German Stories - Learn German with Stories podcast

German Stories - Learn German with Stories

Learn German with the only German learning podcast that picks you up at your level, leads you to your goal in small steps, and has an ongoing story that makes you hungry for more. Find out more at!

Learn German with the only German learning podcast that picks you up at your level, leads you to your goal in small steps, and has an ongoing story that makes you hungry for more. Find out more at!



74: Pauls Blog wird im Internet bekannt | Paul's blog becomes well-known on the Internet

Complain about pain, congratulate, and spur someone on & possessive pronouns in the accusative and dative: meinem/-r/-n, deinem/-r/-n. During a break while playing paintball, Meili, Anna, Tim, and Paul chat. Paul excitedly shares his first freelance gig. The blog about Fritz has gained traction, with fans speculating wildly about his alleged connections to the underworld - this is what Grandpa couldn't believe earlier. Paul is amazed by the blog's popularity. They discuss plans to see a movie later. Inspired by Tim's kitesurfing video, Paul thinks that Fritz might be surfing on an island. However, he lacks the initiative to find out which island it might be because he says he was busy with Grandpa, the apps and the blog. So Tim pushes him to try harder. Grandpa writes and also puts pressure on him. He reveals he has discovered a way to find the correct address of the hiding place of the painting. And for that he urgently needs the book! Is Fritz really on an island? On which one? Can Paul normalize his relationship with Grandpa or will Grandpa put on more pressure and let everything get out of hand? Why did Fritz draw suspicion on Anna earlier by saying she has a criminal record for theft? Why didn't he tell anyone but Meili about his new girlfriend? Why was he constantly on the phone during their trip to Berlin? When does he come back and why did he keep quiet about his vacation? Transcript, lesson and extras: <a href=''></a> Learn German with Stories German Stories is the first podcast that combines all of these 3 features: ---Firstly, we pick you up at your level, starting from zero. ---Secondly, we lead you to your goal in small steps. There is a constant, low amount of new words, and only a small piece of grammar in each lesson. This way, you don't get overwhelmed. ---Thirdly, we teach you with a full-blown, continuous story. It's a modern audio drama, played by over 30 professional voice actors, designed to always make you want to know what happens next episode! But we're not just a podcast, we're an online learning platform. Check us out for FREE at <a href=''></a> Buy us a cup of coffee: <a href=''>Support us via PayPal</a> Leave us a review on Google: <a href=''>Review us on Google</a> Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts: <a href=''>Review us on Apple Podcasts</a> You need to be logged in. You can also find us in the Apple Podcast app on your iPhone: Tap the search icon on top. Then search for “German Stories”. Once you're on our page, go down to "Ratings & Reviews". Then tap "Write a Review". Follow us on social media: <a href=''>Social media & more</a> ... Read more

12 Oct 2024



12 Oct 2024


73: Warum hat Paul das Buch wirklich bekommen? | Why did Paul really get the book?

Write a story, ask questions, explain a reason & dative verbs: antworten, danken, sagen, fehlen, gefallen, gehören, glauben, helfen, passen. Paul is at home, creating online profiles for freelancer apps. He’s been writing his new blog for 2 days. Grandpa calls him and explains that he never found the painting because the address of the hiding place that was written in the book was no longer correct after the war. Also, everything looked different due to the reconstruction of Germany. He then glued the page back into the book, which was not valuable at that time. You can't find the painting with the address in the book, but today it's very valuable to Grandpa because it was the last present from his father before he died. Grandpa risked East German prison for this book. And it's vaulable because it turns out that it is the only remaining original edition of this book today. When he became forgetful, he and Paul's father gave it to Paul to be on the safe side since Paul loves books. But they were bitterly disappointed when it got lost. Paul calms him down and reminds him that they had never told him about all this. He sends him a link to his new blog to which Grandpa had encouraged him. Grandpa reads some comments and can't believe what is written there. What is it that is so incredible in the comments? Why did Fritz keep quiet about the fact that he caught the Großkauf thieves? And why didn’t he tell anybody about his promotion? Why did he always want to party, even though Paul was desperate about the loss of the book? How did he want to help when he got angy because he went to Paul's appartment, but Paul wasn't there? Transcript, lesson and extras: <a href=''></a> The best way to learn German vocabulary and grammar: Upload the grammar directly into your ear with the German Stories Grammar Explainer. Review the words with our Vocabulary Coach. Make a FREE <a href=''></a> account now to try the first 10 lessons! Buy us a cup of coffee: <a href=''>Support us via PayPal</a> Leave us a review on Google: <a href=''>Review us on Google</a> Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts: <a href=''>Review us on Apple Podcasts</a> You need to be logged in. You can also find us in the Apple Podcast app on your iPhone: Tap the search icon on top. Then search for “German Stories”. Once you're on our page, go down to "Ratings & Reviews". Then tap "Write a Review". Follow us on social media: <a href=''>Social media & more</a> ... Read more

04 Oct 2024



04 Oct 2024


72: Das Bild | The painting

Explain hardships of the past & personal pronouns in the dative: euch, ihnen / Ihnen. Paul boosts Grandpa's spirits with coffee and updates him on his search for the book. But because he gets many rejections for his job applications, he feels hopeless. Grandpa empathizes with him and suggests that he should start writing, even without a formal writing job. So Paul decides to work on freelancer websites and to create a blog featuring the story about Fritz. Grandpa finally reveals the story behind the book: it holds the secret to a forbidden painting that belonged to his father during the war. To safe it from being burned by the Nazis, Grandpa's father wrote his name on the back and hid it at a friend's house. Then he wrote the address of the hiding place in the book. Unfortunately, both Grandpa's father and his friend died in the war. After the war, the painting was no longer forbidden and Grandpa wanted to find it. But there was the GDR and now the book with the address of the hiding place was forbidden. So he didn't want to carry it around and ripped the page with the address out of the book. Then he went off in search of the painting. What happened on Grandpa's search for the painting? Why is the book so important even though the page with the address of the hiding place is missing? Transcript, lesson and extras: <a href=''></a> Our easy German learning structure It's not difficult to create a learning story and jump to complicated grammatical structures early on, just so the author doesn't have a hard time writing. But it's very difficult to fit your writing into a well structured teaching plan, so that the student doesn't have too much trouble learning German. We did it the hard way. Hard for us, easy for you: German Stories starts from zero, and leads you to your goal in small steps. Luckily there's only a little bit of grammar per episode for you to learn. If you're curious about our motivations behind putting in so much effort, go to <a href=''></a> Buy us a cup of coffee: <a href=''>Support us via PayPal</a> Leave us a review on Google: <a href=''>Review us on Google</a> Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts: <a href=''>Review us on Apple Podcasts</a> You need to be logged in. You can also find us in the Apple Podcast app on your iPhone: Tap the search icon on top. Then search for “German Stories”. Once you're on our page, go down to "Ratings & Reviews". Then tap "Write a Review". Follow us on social media: <a href=''>Social media & more</a> ... Read more

27 Sep 2024



27 Sep 2024


71: Mann, was machst du denn? | Man, what are you doing?

Talk about the weather, hobbies and technology & personal pronouns in the dative: ihr, uns. Paul and Grandpa play chess together. Tim hears from a friend that Fritz is probably kitesurfing because his BMW can't carry a large windsurfing board. Tim wants to share a video of the best kitesurfing spots with Paul. Paul feels down because he keeps getting rejected after applying for jobs. Grandpa surprises Paul by revealing he's good with technology and has a smartphone. Paul sees Grandpa's note on his fridge reminding him about the book, but he takes it down to hide the fact that he lost it. Grandpa sees that, and Paul admits his lie. He finally got caught up in his web of lies and Grandpa almost falls to the floor. He's is so shocked because there's a story behind the book. That's what he was trying to tell Paul all along. What's the story behind the book? Why is the book so very important to Grandpa? Transcript, lesson and extras: <a href=''></a> Learn German with Stories German Stories is the first podcast that combines all of these 3 features: ---Firstly, we pick you up at your level, starting from zero. ---Secondly, we lead you to your goal in small steps. There is a constant, low amount of new words, and only a small piece of grammar in each lesson. This way, you don't get overwhelmed. ---Thirdly, we teach you with a full-blown, continuous story. It's a modern audio drama, played by over 30 professional voice actors, designed to always make you want to know what happens next episode! But we're not just a podcast, we're an online learning platform. Check us out for FREE at <a href=''></a> Buy us a cup of coffee: <a href=''>Support us via PayPal</a> Leave us a review on Google: <a href=''>Review us on Google</a> Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts: <a href=''>Review us on Apple Podcasts</a> You need to be logged in. You can also find us in the Apple Podcast app on your iPhone: Tap the search icon on top. Then search for “German Stories”. Once you're on our page, go down to "Ratings & Reviews". Then tap "Write a Review". Follow us on social media: <a href=''>Social media & more</a> ... Read more

20 Sep 2024



20 Sep 2024


70: Sie geben dir keine Arbeit | They don't give you a job

Vocab for games, application documents & personal pronouns in the dative: mir, dir, ihm. Paul is bowling with his parents and talks about his career plans. His lie that he knew what job he wanted all along goes undetected. Tim writes that he doesn't have any news about Fritz either, but he believes lakes don't have real beaches. So Paul has to look for Fritz on Germany's coasts. But they are too long to search. Tim offers to ask a friend about the best surfing spots there. Paul is surprised because the first answer he gets on his applications is a rejection. Will Tim's friend be able to provide a lead on Fritz? Transcript, lesson and extras: <a href=''></a> Learning German with training wheels The characters in our story DON'T speak at a regular speed, just like native speakers among themselves. Why? They speak natural German. But we put in countless hours of work to direct every voice actor so that he or she speaks a bit slower and more clearly, adapted to the language level. You can always speed up the audio in the app. We believe this is the better way. Just as we believe that at the beginning, training wheels teach a child to ride a bike better than bruises from falls do. If you want know why we spent over 1 1/2 years of work before we even published our first lesson, go to <a href=''></a> Buy us a cup of coffee: <a href=''>Support us via PayPal</a> Leave us a review on Google: <a href=''>Review us on Google</a> Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts: <a href=''>Review us on Apple Podcasts</a> You need to be logged in. You can also find us in the Apple Podcast app on your iPhone: Tap the search icon on top. Then search for “German Stories”. Once you're on our page, go down to "Ratings & Reviews". Then tap "Write a Review". Follow us on social media: <a href=''>Social media & more</a> ... Read more

19 Jul 2024



19 Jul 2024


69: Paul will Autor werden | Paul wants to become an author

Make a decision based on simple job descriptions & sum-up: all dative and accusative prepositions and their contractions. Paul discovers for himself that he wants to be an author. So today he plans to write 20 applications and tell his mother about it. But the chances to become an author are slim, because he doesn't have a degree in German Studies and there are many authors already. In the Whatsapp group, he finds out that Anna and Meili don't have any news about Fritz. And Tim has no cell phone reception. Will Tim have any updates about Fritz when he can be reached by phone? Will Paul get a job? Transcript, lesson and extras: <a href=''></a> The best way to learn German: Don't beat yourself up with too many new words When writing a learning story it's easy to get carried away by an idea for a dialog. But that can result in an episode having way too many new words. That would be demotivating for you, the learner. Therefore we counted every word and went through endless writing and re-writing sessions for every episode to make sure that didn't happen to our story. If you want know why we spent over 1 1/2 years of work before we even published our first lesson, got to <a href=''></a> Buy us a cup of coffee: <a href=''>Support us via PayPal</a> Leave us a review on Google: <a href=''>Review us on Google</a> Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts: <a href=''>Review us on Apple Podcasts</a> You need to be logged in. You can also find us in the Apple Podcast app on your iPhone: Tap the search icon on top. Then search for “German Stories”. Once you're on our page, go down to "Ratings & Reviews". Then tap "Write a Review". Follow us on social media: <a href=''>Social media & more</a> ... Read more

28 Jun 2024



28 Jun 2024


68: Horror-Crash auf Oktoberfest! | Horror crash at Oktoberfest!

Understand an article in a tabloid newspaper & fusion of prepositions and articles: am, beim, im, vom, zum, zur, ins. Paul checks the Whatsapp group to learn about Fritz. He thinks Meili might find something on Fritz' Facebook. He reads on a news app about an accident at the Oktoberfest. A lot of police are needed there. Laura explains that that's the reason why she has no time during the next few days. Fortunately, she's not ghosting him again. His mom invites him for coffee to discuss his "career plans," so he decides to figure them out first. Will Paul's parents find out that he has no career plans at all? Can his friends uncover information about Fritz? Transcript, lesson and extras: <a href=''></a> Learn German online with us! We have easy German speaking, reading, listening, and writing exercises for you - and also more difficult ones. And a lesson plan with progress tracker. It's all right here at <a href=''></a> Buy us a cup of coffee: <a href=''>Support us via PayPal</a> Leave us a review on Google: <a href=''>Review us on Google</a> Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts: <a href=''>Review us on Apple Podcasts</a> You need to be logged in. You can also find us in the Apple Podcast app on your iPhone: Tap the search icon on top. Then search for “German Stories”. Once you're on our page, go down to "Ratings & Reviews". Then tap "Write a Review". Follow us on social media: <a href=''>Social media & more</a> ... Read more

03 Jun 2024



03 Jun 2024


67: Welchen Job will er machen? | What job does he want to do?

Career planning, interest-based words & question word: welch-. Paul thinks about which job he wants and finds help in the job book he got from Anna. It was her present for Pauls birthday which she had angrily slammed on the table at the buffet in Berlin. He wants to do "something with writing, texts and words". He starts enthusiastically, but quickly gives up because he thinks you can't make any money with that. Then he writes Laura. She briefly answers that she won’t have time for him in the near future. Paul wants to wait until she writes again. Is Paul too aimless? Or why does Laura have no more time for him? Transcript, lesson and extras: <a href=''></a> Dynamic transcripts make learning German easy On our German Stories website, you can see the meaning of every single word in each episode. Just tap on it! You can also activate whole sentence translation for better understanding. Try it out now for FREE at <a href=''></a> Book a German class with our show host Christian: <a href=''>Book your class now</a> Buy us a cup of coffee: <a href=''>Support us via PayPal</a> Leave us a review on Google: <a href=''>Review us on Google</a> Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts: <a href=''>Review us on Apple Podcasts</a> You need to be logged in. You can also find us in the Apple Podcast app on your iPhone: Tap the search icon on top. Then search for “German Stories”. Once you're on our page, go down to "Ratings & Reviews". Then tap "Write a Review". Follow us on social media: <a href=''>Social media & more</a> ... Read more

26 May 2024



26 May 2024


66: Der Freund, den Paul sucht | The friend that Paul is looking for

Talk about social problem areas and career choices, tip the waitress & subordinate clause with accusative (der Mann, den ich sehe). Paul is out with Laura when she tells him that Fritz always dreamed of owning a holiday home by the beach, maybe on the North Sea or Baltic Sea. Laura asks about Paul's job. Since he's jobless, he lies, saying he's a librarian but looking for something new. Laura is disappointed because Paul doesn't have a clear job goal. So now Paul really wants to find a job. He puts the big puzzle together: Fritz must be at a beachside holiday home with a garage and garden. And Paul’s missing book is surely also there. It turns out, by capturing the Großkauf thieves, Fritz got a promotion, money, and a vacation. Can Paul finally change his aimlessness? And where exactly is this holiday home? Transcript, lesson and extras: <a href=''></a> Learn German while you play with words, pictures, and audio! The Immersive Learning mini app on the German Stories website will teach you the words and phrases from each lesson in a smart way using spaced repetition to make sure you don't forget them. It keeps track of how good you know every word, and schedules when to review it again. And it mixes up the ways in which it teaches you: multiple choice, single flashcards, order the words, listen and write - you name it! Try it out NOW at <a href=''></a> Book a German class with our show host Christian: <a href=''>Book your class now</a> Buy us a cup of coffee: <a href=''>Support us via PayPal</a> Leave us a review on Google: <a href=''>Review us on Google</a> Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts: <a href=''>Review us on Apple Podcasts</a> You need to be logged in. You can also find us in the Apple Podcast app on your iPhone: Tap the search icon on top. Then search for “German Stories”. Once you're on our page, go down to "Ratings & Reviews". Then tap "Write a Review". Follow us on social media: <a href=''>Social media & more</a> Music by <a href=''>Trygve Larsen</a> from <a href=''>Pixabay</a>. ... Read more

13 May 2024



13 May 2024


65: Opa hat ihn nie wieder gesehen... | Grandpa never saw him again...

Compare things, talk about the past & comparative and superlative. Paul sets up the date with Laura. Grandpa is still going on about former times. He starts talking about books that were banned in the GDR, former East Germany. That's when he remembers THE book. Paul lies again: he says the book is at home. He had lied to his mother about his job choice before, and now he feels that he got caught up in a web of lies with no way out. Will he find a way out of his web of lies, or end up offending mom and grandpa? Transcript, lesson and extras: <a href=''></a> Lingopie - Learn a New Language With Great TV <a href=''></a> The best way to learn German vocabulary and grammar: Upload the grammar directly into your ear with the German Stories Grammar Explainer. Review the words with our Vocabulary Coach. Make a FREE <a href=''></a> account now to try the first 10 lessons! Book a German class with our show host Christian: <a href=''>Book your class now</a> Buy us a cup of coffee: <a href=''>Support us via PayPal</a> Leave us a review on Google: <a href=''>Review us on Google</a> Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts: <a href=''>Review us on Apple Podcasts</a> You need to be logged in. You can also find us in the Apple Podcast app on your iPhone: Tap the search icon on top. Then search for “German Stories”. Once you're on our page, go down to "Ratings & Reviews". Then tap "Write a Review". Follow us on social media: <a href=''>Social media & more</a> ... Read more

28 Apr 2024



28 Apr 2024


64: Opa wollte weg aus der DDR | Grandpa wanted to leave the GDR

Explain economics and politics in very simple words & temporal prepositions: ab; von ... bis; zwischen. Everyone thinks that the sticker on Fritz's garage door opener is in the shape of a lake. Therefore, Paul looks for it on the internet. But he cannot find such a lake in all of Germany. He thinks there is little hope because Fritz is certainly abroad. Laura writes: She saw Paul's Oktoberfest photos on Whatsapp and she also wants to go there with him. Grandpa talks about his time in the GDR. At first, Paul is fascinated by the GDR, but then he hears about the Stasi. He can barely prevent Grandpa from remembering the book. Will Grandpa remember asking him about the book, or is Paul lucky? Transcript, lesson and extras: <a href=''></a> Learn German with Stories - the idea behind it We felt that the best way to learn German is NOT using the old style teaching material with chapters full of tiny texts and unrelated stories. Our idea was to spoon-feed you German in very small bits. And to tell you parts of one big story at the same time. An awesome, full-blown story with different storylines that continues throughout all lessons. We wanted to keep you motivated and say "I can't wait to find out what happens next episode!" If you're curious about the idea behind German Stories, go to <a href=''></a> Book a German class with our show host Christian: Booking link: <a href=''></a> Follow us on social media: <a href=''></a> Buy us a cup of coffee: <a href=''></a> Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts: ---This link might help to find us on Apple Podcasts: <a href=''></a> ---If not, launch the Apple Podcast app on your iPhone / iPad and tap the search icon (on top). ---Search for “German Stories | Learn German with Stories”, and tap on our podcast. ---Once you're there, scroll down to "Ratings & Reviews", and tap "Write a Review" (or log in first). ---Write us something nice and give us 5 stars :-) ... Read more

13 Dec 2023



13 Dec 2023


63: Das Oktoberfest | The Oktoberfest

Tell a story about the past, make conclusions & temporal prepositions: vor, nach, seit. Paul's mom feels guilty because he got fired and so she transferred € 500 to his account. He pretends to know what kind of job he wants and says he'll tell her next time. So he is spared from having to tell his friends that they have to pay themselves, even though he said „it’s my treat“. He meets them at the Oktoberfest. It turns out that Fritz had a girlfriend the whole time. On the trip to Berlin he has always been on the phone and he also mentioned a garden. But Fritz's apartment doesn’t have a garden! Paul shows the garage door opener with the broken sticker to his friends. Tim says it might not be broken. The form of the sticker could represent a lake. Grandpa calls and Paul promises to visit him tomorrow. And he wonders if Laura was just being polite on their date because she hasn't answered him yet. Will grandpa want to see the book tomorrow? Is Laura ghosting him again? Will his parents find out he lied because he doesn't actually know what job he wants? What garden was Fritz talking about? Does the symbol on the garage door opener represent a lake? Transcript, lesson and extras: <a href=''></a> Easy German drills and exercises Grammar, and vocabulary drills can make your life easier. Do you know what's also great for your German learning? The hints and learning tips on the German Stories website! Why not try them out for FREE? Just go to <a href=''></a> Book a German class with our show host Christian: Booking link: <a href=''></a> Follow us on social media: <a href=''></a> Buy us a cup of coffee: <a href=''></a> Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts: ---This link might help to find us on Apple Podcasts: <a href=''></a> ---If not, launch the Apple Podcast app on your iPhone / iPad and tap the search icon (on top). ---Search for “German Stories | Learn German with Stories”, and tap on our podcast. ---Once you're there, scroll down to "Ratings & Reviews", and tap "Write a Review" (or log in first). ---Write us something nice and give us 5 stars :-) Music by <a href=''>Julius H.</a> and <a href=''>Trygve Larsen</a> from <a href=''>Pixabay</a>. ... Read more

17 Sep 2023



17 Sep 2023


62: Das Date mit Laura | The date with Laura

Emphasize the negative aspects of a person, make a friendly suggestion & Substituite forms for the imperative: Nicht so viel trinken! / Lass uns das nehmen! Paul writes his mother that he wants to borrow 500 € from her. He lies and says it’s for new clothes for a job interview - not for treating his friends to the Oktoberfest directly after a shopping frenzy. And he pretends to know what kind of job he wants. Tim thanks Paul for helping him meet Meili at the Oktoberfest. Paul meets Laura for the first time. She's nice, they flirt, and she says that Fritz has always been overeager about his career. The date goes well, thinks Paul. Or does it? Is Paul's lie enough to get the money from his parents? Is Laura really enjoying the date or is she just being polite? Transcript, lesson and extras: <a href=''></a> It's great to learn German for free ... but our German Stories members learn so much more! We want to tell our easy German Stories to the whole world. That’s why the podcast will always stay free. But without the support of our members, we couldn't do this. You can get your German Stories membership for little money. Not only will you improve your German, but you'll also help us create more material - which you can then benefit from. Just go to <a href=''></a> Thank you! Book a German class with our show host Christian: Booking link: <a href=''></a> Follow us on social media: <a href=''></a> Buy us a cup of coffee: <a href=''></a> Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts: ---This link might help to find us on Apple Podcasts: <a href=''></a> ---If not, launch the Apple Podcast app on your iPhone / iPad and tap the search icon (on top). ---Search for “German Stories | Learn German with Stories”, and tap on our podcast. ---Once you're there, scroll down to "Ratings & Reviews", and tap "Write a Review" (or log in first). ---Write us something nice and give us 5 stars :-) ... Read more

03 Sep 2023



03 Sep 2023


61: Die Hosen passen zu den Hemden | The pants match the shirts

Make suggestions and give commands & Imperative with Sie: kommen Sie / suggestion with wir: gehen wir. Paul is buying new clothes to be prepared in case he is invited to a job interview. He doesn't have a lot of money, so he doesn't want to buy much. But he gets too excited and ends up on a shopping frenzy. Meili is happy because her problems are gone. That makes Tim and Anna happy, too. Paul takes the opportunity to invite all of them to the Oktoberfest. But due to his shopping frenzy, his bank account is now in the red. He has to borrow money from his parents. But maybe they won't help him yet again… Will his parents do him this second favor as well? Transcript, lesson and extras: <a href=''></a> Learning German with training wheels The characters in our story DON'T speak at a regular speed, just like native speakers among themselves. Why? They speak natural German. But we put in countless hours of work to direct every voice actor so that he or she speaks a bit slower and more clearly, adapted to the language level. You can always speed up the audio in the app. We believe this is the better way. Just as we believe that at the beginning, training wheels teach a child to ride a bike better than bruises from falls do. If you want know why we spent over 1 1/2 years of work before we even published our first lesson, go to <a href=''></a> Book a German class with our show host Christian: Booking link: <a href=''></a> Follow us on social media: <a href=''></a> Buy us a cup of coffee: <a href=''></a> Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts: ---This link might help to find us on Apple Podcasts: <a href=''></a> ---If not, launch the Apple Podcast app on your iPhone / iPad and tap the search icon (on top). ---Search for “German Stories | Learn German with Stories”, and tap on our podcast. ---Once you're there, scroll down to "Ratings & Reviews", and tap "Write a Review" (or log in first). ---Write us something nice and give us 5 stars :-) Music by <a href=''>Oleksii Kaplunskyi</a> from <a href=''>Pixabay</a> ... Read more

27 Aug 2023



27 Aug 2023


60: Kann man da was machen? | Is there something that can be done about it?

Ask for a favor, express uncertainty, evade questions & imperative with ihr: geht / seid. Paul's parents are in the dance club. They talk to their friend, the head of the university and ask him to help Meili. He says he might be able to help her. Meanwhile, Paul texts Laura: He writes he doesn't like Fritz either. But then he playfully bypasses her inquiries about this topic by getting a date with her. He avoids having to tell her anything about his problem with Fritz. Can the head of the university help Meili with her missed deadline? Transcript, lesson and extras: <a href=''></a> Learn German online with us! We have easy German speaking, reading, listening, and writing exercises for you - and also more difficult ones. And a lesson plan with progress tracker. It's all right here at <a href=''></a> Book a German class with our show host Christian: Booking link: <a href=''></a> Follow us on social media: <a href=''></a> Buy us a cup of coffee: <a href=''></a> Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts: ---This link might help to find us on Apple Podcasts: <a href=''></a> ---If not, launch the Apple Podcast app on your iPhone / iPad and tap the search icon (on top). ---Search for “German Stories | Learn German with Stories”, and tap on our podcast. ---Once you're there, scroll down to "Ratings & Reviews", and tap "Write a Review" (or log in first). ---Write us something nice and give us 5 stars :-) <a href=''>Rumba/flamenco music</a> and <a href=''>tango music</a> from JuliusH on Pixabay. <a href=''>Western music</a> by FreeMusicMascot on Pixabay. ... Read more

06 Aug 2023



06 Aug 2023