe Nicolas] (https://www.linkedin.com/in/phnicolas/) , observer of the storage industry for more than 30 years. As an international podcast, TFSP has the mission to cover the industry as a whole with interviews, debates, round tables and technical talks, and the wish to keep some french aspects and episodes when needed. TFSP publishes a new episode every Friday at 12pm Paris time. You can find all statistics on the TFSP site [here] (https://TFSP.fr/stat) . You can contact me on Twitter via [@CDP_FST] (https://twitter.com/CDP_FST) .
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