Relaxation techniques - Relax, Recharge, Rejuvenate podcast

Relaxation techniques - Relax, Recharge, Rejuvenate

Guided Relaxation techniques from Yoga and related traditions. Classical Yoga Shavasana, Body Scan, Guided Visualisation, Yoga Nidra and more. Recorded at Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany, Europe’s leading Yoga institutiion.

Guided Relaxation techniques from Yoga and related traditions. Classical Yoga Shavasana, Body Scan, Guided Visualisation, Yoga Nidra and more. Recorded at Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany, Europe’s leading Yoga institutiion.



Yoga Deep Relaxation

Rest and Relax. Recharge and Rejuvenate. 15 minutes for complete relaxation. This Yoga Relaxation Technique (Shavasana) can be practiced at the end of a Yoga Class. It can also be practiced separately before going to sleep or to relax during the day. This special version of Shavasana is called Classical Yoga Relaxation. It was taught by Swami Vishnu-devananda. It consists of 4 steps: (1) Contraction and letting go (2) Autosuggestion (3) Visualisation (4) Silence . Demonstrated by Atmanshanti, Yoga Teacher and Performance Artist in Germany. Explained by Sukadev of ... Read more

03 Oct 2017



03 Oct 2017


Yoga Nidra – Practice

Yoga Nidra is a special relaxation technique with deep effect on body, energies and mind. Nalini Sahay, direct disciple of Swami Satyananda, guides you through a full Yoga Nidra Practice. [Nalini] ( is teaching Yoga Nidra Training Courses in Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany [] ( ... Read more

02 Oct 2017



02 Oct 2017


Shavasana – Yoga Relaxation Pose Variations

Find out your best relaxation Position: Carlotta and Sirkka demonstrate different variations fo Shavasana, the Yoga Relaxation Pose. Try it out, and see which Asana is best for you. If you are a Yoga teacher: Show these variations to your students – in this way everybody can really relax. Whether somebody has back pain, headache or other problems – relaxation is a powerful healing agent. Finding the proper posture for it is essential. More on Yoga, Yoga Video, Yoga Forum, Yoga Blog – Meet many Yogis and Yoginis from all the continents. ... Read more

04 Sep 2017



04 Sep 2017


Laya Yoga Deep Relaxation Shavasana

Get into deep Relaxation for complete recharging and rejuvenation with Laya Yoga Relaxation Technique. This is not so much a Video for watching – after a few moments the visuals are not that exciting. This is more an instruction which you can follow immediately. You just need a floor where you can lie down… Demonstrated by Carlotta and Sirkka. Speaker: Sukadev Bretz, founder of Yoga Vidya Central Europe. ... Read more

13 Aug 2017



13 Aug 2017


Yoga Nidra with Narayani

[Narayani] ( is guiding you through a Yoga Nidra practice with Bija-Mantras. Follow her and be [relaxed] ( . This video is recorded in [Yoga Vidya] ( Ashram [Bad Meinberg] ( in Germany. More Yoga Videos on [] ( ... Read more

17 Jul 2017



17 Jul 2017


Yoga Relaxation Bodyscan in Lying position

Lie down on your back and relax – this is what you have to do to benefit from this Video. You don’t really have to watch – you can follow the instructions instead. Sukadev guides you into a Deep Relaxation Exercise called Bodyscan: You go through your whole body, thus relaxing all muscles, your organs and your mind. You can get new energy and inner balance. You can do this exercise as the Final Relaxation at the end of a Yoga Session. You can do it during Lunch Break instead of Siesta. You can do Yoga Relaxation for better sleep. Try it out – you will get new energy and inner peace. [More Yoga Videos] ( ... Read more

24 Mar 2017



24 Mar 2017


Yoga Therapy Sound Massage

Yoga Therapy adapts the process of yoga to the needs of the people with specific or persistent health problems not usually addressed in a group class. In this video, watch as sound massage, which is one technique used in yoga therapy, is used to induce a feeling of well-being and very, deep relaxation. Demonstrated by Ruth, Yoga Therapist at Yoga Vidya. Camera: Nanda. Speaker: Sita. For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at . For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see . For more information on Yoga Therapy at Yoga Vidya please see . ... Read more

01 Mar 2017



01 Mar 2017


Palming your eyes – for relaxation and clarity of mind

Relax your eyes, prevent headache, get new energy – by doing this simple Yoga exercise, right now, for example. This exercise is easy to do: You rub your palms. Then you put your palms over your eyes and you let the warmth and the energy of your palms relax and recharge your eyes. Do this, especially if you read a lot or sit in front of a computer, smart phone, tablet etc. for long hours. Demonstrated by Aruna. Instruction by Sukadev. Filmed in Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. [More Yoga Videos] ( ... Read more

31 Mar 2016



31 Mar 2016


Yoga Eye Exercises – Special Variations

Variations of Yoga Eye Exercises: Improve your vision and concentration – and relax you neck at the same time. Try it out – this can develop mental relaxation, and prevent headache. More Yoga Videos on ... Read more

05 Feb 2016



05 Feb 2016


Yoga Mudrasana – Different Variations – Advanced and Beginners

A Yoga Posture for health of the abdominal organs, for better digestion, for inner surrender and relaxation. Aruna shows you different variations: More advanced as well as beginner’s variations of this Hatha Yoga Asana. This Video gives valuable hints for the beginner, the intermediate and the advanced student. It is especially helpful for Yoga Teachers who want to see the different variations they can recommend to their students. More on Yoga [Mudrasana] ( . More Yoga Videos on [] ( . Filmed at Yoga Vidya Germany. Instructor, Camera: Sukadev. ... Read more

12 May 2012



12 May 2012


Yoga Exercises during the day

Practice a few Yoga exercises during the day – even in front of the Computer/smartphone/ipad. Yoga Therapist Harilalji explains which practices can be especially helpful. For good health, relaxation, new energy and inner strength. [Harilalji is giving seminars in Yoga Vidya Germany] ( and in Arsha Vidya Ashram Kerala [] ( . ... Read more

31 Dec 2011



31 Dec 2011


Shavasana – Yoga Relaxation

Relax on your back and recharge with this Shavasana, Yoga deep relaxation technique. Practice this at the end of your Yoga class. Or practice during your lunch break or before the evening – you can recharge quickly and very efficiently. Also suitable to be able to find sound sleep. Speaker: Sukadev Bretz. Yoga Model: Carlotta. More infos on how to relax on ... Read more

17 Sep 2010



17 Sep 2010


Passive Yoga: Relax with supported Shoulderstand and Fish

No pain – lots of gain: Supported Shoulderstand (Sarvangasana) and supported Fish (Matsyanaa). Gives you relaxation and inner poise. Especially helpful after a busy day – or inbetween to get new energy. You need a pillow to do these 2 Hatha Yoga Asanas. Best is to do them barefoot, but it works fine even without shoes. Demonstrated by Yoga Teacher and Yoga Therapist Mahashakti, explained by Sukadev Bretz of ... Read more

03 Jul 2010



03 Jul 2010


Crocodile Variations – Makarasana Hatha Yoga Asana

Strengthen your back, release tensions and feel good! Mahashakti demonstrates a series of variations of Hatha Yoga Asana Makarasana, crocodile. Try them out – feel which ones are most suited for you. Normally you don’t do all of them. You rather become aware which ones help you most. You can do crocodile posture inbetween classical Asanas for releasing tensions, you can do it in the morning to remove stiffness, or anytime during the day to give your back some rest and relaxation. More Infos on Crocodile on ... Read more

20 Mar 2010



20 Mar 2010