Southern Demonology podcast

Southern Demonology

Southern Demonology is a podcast that explores angelology, demonology, ghosts, spirits, and monsters from antiquity to the modern day through an academic lens. [Get bonus content on Patreon] ( Support this show [] ( . Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''></a> for more information.

Southern Demonology is a podcast that explores angelology, demonology, ghosts, spirits, and monsters from antiquity to the modern day through an academic lens. [Get bonus content on Patreon] ( Support this show [] ( . Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''></a> for more information.



Case Files #1: House on Haunted Hill Part II

In this episode, we continue on with the second part of Case Files: House on Haunted Hill. This time around, Deacon Josh who led this particular visitation encounters the enemy yet again. In fact, he learns even more about how strong the attachment has gotten to one of the residents of the house. I highly encourage listening to part one first if possible as the interview portion of this episode launches directly into Deacon Josh retelling his experiences. I was recently on the Garden of Doom podcast to discuss the Ethiopian Bible. I highly encourage giving that one a listen! You can do so at [] ( . The next episode from the same podcast will feature me once more as I go into details on the Pseudepigrapha. Get all Southern Demonology links at [] ( [Get bonus content on Patreon] ( Support this show [] ( . Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''></a> for more information. ... Read more

22 Jul 2024

1 HR 01 MINS


22 Jul 2024


Case Files #1: House on Haunted Hill

Get ready for the scariest episode that Southern Demonology has ever presented. Welcome to the inaugural episode of Case Files, a new series that depicts real life exorcisms. In this installment, Father Birdsong, a long-standing exorcist, and his son Deacon Josh go for a simple consultation and instead face off with an entity that has the power to physically manifest and turn sunlight into midnight. This is the first part of the case where Father Birdsong not only gives a phenomenal explanation of the differences of modern vs classic holy water but also how an emotionally devastating day also saw him confronting an ancient evil. Part two which will release on July 22nd will cover the next visit where Deacon Josh repeats the exorcism of place. Get access to all of Southern Demonology's links at [] ( [Get bonus content on Patreon] ( Support this show [] ( . Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''></a> for more information. ... Read more

15 Jul 2024



15 Jul 2024


Talking about Evil

In this episode, JJ covers two pieces of shared content that listeners provided, does a mini-review of the TV series Evil, and reflects on the impact of his podcast, Southern Demonology, on his life. He discusses the positive aspects, such as the friendships he has made and the knowledge he has gained. However, he also acknowledges the darkness that has come with it, including health scares and unexplained phenomena. Despite the challenges, he expresses gratitude for the opportunity to help others. Get access to all of Southern Demonology at [] ( [Get bonus content on Patreon] ( Support this show [] ( . Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''></a> for more information. ... Read more

08 Jul 2024



08 Jul 2024


Demonology 201

Class is back in session! Following up on our Demonology 101 episode, JJ is joined by Chris and Dean from the Wandering Road Podcast yet again to discuss the four stages of demonic influence. They touch on topics such as free will, the influence of demons on human existence, and the role of different religions in understanding demonology. The conversation also explores personal experiences with demonic obsession and the signs that may indicate demonic influence. They explore the signs and symptoms of each stage and the potential causes for attracting demonic influence. They also touch on the idea of spiritual discernment as a way to identify the presence of the infernal. The conversation raises questions about the nature of good and evil, free will, and the role of religion in understanding and combating demonic forces. I highly recommending checking out the first episode in this series--Demonology 101--first. However, that is not a hard requirement. [Get bonus content on Patreon] ( Support this show [] ( . Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''></a> for more information. ... Read more

24 Jun 2024

1 HR 25 MINS


24 Jun 2024


Late Night with the Evil Eye

In this episode, JJ discusses two recent horror movies, Late Night with the Devil and You'll Never Find Me. Late Night with the Devil received great reviews and was praised for its interesting plot and lack of predictable twists. On the other hand, You'll Never Find Me was criticized for its forced dialogue and lackluster execution. JJ recommends Late Night with the Devil but advises against watching You'll Never Find Me. The episode also serves as a preamble to a conversation with Father Birdsong about the dark and the evil eye. [Get bonus content on Patreon] ( Support this show [] ( . Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''></a> for more information. ... Read more

29 Apr 2024



29 Apr 2024


The Pain of Dreaming Demonic

Get ready for a truly chilling tale that will make you think twice about taking a nap. On today's episode, our host JJ goes deep into the nightmarish realm of demonic dream invasions. We're talking about visions so vivid and terrifying, they'll make your skin crawl. From a withered demon whisking him away to see the apocalypse up an eight-foot crow beast with spiraling eyes of madness hunting him through non-Euclidean labyrinths. Just when you think it can't get any more spine-tingling, JJ gets visited by a trilogy of fresh hell in March 2024. A desert piled with smoldering corpses ruled by a leather-clad demoness who casually flays the skin off his face...a sickly yellow "angel" infecting his very brain...and a multi-headed dragon monstrosity slaughtering people left and right in a sacred church. You'll feel the pain and anguish as vividly as he did, all through the terrible magic of dreams. To top it off, you'll hear from religious experts weighing in on whether there are diabolical forces at play. Brace yourselves, folks. This one is a true nightmare fueled by over 40 years of chronic nightmares. Sleep with one eye open after this bone-chilling edition! See the TikTok video that reminded JJ of his experience in Japan and made him throw his phone across the room: [] ( Watch JJ's interview on Demonology in the Hebrew Bible with Nicholean TV: [] ( Get access to all of Southern Demonology's links at [] ( [Get bonus content on Patreon] ( Support this show [] ( . Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''></a> for more information. ... Read more

15 Apr 2024



15 Apr 2024


Demonology 101

Join JJ from Southern Demonology and Chris from the Wandering Road Podcast in this inaugural episode of season five as they discuss the basics of demonology, from what it means, what to look out for, what to avoid, and who may have the most to gain from misleading others. Looking for more Southern Demonology? Join JJ in several guest appearances he's made! Trailer Trash Terrors (SCP Foundation & storytelling): [] ( The Wandering Road Podcast (Chronovisor): [] ( Nicholean TV (Demonology in the Hebrew Bible): [] ( Get access to all of Southern Demonology's links at [] ( [Get bonus content on Patreon] ( Support this show [] ( . Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''></a> for more information. ... Read more

01 Apr 2024

1 HR 15 MINS


01 Apr 2024


Trapped in Fear & Fire

Welcome to the final episode, lucky number 13, of season 4 of Southern Demonology. Not only does JJ detail some of the goodies that season 5 will offer, but he also presents an interview with the listener Elizabeth who goes over how she was underneath the dominion of demonic oppression for decades and how hearing Father Birdsong's iteration of "God is not angry with you" helped her to recognize the predicament and break the cycle. This is definitely a heart wrenching episode that will highlight the depths that the infernal can plunge a person before one can even realize it due to its slow, insidious nature. Find all of Southern Demonology's social links and information at [] ( [Get bonus content on Patreon] ( Support this show [] ( . Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''></a> for more information. ... Read more

19 Feb 2024



19 Feb 2024


The Bandlet of Righteousness

Christians have created numerous artifacts and and icons in order to help ensure that they get into heaven, but none are as mysterious as the Bandlet of Righteousness (lefAfa Sedeq), the Ethiopian Book of Life. In this episode, JJ runs through the tradition and incantations that make up this amazing work, compares it to protection scrolls created by Ethiopian Orthodox priests that use demonic energy to fuel God's will, and demonstrates some of the aspects that truly make this work magical. Get access to all of Southern Demonology's links at [] ( [Get bonus content on Patreon] ( Support this show [] ( . Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''></a> for more information. ... Read more

12 Feb 2024



12 Feb 2024


Exorcisms Do's and Don'ts, Pt II

Not only does this episode of Southern Demonology continues with the final part of my conversation with Father Birdsong and his son Deacon Josh on the Do's and Don'ts of Exorcism, but it also comes with the very first EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) ever captured on this podcast. And it could not be more chilling or disturbing, especially to me as it was captured on my own audio line. [Get bonus content on Patreon] ( Support this show [] ( . Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''></a> for more information. ... Read more

15 Jan 2024



15 Jan 2024


Exorcisms Do's and Don'ts, Pt I

While recording an episode of the other podcast to which JJ belongs, the Paranormal Rundown, Father Birdsong recommended having a show dedicated to the Do's and Don'ts of Exorcisms, and I could think of nothing better. What follows is the first part of the conversation wherein we discuss a few of the principles that Father Birdsong outlines in addition to an anecdote from JJ's own life where he demonstrates exactly what one should NEVER do. Father Birdsong has started his own podcast entitled Ending the Curse. You can find that on any podcast platform now or at [] ( . Get access to all of Southern Demonology's links at [] ( [Get bonus content on Patreon] ( Support this show [] ( . Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''></a> for more information. ... Read more

08 Jan 2024



08 Jan 2024


Faces of Evil

Dear Southern Demonology listeners: JJ would like to introduce Dr. Bert. He is a medical doctor and psychiatrist from the Netherlands who has been practicing in the field from more than a decade. He agreed to speak to us about several different items. Namely, JJ wanted his input on the movie Nefarious and how was the field of psychiatry was represented in his professional opinion. But that was only the entrance to the doorway as in this conversation, we bounce from that to multiple personality disorder (or the more modern term dissociative personality disorder), to the nature of evil, some of the cases that he has dealt with which exhibit at least mortal evil, and finally some of the more paranormal experiences that he has encountered. Get access to all of Southern Demonology's links at [] ( [Get bonus content on Patreon] ( Support this show [] ( . Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''></a> for more information. ... Read more

18 Dec 2023

1 HR 01 MINS


18 Dec 2023



Ever wanted JJ's viewpoints on Ouija and its Japanese comparable Kokkuri-san? Tune in to learn about the spirit board's history, iterations, dangers, and even a legend that surrounds the devices in this episode of Southern Demonology. Want further reference? Check out the episode I did with Brandon from Cookeville Ghost Hunters all about Zozo which can be found at [] ( Get access to all of Southern Demonology's links at [] ( [Get bonus content on Patreon] ( Support this show [] ( . Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''></a> for more information. ... Read more

11 Dec 2023



11 Dec 2023


Hail Yourself, Pt II

Join us for the second and final part of the Hail Yourself series with Chris from the Wandering Road Podcast. If you haven't listened to part I, I highly recommend it as otherwise you may not follow the flow of conversation. In this one, we go into detail about the interview Anton Levey's consort gave to Art Bell amongst other related topics. Get access to all of Southern Demonology's links at [] ( or [] ( [Get bonus content on Patreon] ( Support this show [] ( . Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''></a> for more information. ... Read more

04 Dec 2023



04 Dec 2023


Hail Yourself, Pt I

Get ready to delve into the theological twists and turns that a... children's book has to offer? For the first time, Southern Demonology takes a look at two particular religious organizations through the lens of a simple book published by one of them. Forgive the vagueness, but see if you can guess exactly the topic. A huge hint is already in the title of this episode. JJ was the guest on Nicholean TV where the Bishop and he discussed Japanese spirituality. Check it out at [] ( JJ also appeared on the Wandering Road Podcast where he discussed yokai and yurei. Find that at [] ( Victor from Trailer Trash Terrors lent Baalzebubba, the former minion of perdition, as a special digital voice actor for this episode. You can find Victor's excellent podcast at [] ( Any works quoted in this episode belong to their respective copyright holders. The purpose of this episode is to provide commentary and analytical insights upon said works, not distribution or advocacy. [Get bonus content on Patreon] ( Support this show [] ( . Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''></a> for more information. ... Read more

27 Nov 2023



27 Nov 2023


Demonic Dolls Part II

Welcome back to part two of our conversation with Father Michael Birdsong and his son Deacon Josh! Last week's episode centered around the hardest exorcism case Father Birdsong has ever encountered. This week we branch out by exploring how one can avoid demonic doorways, a detailed (and spoiler-filled) deep dive into the movie Nefarious, and then answer some questions about the Book of Enoch and the Nephalim. Tune in to discover the rest of the details! Get access to all of Southern Demonology's links at [] ( or at [] ( [Get bonus content on Patreon] ( Support this show [] ( . Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''></a> for more information. ... Read more

13 Nov 2023



13 Nov 2023


Demonic Dolls Part I

Father Michael Birdsong and his son Deacon Josh join JJ yet again to provide an update on a very troubling case that he introduced in the season finale of season 3 on Southern Demonology, that involving a person codenamed Paula. One of the most eerie aspects of this possession is the infected's penchant to carry around her "friends" and actively pray with them. These friends are dolls. Tune in to discover the rest of the details! Get access to all of Southern Demonology's links at [] ( or at [] ( [Get bonus content on Patreon] ( Support this show [] ( . Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''></a> for more information. ... Read more

06 Nov 2023



06 Nov 2023