IELTS with Fiona: a comprehensive guide to IELTS  podcast

IELTS with Fiona: a comprehensive guide to IELTS

Join me for a weekly talk-through of IELTS topics to help you learn about the issues, vocabulary, tips and strategies you need to prepare. Find all my tips on my website and join the Members Academy for all the downloads, step-by-step online courses, and support to get you a Band 7+ in the #ielts test.

Join me for a weekly talk-through of IELTS topics to help you learn about the issues, vocabulary, tips and strategies you need to prepare. Find all my tips on my website and join the Members Academy for all the downloads, step-by-step online courses, and support to get you a Band 7+ in the #ielts test.



IELTS maps and plans (describing future changes)

In this lesson, we look at how you can use Listening Test maps to improve the way you describe maps and plans in the Writing Test. In this lesson we'll cover ---How to talk about FUTURE changes ---How to avoid over-using 'going to' ---How to use the passive tense ---How to use the vocabulary of change related to maps We also review map prepositions, and we look at a model answer. The lesson ends with a list of map expressions collated from 4 real Listening Tests. Members get the [ full lesson] ( on my website: Get the FREE [Maps and Plans Listening] (Members get the⁠ full lesson⁠ on my website: lesson on my website: ... Read more

30 Aug 2024



30 Aug 2024


IELTS Reading: The Fosbury Flop

This is a talk-through of a General Training Reading Passage 3. The text tells the story of the 'Fosbury Flop', which is a high-jump technique developed by a 21 year-old university student from the USA called Dick Fosbury in the late 1960s. In this lesson, you'll practise Matching Information, Multiple Choice and gapfill questions. Get all my lessons on my website [] ( and follow my courses in the Members Academy. ... Read more

13 Aug 2024



13 Aug 2024


IELTS Listening Section 2: Tips for runners 🏃‍♀️

In this Listening Section 2 about tips for runners, you'll learn how to spot distractors in different question types such as matching people and multiple choice. Get the full lesson with 180+ more lessons in the [Bronze Academy] ( Get the list of phrasal verbs to talk about hobbies (Free) ... Read more

06 Aug 2024



06 Aug 2024


IELTS Reading: How tennis rackets have changed 🎾

This is a talk-through of a Passage 1 Academic Reading text about tennis rackets (Book 19 Test 1). It covers 2 sets of questions (True, False, Not Given and Gapfill Summary). Full lesson notes and video available on my [website] ( and Members Academy. ... Read more

15 Jul 2024



15 Jul 2024


IELTS Writing: 9 tips for a Band 9 essay

In this lesson, you'll see why so many model essays are NOT model essays. For each of the points I mention, you'll learn a better alternative so that you can make changes to your own writing. Here's the question: Some people believe that charities should help people in need no matter where those people are in the world. Others feel that these organizations should only serve the people living in the country where they are based. Discuss both sides and give your own view. Find the full lesson on my website: Watch my YouTube video here: [] ( My tips about Coherence and Cohesion (avoiding mechanical linking words) are here: Find more Band 9 essays and tips on my website. Join the Bronze Membership for full access. #ielts #ieltswriting #ieltstask2 #ieltsband9 lCGmdgSdFMRaveqtPUv8 ... Read more

15 Jul 2024



15 Jul 2024


IELTS GT Part 1: Passport Applications and Airport Services 🛂🛄

A quick look at TFNG and a less common type of Matching Headings. Get the full text here ... Read more

08 Jun 2024



08 Jun 2024


IELTS Reading: Crows and tools 🧰

Quick tips to help you with the Speaking Challenge followed by a Reading Passage 2 about the tool-making abilities of crows (and what we have in common with them). True/False/Not Given. Get the full reading here ... Read more

05 Feb 2024



05 Feb 2024


IELTS Reading: Stonehenge

This is my walkthrough of an Academic Passage 1 about Stonehenge. Keyword before you listen: ‘Winter solstice’ - the shortest day of the year (December 21st) Meaning: to stand still The solstice (combining the Latin words sol for “sun” and ‘sistere’ for “stand still”) is the point where the Sun appears to reach either its highest or lowest point in the sky for the year and thus ancient astronomers came to know the day as one where the sun appeared to stand still. Become a member to get the full tapescript, wordlist and video. ... Read more

24 Dec 2023



24 Dec 2023


IELTS Listening 🌋: academic words you need for Part 3

This listening about a research project contains several examples of ‘academic’ language (language related to studying at university) that you need to understand Listening Part 3. It's about a volcanic eruption, and is adapted from a Cambridge Past Paper (Book 18). Get the full lesson notes and video in the Bronze Membership on my website [ ] ( and the Listening Course in the [Members Academy.] ( ... Read more

26 Nov 2023



26 Nov 2023


IELTS Listening: Elephant translocation 🐘

This Part 4 Listening is all about moving elephants. In the lesson you'll learn about: ---using word prompts to keep your place ---using intonation and sentence stress to identify answers ---using spelling patterns and plurals to get the right answers The full transcript is available in the Bronze Membership [on my website.] ( ... Read more

22 Oct 2023



22 Oct 2023


IELTS Reading: Forest Management 🌳

This is a relatively easy Passage 2 from a Cambridge Past Paper, with 3 sets of questions [Matching Information, Categorising and Gapfill]. ... Read more

03 Oct 2023



03 Oct 2023


IELTS Listening: Victor Hugo

This Listening Part 4 about a writer called Victor Hugo is taken from the new Practice Book 18. In the podcast you'll learn ---why this particular test is more difficult than usual ---how reference words give you the answer (if you can remember what they refer to) ---techniques for predicting and retaining information ---common gapfill answers and how they're related to pronunciation Get the full video, tapescript and tips in the Members Academy Listening Course with Members bonus features for 12 months. [] ( ... Read more

22 Jul 2023



22 Jul 2023


IELTS Reading: The birth and growth of Manhattan's Skyscrapers. 🗽

This is a Passage 3 review about a book about The Birth and Growth of Manhattan's Skyscrapers. This is an extremely difficult text. It would really help if you have the text in front of you. The only good thing about this text is that everything goes in COMPLETE ORDER and we know where everything is, because it goes from 'Chapter 1' to 'Chapter 10'. The Yes, No, Not Given questions are not too difficult either. But the last Gapfill Summary with Answers is a nightmare. Good luck with it! [IELTS with Fiona] ( ... Read more

27 Jun 2023



27 Jun 2023


IELTS Reading: Urban farming

Farming and agriculture is my Number 1 Vocabulary topic for IELTS, and I noticed that most of the readings in this new Cambridge Practice Test Book (18) are related either to the environment (Week 1 of my vocab course) or to cities/architecture/buildings (Week 2 in my Vocabulary course - the Man-Made Environment). So make sure you re-read this text for the useful vocabulary e.g. sustainable, organic, intensive farming. Members: the video version of this podcast with pdf download is now available for you to watch. Get my Members Academy Reading package (2 full courses plus all the new lessons over 12 months, plus Members Academy benefits - Private blog, live zoom meetings, private community, daily tips, Writing coaching lessons etc). As I add more materials and benefits, the price will only increase, so join sooner rather than later so you can get the most of the resources before your test. ... Read more

12 Jun 2023



12 Jun 2023


IELTS Reading: Stadiums

This is a pretty straighforward Academic Part 2 about Stadiums. In this podcast we'll go through 3 question types (Matching Statements, Gapfill Summary and Choosing from a list.) Get more in the Members Academy [] ( . ... Read more

01 Jun 2023



01 Jun 2023


IELTS Reading: The development of the London underground railway

I guarantee that you can do this in under 10 minutes if you follow my system. Find the Reading online and do it yourself before you listen. Learn more about my IELTS Reading techniques with TWO courses in the Members Academy. [] ( ... Read more

19 May 2023



19 May 2023


IELTS Listening Part 2: Matthews Island Holidays

Get the full blog with audio on my website: [] ( In this lesson, I examine the MACRO and MICRO skills you need to get all of the answers right in this Section 2 IELTS Listening about a holiday company. For example: ---Background knowledge (what you already know about holiday companies, tour itineraries, travelling/place names in the UK etc etc) ---Vocabulary (phrasal verbs, synonyms, numbers) ---Spelling (ea words, al/ol words) ---Grammar (comparisons, 'used to', perfect modals for guessing) ---Accents (Northern English 'u') ---Pronunciation features (meet you) ---Linking (However...) ---Signalling (What we do is...) ---Predicting ---Remembering The [Members Academy ] ( teaches all of these skills in a variety of easy-to-follow short courses with quick video guides and plenty of practice. Join today [] ( ... Read more

20 Apr 2023



20 Apr 2023


📝 Which is the best (free) online IELTS writing checker?

There are many free online IELTS Writing checkers available, and they can be useful when you’re starting your IELTS preparation. Online writing checkers such as Grammarly can give you simple feedback on your grammar, vocabulary and linking words. There are more sophisticated versions available that claim they can assess your IELTS writing using the Band Criteria, and give you a grade and feedback in a matter of seconds. But how accurate and reliable are they? I tested a few and here are my results. The one I mention in the podcast is Check out my blog here: [⁠] ( ... Read more

23 Mar 2023



23 Mar 2023


How many IELTS Reading question types are there? (Tips on how to tackle different questions in the I...

[Skip the 5-minute introduction if you want to just get to the question types!] Different websites have different ways of categorising IELTS Reading Question types. See my [latest blog] ( for all the details: [] ( In my online courses, I follow the official [ guidelines] ( , and I have simplified the types so that you focus more on developing your reading skills. Developing good reading skills will enable you to answer all question types. The 3 basic categories are: 1--Matching things (headings, statements, features, sentence endings, dates, people, choosing from a list) 2--Filling in gaps (summaries, notes, tables, flowcharts, sentences, diagrams) 3--Choosing from a list (Multiple Choice, True, False, Not Given and Yes, No, Not Given) In this blog, I examine the official 11 Question Types as outlined on [] ( and explain how other teachers and websites might label them. ... Read more

10 Mar 2023



10 Mar 2023


How to prepare for IELTS in 10 days

The best thing about the IELTS Test is that you cannot fail it. The test simply takes a ‘snapshot’ of your current level of English. So if you’ve suddenly realised that you need to take the test in 10 days don’t panic too much. Consider it a ‘practice run’. 10 days is just enough time to familiarise yourself with the test requirements so you can give yourself the best chance of getting the best indicator of your overall ability. Here’s what I would do in the next 10 days. [Read the blog here] ( [] ( ... Read more

20 Feb 2023



20 Feb 2023


Pronunciation for IELTS Listening - how to understand fast speech

There are 7 key features of fast speech and pronunciation that you need to develop a better understanding of in order to increase your Listening Score: 1--Features of connected speech (dropping sounds, adding sounds, changing sounds, weak sounds and twin sounds). 2--Word boundaries 3--Homophones 4--Sounds that are different or don’t exist in your language 5--Accents and rhoticity (‘r’) 6--Minimal pairs 7--Consonant Clusters Read the [full blog here] ( . [] ( Buy the [workbook guide here:] ( [] ( ... Read more

11 Feb 2023



11 Feb 2023


IELTS Listening: Hotel Staff Turnover

In this Listening Section 2 we look at: - Multiple choice questions - distractors - matching from a list - the word 'staff' and how it's repeated 32 times - how to pronounce 'staff' - academic language you can use in Task 2 Improve your IELTS score with my intensive Listening Course: ... Read more

26 Jan 2023



26 Jan 2023


IELTS New Year Resolutions 2023

What will you do differently in 2023? Here are my 7 resolutions to help you get the IELTS test over and done with once and for all. Get all the tips on my Daily Tips page and get all my lessons on my website Join the Members Academy to make faster progress. ... Read more

13 Jan 2023



13 Jan 2023


IELTS Reading: To catch a king 🤴👑

In this episode, I'll take you through one of my Guided Readings - it's an Academic Passage 3 from Book 17 and, unusually, it's a book review. Follow my [Advent Challenge] ( on my website: [] ( Join the Members Academy: [] ( ... Read more

16 Dec 2022



16 Dec 2022


IELTS Mindset: 😵‍💫 How to deal with 'too much information' (feeling overwhelmed)

Question: "How do I cope with so much information when I'm preparing for the IELTS test?" Answer: "Just do as much as you need to do for the Band score that you want." In all aspects of life, there are different levels of expertise and knowledge. Deciding what you want to do with your IELTS score will help you manage your time and your learning. I've carefully programmed this into the Members Academy.  Aiming for Band 6? Just watch the videos.  Need to get Band 7? Watch the videos and do the practice. Want Band 8/9? Do the EXTRA practice that I include in every lesson. Enrol today This podcast talks about managing your learning according to what level of expertise you need to acquire. I call it the traffic-light system.  GREEN: Band 6 - INTERESTED (do a single course) YELLOW: Band 7 - COMMITTED (join the Members Academy - do all the courses) RED: Band 8+ - OBSESSED ("To be the best, you have to be obsessed": do the Coaching Program) But remember this - what is the opposite of "too much information"?  The opposite is "not enough information".  Not enough info is worse than too much info when it comes to preparing for IELTS because it is not a subject - it's a language and a skill. Can fluent speakers have "too much English knowledge"? I don't think that's possible. Let me know if you've got any questions. ... Read more

13 Nov 2022



13 Nov 2022


IELTS Listening: 🇮🇸 The impact of digital technology on the Icelandic language

Can you guess the answers to the gapfill before you listen? In this episode I talk you through a Passage 4 where I think about 60% of the answers are guessable! Thinking of becoming a Member of my Academy? Find out more on my website: [] (// ... Read more

04 Nov 2022



04 Nov 2022


IELTS Reading: Feathers as decoration in European History

A tricky GT Part 3 Reading with Matching Headings, Multiple Choice, and Matching Sentence Endings. ... Read more

25 Oct 2022



25 Oct 2022


IELTS Mindset Part 3: How to ask SMARTER questions

I've spoken a lot about Mindset for IELTS in 2 earlier blogs: [1. How to train your mindset for IELTS] ( [] ( [2. How to stop making excuses and start making progress] ( [] ( In this (rather long) podcast I talk about asking SMARTER questions to get smarter answers. S = Specific (Why, What, Why, When, Where?) M = Measurable (How much? How many?) A = Achievable R = Realistic T = Time-bound E = Evaluate R = Revise ... Read more

16 Oct 2022



16 Oct 2022