Geopolitics & Empire podcast

Geopolitics & Empire

Geopolitics & Empire

Geopolitics & Empire



Bob Moriarty: China Invasion of Taiwan May Be Imminent!

Bob Moriarty discusses the possibility of China taking Taiwan very soon. Numerous developments around the world, including in the United States, are telling. Beijing has been acting more belligerent than usual. Any such move would be coordinated with Russia, Iran, and potentially North Korea. The West is collapsing and the question is who is it going to take with it on the way down. The deep state is going more totalitarian because it is losing as theories such as the fourth turning forecast, but there will also be a counter-movement back to freedom. Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack Geopolitics & Empire · Bob Moriarty: China Invasion of Taiwan May Be Imminent! #464 *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Donate Consult Become a Member Become a Sponsor **Visit Our Affiliates & Sponsors! Above Phone easyDNS (use promo code GEOPOLITICS for 15% off!) Expat Money Summit 2024 (use promo code EMPIRE for $100 off the VIP ticket!) LegalShield Wise Wolf Gold Bob Moriarty Websites 321 Gold 321 Energy Robert Moriarty's BOOKS About Robert Moriarty Robert Moriarty was born in New York state in 1946. He began training as a military pilot in 1965 and became the youngest Naval Aviator during the Vietnam War in 1966. With two years in Vietnam and some 832 missions in combat, he left the Marine Corps in 1970. He worked in computers for a few years before beginning a 2nd career as a ferry pilot delivering small airplanes all over the world. He made over 240 ocean crossings mostly in single engine airplanes. He and his wife of 25 years were computer consultants and began one of the earliest online computer retail outlets in 1995 before retiring in 2000. He began another career running a financial website in 2001 specializing in resource companies. He continues to travel the world looking for the next great mineral discovery and writes in his spare time. *Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": (available on iTunes or Amazon) ... Read more

6 hrs Ago



6 hrs Ago


Andrei Martyanov: Collapse of the West & America’s Final War

Andrei Martyanov discusses his new book titled "America's Final War". The intellectual class in the West is rapidly degenerating, the economy is collapsing, and Europe is finished as it has gone full 1984. He explains the military edge that Russia has over the United States and NATO and believes Russia won the technological arms race. He touches on Prigozhin, Ukraine's F-16s, Westerners fighting for Kiev, Kursk, the future international architecture, where the war is headed, and why this is America's final war. He does not believe Skynet will become self-aware! Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack Geopolitics & Empire · Andrei Martyanov: Collapse of the West & America's Final War #463 *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Donate Consult Become a Member Become a Sponsor **Visit Our Affiliates & Sponsors! Above Phone easyDNS (use promo code GEOPOLITICS for 15% off!) Expat Money Summit 2024 (use promo code EMPIRE for $100 off the VIP ticket!) LegalShield Wise Wolf Gold Websites Clarity Press Reminiscence of the Future... BLOG YouTube About Andrei Martyanov ANDREI MARTYANOV is an expert on Russian military and naval issues. He was born in Baku, USSR in 1963. He graduated from the Kirov Naval Red Banner Academy and served as an officer on the ships and staff position of Soviet Coast Guard through 1990. In mid-1990s he moved to the United States where he worked as Laboratory Director in a commercial aerospace group. He blogs at Reminiscence of the Future and is author of Losing Military Supremacy, The (Real) Revolution in Military Affairs and Disintegration: Indicators of the Coming American Collapse. *Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": (available on iTunes or Amazon) ... Read more


1 HR 08 MINS




Warwick Powell: Global Conflict Symptom of Underlying Economic Transformations

Warwick Powell discusses the East versus West conflict which is largely a symptom of the underlying economic transformations underway. There is a massive disconnect between the economy of exchange value and use value in the West which has led to a hollowing out of the economy resulting in political crises. The Global North feel their "distributional setup" is under threat and so the only way to stem the tide is to impose a set of militarily enforceable arrangements to deny the Global South the ability to become capable of creating value. Russia and China are better at harnessing AI, particularly to drive production efficiencies. He comments on currency multipolarity, dedollarization, Digital Westphalia, and describes the suspension of liberties in the West as an autoimmune response. Regarding the Algorithm Ghetto, there is slippage meaning it can't be implemented perfectly and technology inevitably brings with it possibilities of all sorts of resistance. The West is going to step up its Color Revolution-style regime change operations. Multipolarity is about the reassertion of sovereignty and an increased interoperability of states. The world is tired of Western hegemony and now has the courage and means to confront it. The challenge will be to avoid kinetic conflict. Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack Geopolitics & Empire · Warwick Powell: Global Conflict Symptom of Underlying Economic Transformations #462 *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Donate Consult Become a Member Become a Sponsor **Visit Our Affiliates & Sponsors! Above Phone easyDNS (use promo code GEOPOLITICS for 15% off!) Expat Money Summit 2024 (use promo code EMPIRE for $100 off the VIP ticket!) LegalShield Wise Wolf Gold Websites X Substack Multipolar Peace Taihe Institute Smart Trade Networks About Warwick Powell Warwick began his career in academia, teaching Chinese history and European cultural history at Griffith University. He graduated with First Class Honours and is the recipient of the prestigious University Medal for Academic Excellence. Warwick was also awarded a Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade scholarship to undertake postgraduate studies at People’s University, Beijing. He deferred his studies to begin work for Kevin Rudd in the Queensland Government. He is the chairman and founder of Sister City Partners Limited, a not-for-profit investment bank focusing on developing links between regional Australia and the markets of Asia. Through this work, Warwick has experience in diverse industries including cattle and sheep production and processing, information and communication technology, infrastructure, energy, natural resources, travel and tourism and property development. He is a director of a number of funds management companies responsible for funds established under an ASIC-approved Australian Financial Services License. He is a member of the Central Highlands Accelerate Agribusiness Advisory Board and was the founding Treasurer of Innovation NQ Inc., a not-for-profit innovation incubator in North Queensland. He continues to teach professional courses in areas such as innovation, creativity, regional economic development and blockchain technology with James Cook University, QUT and Edith Cowan University. *Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": http://musicke-mirth. ... Read more

04 Sep 2024

1 HR 21 MINS


04 Sep 2024


Cara Leopardo: Degenerate Woke Culture Drives Policy, We The Studios is Fighting Back

Hollywood insider Cara Leopardo discusses the cancerous and degenerate wokeism that has taken over Western culture and what it was like to be working in the belly of the beast. Culture is driving policy and we must change the hearts and minds of our children. She and her husband came up with one solution which is their new streaming platform and studio called We The Studios. They are producing healthy and original film and television entertainment in a bid to help turn the culture and society around. Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack Geopolitics & Empire · Cara Leopardo: Degenerate Woke Culture Drives Policy, We The Studios is Fighting Back #461 *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Donate Consult Become a Member Become a Sponsor **Visit Our Affiliates & Sponsors! Above Phone easyDNS (use promo code GEOPOLITICS for 15% off!) Expat Money Summit 2024 (use promo code EMPIRE for $100 off the VIP ticket!) LegalShield Wise Wolf Gold Websites We The Studios About Curtis and Cara Leopardo and We The Studios We The Studios is a family-owned streaming platform dedicated to providing quality, family-friendly content. Founded by Hollywood insiders Curtis and Cara Leopardo, the platform aims to revolutionize the television industry by reintroducing the timeless essence of American values through captivating narratives and uplifting reality TV icons and to uphold traditional American values and offer safe, enjoyable entertainment for all ages. *Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": (available on iTunes or Amazon) ... Read more

31 Aug 2024



31 Aug 2024


Rico Brouwer: Escape From the West! And Don’t Give Up Hope!

Rico Brouwer joins us again from the Netherlands to discuss his relentless activism and how he feels the world is headed in a mad direction. He comments on the alternative media space, particularly in the Netherlands, and the censorship, narcissism, and financial difficulty in the industry. Tyranny is descending upon the West, but he also sees hope because the news of this totalitarianism is spreading quickly thanks to the internet. He comments on the idea of strategic relocation and his venture to Paraguay. Europe and the EU is a jurisdiction you want to move out of. They will take us to war. He remains hopeful and focuses on changing the world for the better. Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack Geopolitics & Empire · Rico Brouwer: Escape From the West! And Don't Give Up Hope! #460 *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Donate Consult Become a Member Become a Sponsor **Visit Our Affiliates & Sponsors! Above Phone easyDNS (use promo code GEOPOLITICS for 15% off!) Expat Money Summit 2024 (use promo code EMPIRE for $100 off the VIP ticket!) LegalShield Wise Wolf Gold Websites Bitcoin (Not Gold) Potkaars Follow The Science Potkaars on X Rico on X About Rico Brouwer & Potkaars Potkaars is citizen journalism via podcast with a candle in a jar, a guitar, a webcam (for those who want an image) and integrally recorded conversations with guests and a positive story. They are made by Rico Brouwer from Almere. Usually in my studio at home, sometimes on location such as at a demonstration. Since the 2008 financial crisis, I've been trying to read and listen to podcasts a lot to find out and understand what's going on around me in the world you don't hear about on TV. The podcast has existed since December 20, 2018 with a broadcast every week about activism, (geo) politics and what is current. "Potkaars - talk to everyone" who does things, activists and specialists who provide interpretation. People who give me hope. Potkaars is the report of my search. After my training as a Social Pedagogical Counselor I worked in ICT at ao. Tridion, ING, the Academic Computing Center Amsterdam and as a teacher at Global Knowledge. The crisis in 2008 changed my view of the world and it brought me back to school. In 2014 I became an activist. The reason was when - after Edward Snowden - Bolivian President Evo Morales' plane was grounded in the EU on behalf of the United States because Morales joked that he might grant Snowden asylum and take him with him from Moscow. ``If the power in the Netherlands lies in The Hague, then perhaps the way to make things better is through politics? '' I would try and so I became a politician in the 2017 House of Representatives elections: candidate # 3 and campaign leader for the Pirate Party. After those elections, I continued as an activist with "Real Fairytales". In music these are the reverse of fake news: the difficult themes in fun songs. In 2018 I became a journalist. Now I do interviews with specialists on all subjects from all over the world. What my guests share is a message of hope. I am writing a book about and with whistleblowers and live with my wife, our two children and the dog Sachi - in the Verzetwijk of Almere. *Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": (available on iTunes or Amazon) ... Read more

28 Aug 2024

1 HR 48 MINS


28 Aug 2024


Mike Donio: COVID1984 Was an Opening Salvo for Something Far Worse Ahead

Mike Donio discusses his cancellation from the pharmaceutical and biotech industry and how COVID1984 in many ways was a test and opening salvo for something much worse ahead. Big Pharma and biotech are investing massively in genomic technologies which historically is eugenics-based and currently influenced by transhumanist ideology. We are trending toward darker times, but there is hope! Do not be subject to the fear that is thrown at us, rather learn to be still in the storm so you can make correct decisions. Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack Geopolitics & Empire · Mike Donio: COVID1984 Was an Opening Salvo for Something Far Worse Ahead #459 *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Donate Consult Become a Member Become a Sponsor **Visit Our Affiliates & Sponsors! Above Phone easyDNS (use promo code GEOPOLITICS for 15% off!) Expat Money Summit 2024 (use promo code EMPIRE for $100 off the VIP ticket!) LegalShield Wise Wolf Gold Websites Still in the Storm Substack Science Defined X About Mike Donio Michael Donio is a senior research scientist with experience in virology, molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology, electrophysiology, immunology, and oncology.  He is unique in the industry in that he has had the opportunity over the past 20 years to gain experience in a vast array of scientific disciplines.  His undergraduate degree is in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the Univ. of Mass, and his graduate degree is in Biotechnology from Johns Hopkins. *Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": (available on iTunes or Amazon) ... Read more

26 Aug 2024

1 HR 05 MINS


26 Aug 2024


Nikola Mikovic: Putin’s “Emperor Has No Clothes” Moment?

Nikola Mikovic discusses what he considers to be Putin's "Emperor Has No Clothes" moment in Kursk. Russia continues demonstrating its weakness on a daily basis and it's becoming hard to hide it. At the moment, he doesn't see any threat of escalation toward WWIII. He touches on the DragonBear relationship, Central Asian geopolitics, what's happening in Serbia with the lithium, and how in China living without smart phones, QR codes and mobile apps, is almost inconceivable. Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack Geopolitics & Empire · Nikola Mikovic: Putin's "Emperor Has No Clothes" Moment? #458 *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Donate Consult Become a Member Become a Sponsor **Visit Our Affiliates & Sponsors! Above Phone easyDNS (use promo code GEOPOLITICS for 15% off!) Expat Money Summit 2024 (use promo code EMPIRE for $100 off the VIP ticket!) LegalShield Wise Wolf Gold Websites Twitter Telegram About Nikola Mikovic Nikola Mikovic is a freelance journalist, researcher and analyst based in Serbia. He covers mostly the foreign policies of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, as well as energy-related issues. Nikola primarily focuses on Russia’s involvement in post-Soviet space, the Middle East, and the Balkans. He writes for several publications such as Byline Times, CGTN, Lowy Institute, Global Comment, and World Geostratregic Insights, among others. *Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": (available on iTunes or Amazon) ... Read more

23 Aug 2024

1 HR 21 MINS


23 Aug 2024


David Skripac: Global Neofeudalism, Putin’s Potemkin Efforts, & the Myth of Multipolarity

David Skripac returns to discusses the road toward global digital neofeudalism. He provides some historical context of empire and believes economics is key for the ruling classes. He has not seen Putin really doing anything different from his Western counterparts, he's been rolling out the same digital biosecurity state. He doesn't feel that we really have a multipolar world order, it's still the same unipolar system. Russia's SMO in Ukraine has been a Potemkin effort, the conflict is being stage managed. He must continue to learn, pay attention, spread the word, resist, not comply, and stay sane! Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack Geopolitics & Empire · David Skripac: Global Neofeudalism, Putin's Potemkin Efforts, & the Myth of Multipolarity #457 *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Donate Consult Become a Member Become a Sponsor **Visit Our Affiliates & Sponsors! Above Phone easyDNS (use promo code GEOPOLITICS for 15% off!) Expat Money Summit 2024 (use promo code EMPIRE for $100 off the VIP ticket!) LegalShield Wise Wolf Gold Websites Lifting the Veil on Russia’s SMO in Ukraine: Is Putin’s Response to NATO’s Provocations a Potemkin Village? Moving Toward a Global Empire: Humanity Sentenced to a Unipolar Prison and a Digital Gulag Our Species Is Being Genetically Modified. Are We Witnessing Humanity’s March Toward Extinction? Viruses Are Our Friends, Not Our Foes About David Skripac David Skripac has a Bachelor of Technology degree in Aerospace Engineering. He served as a Captain in the Canadian Forces for nine years. During his two tours of duty in the Air Force, he flew extensively in the former Yugoslavia as well as in Somalia, Rwanda, Ethiopia, and Djibouti. *Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": (available on iTunes or Amazon) ... Read more

21 Aug 2024

1 HR 18 MINS


21 Aug 2024


David Haggith: Collapse, Global Digital Currency, & Armageddon

David Haggith discusses the state of the economy, inflation, the Fed, and the stealth recession that is already underway. He agrees that the outcome is neo-feudalism and the purpose of importing so many illegal aliens is to create a permanent dystopian peasant class. David doesn't believe BRICS will supplant the dollar. Collapse might bring about a new global digital currency. We ponder life in the Algorithm Ghetto and discuss the Armageddon scenario in Israel. Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack Geopolitics & Empire · David Haggith: Collapse, Global Digital Currency, & Armageddon #456 *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Donate Consult Become a Member Become a Sponsor **Visit Our Affiliates & Sponsors! Above Phone easyDNS (use promo code GEOPOLITICS for 15% off!) Expat Money Summit 2024 (use promo code EMPIRE for $100 off the VIP ticket!) LegalShield Wise Wolf Gold Websites The Daily Doom About David Haggith David Haggith is the publisher/editor-in-chief of The Daily Doom where he writes on the economic, social and political news of our troubled times -- a non-partisan daily collection of the most consequential stories about our complex times from multiple sources around the world plus daily editorials. *Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": (available on iTunes or Amazon) ... Read more

19 Aug 2024

1 HR 05 MINS


19 Aug 2024


Jeremy Ryan Slate: Thinking About the Roman Empire

Jeremy Ryan Slate returns to give us a deep dive on the Roman Empire. He discusses the recent "thinking about the Roman Empire" meme and his going viral as a guest on many podcasts to cover the subject. He gives a broad overview of Rome from start to finish, explaining how Rome has had such an impact on our modern society and what lessons we can pull from it today as our American Empire shows similar signs of decline. Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack Geopolitics & Empire · Jeremy Ryan Slate: Thinking About the Roman Empire #455 *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Donate Consult Become a Member Become a Sponsor **Visit Our Affiliates & Sponsors! Above Phone easyDNS (use promo code GEOPOLITICS for 15% off!) Expat Money Summit 2024 (use promo code EMPIRE for $100 off the VIP ticket!) LegalShield Wise Wolf Gold Websites Jeremy Ryan Slate Website YouTube X Command Your Brand About Jeremy Ryan Slate Jeremy Ryan Slate is the host of the Create Your Own Life Podcast, which studies the highest performers in the world, as well as the CEO of Command Your Brand. He holds a degree from Seton Hall University in Catholic theology and World Religions, with a concentration in Judaism. Jeremy studied Catholic literature at Oxford University, as well as holding a Master’s in Roman Emperor Worship from Seton Hall University. His podcast was named the #1 Podcast to Listen To by INC Magazine, as well as Top 40 Under 40 by Podcast Magazine. He’s the author of the best-selling book Unremarkable to Extraordinary: Ignite Your Passion to Go From Passive Observer to Creator of Your Own Life; in addition to his new book Command Your Brand: Grow Your Impact, Income and Influence in the New Media Landscape. Jeremy and his wife, Brielle, co-founded Command Your Brand—a new media public relations agency designed to help entrepreneurs share their message by appearing as podcast guests. He resides in Stillwater, NJ where he raises chickens and is a former competitive powerlifter. *Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": (available on iTunes or Amazon) ... Read more

17 Aug 2024

1 HR 14 MINS


17 Aug 2024


The Unnamed Podcast: Hrvoje, Mike, & Monica’s Maiden Voyage!

Hrvoje of The Geopolitics & Empire Podcast, Mike of The Parallel Systems Broadcast, and Monica of The Monica Perez Show have decided to band together for a monthly roundtable to discuss world events! It's an experiment! Heck, maybe we'll do twice a month! Heck, maybe we'll even throw in a monthly group Q&A with our respective members/supporters. Let us know what you think! Oh, and we need a name! Trilateral Commission was already taken...Committee of 3? No Silo Radio? Cognitive Dissidents? Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack Geopolitics & Empire · The Unnamed Podcast: Hrvoje, Mike, & Monica's Maiden Voyage! #1 *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Donate Consult Become a Member Become a Sponsor **Visit Our Affiliates & Sponsors! Above Phone easyDNS (use promo code GEOPOLITICS for 15% off!) Expat Money Summit 2024 (use promo code EMPIRE for $100 off the VIP ticket!) LegalShield Wise Wolf Gold Websites Parallel Systems Monica Perez Show About Parallel Mike Parallel Mike is an organic farmer, investor and host of both the Parallel Systems Broadcast & Parallel Mike Podcast. He is passionate about living purposefully, natural health and self sufficiency. About Monica Perez The Monica Perez Show offers a variety of content from Real NEWS REELs, where Monica uses her research and analytical skills to get to the bottom of top headlines from a perspective of truth, liberty & justice; Highlight Reels, where Monica kicks back with the best and the brightest from the podcasting world; and her Interview series where she brings listeners fascinating interviews with principled thought-leaders and experts in fields of interest essential to those who seek the truth about the parasites-that-be or simply pursue an autonomous and independently healthy lifestyle. Monica was a radio host for 8 1/2 years on WSB Radio in Atlanta; prior to that she was an investment banker in New York and Texas. From that previous life, Monica holds an associate’s degree from Rockland Community College, a bachelor’s degree from Harvard, and a JD-MBA from Stanford. She is a Chartered Financial Analyst as well as a member of the bar of the State of New York. Monica now resides in Los Angeles where, in addition to podcasting, she experiences life as a wife, homemaker and mother of three teens, all of whom–including a very special son who has Down syndrome–really keep things interesting! Monica is also a cocktail enthusiast who posts her favorite recipes on* (*This hobby may or may not be related to having three teens and living in LA.) Monica also co-hosted The Propaganda Report and the Drivetime News Blast as well as Deep Dives with Monica Perez. *Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": (available on iTunes or Amazon) ... Read more

14 Aug 2024



14 Aug 2024


James Burling: The Hidden Story of America’s Housing Crisis

James Burling of the Pacific Legal Foundation discusses his new book "Nowhere to Live: The Hidden Story of America’s Housing Crisis". Government overreach is preventing people from using property in the way they would like to use it and limiting the supply of housing through all manner of restrictions (e.g. zoning, environment). He comments on this idea of resilient or smart cities and he's optimistic in the battle for less government control over housing. Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack Geopolitics & Empire · James Burling: The Hidden Story of America's Housing Crisis #454 *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Donate Consult Become a Member Become a Sponsor **Visit Our Affiliates & Sponsors! Above Phone easyDNS (use promo code GEOPOLITICS for 15% off!) Expat Money Summit 2024 (use promo code EMPIRE for $100 off the VIP ticket!) LegalShield Wise Wolf Gold Websites Nowhere to Live Pacific Legal She Underpaid a Property Tax Bill. So the Government Seized Her Home, Sold It—and Kept the $102,636 Profit. About James Burling James S. Burling has been a property rights attorney for over 40 years at Pacific Legal Foundation, a national public interest law firm that defends Americans from government overreach and abuse. In 2001 he won a major Supreme Court case, Palazzolo v. Rhode Island, which affirmed that rights in regulated property do not disappear when land is bought and sold. In 2022 he was awarded the Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Prize at the William & Mary College of Law. He lives in Orangevale, California. *Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": (available on iTunes or Amazon) ... Read more

12 Aug 2024



12 Aug 2024


Terry Wolfe: The New Age, the Great Awakening, & the Green World Order

Terry Wolfe discusses the proliferation of gnosticism, the new age, and theosophy in alternative and independent media. It seems that apparently much of the "truth movement" or "trutherism" itself is gnostic, new age, theosophy and is part of the deception which paves the way for and initiates the true new world order that humanity will embrace. The Great Awakening is the theosophical Age of Aquarius. New age and occult ideas such as "Christ Consciousness," quantum spirituality, and one-ism (see Dr. Peter Jones of truthXchange) are seeping into churches and society and this is intentional. The Aquarian Conspiracy is an "open conspiracy" that works through a "network of networks". The goal of the "new or Aquarian age" is to fuse all beliefs into a new inclusive and tolerant universalism meanwhile eliminating any exclusive or "intolerant" faith (e.g. biblical Christianity). Terry lays out his thesis of the coming collapse and Green World Order. Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack Geopolitics & Empire · Terry Wolfe: The New Age, the Great Awakening, & the Green World Order #453 *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Donate Consult Become a Member Become a Sponsor **Visit Our Affiliates & Sponsors! Above Phone easyDNS (use coupon code GEOPOLITICS for 15% off!) Expat Money Summit 2024 LegalShield Wise Wolf Gold Websites Wolfpox Winter Christian Substack About Terry Wolfe Terry Wolfe is the author of Maybe Everyone Is Wrong: Revelations, Conspiracy, and the Kingdom of Heaven. He is an independent researcher from Canada's prairies, raised as a Mennonite to fear God and study the Word. His viral TikTok videos have been featured on dozens of major platforms and received millions of likes because they explain complex and intimidating topics in an enjoyable and simple way. *Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": (available on iTunes or Amazon) ... Read more

10 Aug 2024

2 HR 24 MINS


10 Aug 2024


Mees Baaijen: The Global Mafia & Their World Domination Project

Mees Baaijen discusses his book "The Predators versus The People" which delves into the global mafia or "glafia" who have been ruling planet earth for millennia. Over time, roughly around 500 years ago, capital concentrated to such an extent that this merchant and aristocratic class gained unprecedented powers of colonialization which they are wielding for their global domination project. Modern democracy is based on this hidden oligarchy, all nations have become proxies for their power projection. The world wars were used to break up monarchies and empires. We are living in de facto World Government, not yet de jure. Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack Geopolitics & Empire · Mees Baaijen: The Global Mafia & Their World Domination Project #452 *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Donate Consult Become a Member Become a Sponsor **Visit Our Affiliates & Sponsors! Above Phone easyDNS (use coupon code GEOPOLITICS for 15% off!) Expat Money Summit 2024 LegalShield Wise Wolf Gold Websites Predators versus People Substack Predators versus People Book About Meeuwis Baaijen Meeuwis T. Baaijen (1952) was born and brought up in simple-life rural Holland, where he developed strong ties with nature. As a veterinarian and later also entrepreneur, he worked in 7 countries on 4 continents, which allowed him a direct experience with different cultures, political systems, languages, and above all, people. His international background served him well when he decided to dig deep into global history, to write his first book, The Predators (and its six translations). After 50 years as an atheist, this study convinced him that the Enlightenment was in fact an Endarkenment, to alienate us from Nature and the Universe, from which we derive our power to move mountains. *Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": (available on iTunes or Amazon) ... Read more

06 Aug 2024

1 HR 42 MINS


06 Aug 2024


Riley Waggaman: The Only Alternative Multipolarity Offers is a Faster & Harder Digital Gulag!

Riley Waggaman returns to give us an update on the Not-War in Ukraine and the state of things in the Russian Federation. Denazification has not occurred in Ukraine, Kiev has never been more militarized, and NATO has expanded and been galvanized even more all thanks to Putin and the Kremlin. All of Moscow's "red lines" have been crossed, none of this makes any sense. It seems more like oligarchic in-fighting. It's not clear what real alternative BRICS and multipolarity will provide since they will force-inject you and cattle tag you with Digital ID just like in the G20 West! Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack Geopolitics & Empire · Riley Waggaman: The Only Alternative Multipolarity Offers is a Faster & Harder Digital Gulag! #451 *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Donate Consult Become a Member Become a Sponsor **Visit Our Affiliates & Sponsors! Above Phone easyDNS (use coupon code GEOPOLITICS for 15% off!) Expat Money Summit 2024 LegalShield Wise Wolf Gold Websites Edward Slavsquat Substack About Riley Waggaman Edward Slavsquat is a moniker sometimes used by Riley Waggaman, an American writer and journalist who has lived in Russia for close to a decade. He has contributed to many websites, including Anti-Empire, Russian Faith, Brownstone Institute, Unlimited Hangout, and Geopolitics & Empire. He worked for Press TV, Russia Insider, and RT before going solo. You can follow him on Twitter here. Email: riley (dot) waggaman (at) Also, follow Edward Slavsquat on Telegram for exciting (usually daily) Russia-related news updates! *Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": (available on iTunes or Amazon) ... Read more

01 Aug 2024

1 HR 41 MINS


01 Aug 2024


Parallel Mike: Phase Transition Through Cosmic, Debt, and Imperial Cycles

Parallel Mike discusses his big picture thesis at the moment of what's happening on planet earth. We're phase transitioning through cosmic, debt, and imperial cycles. He believes the EU and a lot of these centralized control systems have to eventually collapse and it's better for people to focus on what's going on around them in their immediate vicinity and be agile and nimble in their mindset and preparations. The elites will attempt to take whatever they can as the system collapses and transitions. He believes there is now greater fuel on the fire for the "second civil war" narrative following the Trump "assassination attempt". Above all, Mike stresses the need to be forward-thinking, solutions-oriented, becoming a ghost in the system, and remaining hopeful. Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack Geopolitics & Empire · Parallel Mike: Phase Transition Through Cosmic, Debt, and Imperial Cycles #450 *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Donate Consult Become a Member Become a Sponsor **Visit Our Affiliates & Sponsors! Above Phone easyDNS (use coupon code GEOPOLITICS for 15% off!) Expat Money Summit 2024 LegalShield Wise Wolf Gold Websites Linktree Website Patreon X Rumble Rokfin YouTube About Parallel Mike Parallel Mike is an investor and organic farmer who promotes decentralized living as a solution to state tyranny. He is also a content creator and host of the Parallel Systems Broadcast. *Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": (available on iTunes or Amazon) ... Read more

30 Jul 2024

1 HR 45 MINS


30 Jul 2024


Francis Hunt: Surviving the Coming Neo-Feudal Reset & Surveillance Finance Grid

Francis Hunt discusses the coming economic collapse and reset which will create a neo-feudal system. It's the statists versus the citizens, not nations versus nations. A surveillance finance grid is being set up where you'll be tracked, traced, and punished for social crimes while assets will be tokenized. It's important to have optionality which means internationalizing, moving to another country, and figuring out your best tax structure. The dollar will have a blow-off spike as part of a death knell. There is a floating zeppelin (e.g. BlackRock, Vanguard, Oligarchic Tech, Military-Industrial-Complex) that moves from nation to nation extracting wealth. Despite the grim situation, people can take the bull by the horns and position themselves well for opportunity. Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack Geopolitics & Empire · Francis Hunt: Surviving the Coming Neo-Feudal Reset & Surveillance Finance Grid #449 *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Donate Consult Become a Member Become a Sponsor **Visit Our Affiliates & Sponsors! Above Phone easyDNS (use coupon code GEOPOLITICS for 15% off!) LegalShield Wise Wolf Gold Websites Market Sniper Substack YouTube X Linktree About Francis Hunt Francis is a trader, first and foremost. Unlike most educators in the trading space, Francis walks the walk and talks the talk, with 30 years of experience in trading his own capital on various markets and instruments. Through this passion for trading and his relentless study of markets, theories and everything related to trading, he derived for his own benefit, the Hunt Volatility Funnel trading methodology, a systemized approach that answers the key question – what is the next most profitable trade? Because the actual price of an asset is the truest reflection of all the factors that influence it, Francis believes that effective technical analysis – the study of price action over time – is all that is needed to formulate result-driven trade ideas. Indeed, with all the market manipulation and high-frequency trading operations currently in play, technical analysis is all that can be relied upon when it comes to formulating future price trends. A trained eye can often spot such manipulative practices – as is the case with HVF traders. The HVF methodology is therefore based purely on technical analysis with the fundamental reasons often following to justify a price move rather than pre-emptively explaining it. Francis is passionate about sharing his knowledge and understanding of markets through the utilization of his HVF trading methodology. With entertaining anecdotes and careful guidance of his students, he has already trained a large community of hundreds of traders, and helped them transform from complete newbies to seasoned trading professionals. But why teach? Why not keep this method to himself? Francis genuinely loves sharing his knowledge and method with others who are committed to finding freedom through trading. Plus, by teaching,  it strengthens his own trading abilities while building a vibrant community of highly successful HVF traders who share their trade ideas for the benefit of the entire community. If you see value in these principles and you would like to find out how the HVF Method can aid your trading and investing efforts, we invite you to book a call to get started. *Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from thei... ... Read more

20 Jul 2024

1 HR 08 MINS


20 Jul 2024


Doctor Allen: Global Pentagon-run Operation Gladio Underway for Democide & Dystopia

Doctor Allen discusses the global elite and how the "health emergency" was one big global Operation Gladio run by the Pentagon. He discusses his time hanging out with Bill Cooper and later working with bankers who would reveal things from time to time. They are working to bring in a global dystopia (e.g. CBDCs) and social credit system because the financial system is collapsing. Decreasing the population makes the crash more manageable for them. He explains the work he is doing to mitigate the damage done to people who took the medical countermeasures. The hour is late, people need to get prepared. Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack Geopolitics & Empire · Doctor Allen: Global Pentagon-run Operation Gladio Underway for Democide & Dystopia #448 *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Donate Consult Become a Member Become a Sponsor **Visit Our Affiliates & Sponsors! Above Phone easyDNS (use coupon code GEOPOLITICS for 15% off!) LegalShield Wise Wolf Gold Websites If you are seriously interested in Doctor Allen's health or survival services, please contact Geopolitics & Empire via direct message on Substack or X or use the website contact form: About Doctor Allen I am a Doctor of German Functional Medicine, trained in Germany. I worked in Switzerland for a few years and continued on with training in Psychosomatics. I also trained in advanced survival. As a result I built a sustainable development project in Northern Thailand many years ago called Solutions4Mankind Total Wellness center where there is a fully equipped detoxification program with a juice bar and a mineral hot spring spa. Located at my large organic farm with a farm to table cafe. There is 4 star accommodation with an indoor, non-chlorine swimming pool. There is also another Solution4Mankind service available which I call: Strategic-Relocation-Services Survival Real Estate & Memberships. One home and a couple of memberships have been sold. There is a comprehensive detox program available for people who need to remove silver amalgam dental fillings and or root canal and there is a mercury/heavy metal chelation detox protocol. We have been able to support unfortunate people who took the corona shots. People have experienced a lot of benefits after this comprehensive process although we firmly recommend only people who have taken no more than 3 jabs as eligible for this protocol as the detox reactions may be somewhat challenging. This is where people who are serious about escaping the large or medium sized cities and need to invest in their long term safety can live a security based lifestyle. All of the aforementioned is situated next door to a 100,000 acre national park with 2 waterfalls. There is a food bank, large scale water storage with a well to site and industrial purification preprocessing for sustainable bottled drinking water, solar lighting, and back up generator. For those who are serious about learning how to handle a SHTF situation I teach self defense and weapons. There is a target practice range for those who wish to go to the next level. *Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": (available on iTunes or Amazon) ... Read more

18 Jul 2024

2 HR 32 MINS


18 Jul 2024


John O’Loughlin: Thomas O’Loughlin, Jr.’s Struggle Against the Deep State

John O'Loughlin discusses the life and times of his father Thomas F. O'Loughlin, Jr. who worked in the deep state and rubbed shoulders with General MacArthur, J. Edgar Hoover, and John F. Kennedy. John surmises that his father was taken out by the deep state for attempting to do what was right by acting on Kennedy's orders to reign in the CIA. Thomas O'Loughlin, Jr. was assigned to the office of SACSA which had been created to oversee the CIA. It appears that O'Loughlin, Jr. later began to investigate illegal CIA drug trafficking before rapidly and mysteriously developing an illness that led to his untimely death at the age of 51. John believes the hidden hand of the British is still behind everything and currently they are hellbent on destroying Russia and China. We should not fall for their fear mongering and PSYOPS that puts us into a paralyzed, panicked, and defensive state. Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack Geopolitics & Empire · John O'Loughlin: Thomas O'Loughlin, Jr.'s Struggle Against the Deep State #447 *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Donate Consult Become a Member Become a Sponsor **Visit Our Affiliates & Sponsors! Above Phone easyDNS (use coupon code GEOPOLITICS for 15% off!) LegalShield Wise Wolf Gold John O'Loughlin Websites McDuff Lives!: The Life and Untimely Death of Thomas F. O'Loughlin, Jr. McDuff Lives on Rumble John O'Loughlin on X John O'Loughlin Substack McDuff Lives Website About John O'Loughlin John’s mission is to expose the criminal takeover of our government which has occurred over his lifetime and that of his father, Thomas F. O’Loughlin, Jr. (1920-1971). During his first year at The College of William and Mary in Virginia, John’s father suddenly was diagnosed with cancer. The next spring, on June 6, 1971, he died. The story of Tom O’Loughlin’s career in the Navy, the FBI, and finally at the highest Special Operations command at the Pentagon and how John’s suspicions grew into this mission is told in John’s biography of his father, “McDuff Lives!, the Life and Untimely death of Thomas F. O’Loughlin, Jr.,” (2021, Amazon) Available below. John’s popular YouTube Channel, “McDuff, Kennedy’s Man to Smash the CIA,” was taken down by YouTube in 2021. His work survives on his YouTube back-up channels, “McDuff Lives 2” and “McDuff Lives 3,” where many of his videos are still available. However, John has moved to Rumble for his base of video broadcasting, and his live broadcasts and archive are at “McDiffLives” and “McDuff Archive” channels on Rumble. *Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": (available on iTunes or Amazon) ... Read more

13 Jul 2024

1 HR 04 MINS


13 Jul 2024


Kym Staton: The Persecution of Assange & Fight Against Transnational Dystopia

Kym Staton discusses his documentary film The Trust Fall: Julian Assange. WikiLeaks' "Collateral Murder" release is what initially woke him up. He documents the abuse and oppression of Assange and through the film seeks to inspire action. He comments on the empire, the secret state, and transnational security elite. He talks about interviewing the late John Pilger and Daniel Ellsberg among others featured in the film. What was done to Assange was meant to intimidate the rest of the world. Technocrats are becoming more powerful as we move toward a transnational dystopia. He opines on the idea of Assange as some sort of psyop and urges people to take action and do something to fight tyranny and injustice, which creates pressure, because too many people are doing nothing. Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack Geopolitics & Empire · Kym Staton: The Persecution of Assange & Fight Against Transnational Dystopia #446 *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Donate Consult Become a Member Become a Sponsor **Visit Our Affiliates & Sponsors! Above Phone easyDNS (use coupon code GEOPOLITICS for 15% off!) LegalShield Wise Wolf Gold Kym Staton Websites The Trust Fall: Julian Assange Trust Fall on X Films For Change About Kym Staton Kym Staton is a poet, musician and filmmaker from Australia. He is the founder and director of Films For Change and Writer and Director of the hit documentary THE TRUST FALL: JULIAN ASSANGE. *Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": (available on iTunes or Amazon) ... Read more

11 Jul 2024

1 HR 07 MINS


11 Jul 2024


Fadi Lama: Money Powers & West Collapsing Into Dystopia as East Rises

Fadi Lama discusses his fantastic book "Why the West Can't Win" and the Money Powers that rule the world. He explains how everything in the West is fake and a Virtual Reality (e.g. fake democracy, fake economy, false flag operations). Democracy was created by the Money Powers as the new means of control (e.g. only individuals with money can run for office). He argues that the East has overtaken the West economically and militarily. The world will have a hard split between East and West. The West will collapse into a globalist dystopia (e.g. 15-minute cities). Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack Geopolitics & Empire · Fadi Lama: Money Powers & West Collapsing Into Dystopia as East Rises #445 *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Donate Consult Become a Member Become a Sponsor **Visit Our Affiliates & Sponsors! Above Phone easyDNS (use coupon code GEOPOLITICS for 15% off!) LegalShield Wise Wolf Gold Fadi Lama Websites WHY THE WEST CAN’T WIN: From Bretton Woods to a Multipolar World Fadi Lama Substack About Fadi Lama Dr. Fadi Lama is an International Adviser for the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and a partner in DNL Strategic Consulting, offering consulting services in the fields of geoeconomics, industry, SMEs and academia. He is founder and general manager of a testing equipment and industrial automation systems manufacturing company. Dr. Lama received his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology, his MSc in Manufacturing Technology from The City University of London, and his BE in Mechanical Engineering from the American University of Beirut. *Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": (available on iTunes or Amazon) ... Read more

04 Jul 2024

1 HR 53 MINS


04 Jul 2024


Bob Moriarty: Israel Intends to Use Nuclear Weapons, May Start WW3

Bob Moriarty discusses the Black Swans circling above, from Julian Assange being freed and Democratic Party shenanigans to the looming wars on the horizon. Israel is in a difficult situation, it is getting away with genocide and with possibly starting WW3. It may be the first to initiate the use of nuclear weapons which would bring many more parties into the fold. The rest of the world doesn't want to be part of the collapsing Western debt-based system and is jumping on the BRICS train. We're seeing tops in the markets (e.g. Nvidia), he expects things to crash eventually. Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack Geopolitics & Empire · Bob Moriarty: Israel Intends to Use Nuclear Weapons, May Start WW3 #444 *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Donate Consult Become a Member Become a Sponsor **Visit Our Affiliates & Sponsors! Above Phone Borderless Mexico Expat Health Insurance easyDNS (use coupon code GEOPOLITICS for 15% off!) LegalShield Wise Wolf Gold Bob Moriarty Websites 321 Gold 321 Energy No Guts, No Glory: The Glory Days of International Aircraft Deliveries Robert Moriarty's BOOKS About Robert Moriarty Robert Moriarty was born in New York state in 1946. He began training as a military pilot in 1965 and became the youngest Naval Aviator during the Vietnam War in 1966. With two years in Vietnam and some 832 missions in combat, he left the Marine Corps in 1970. He worked in computers for a few years before beginning a 2nd career as a ferry pilot delivering small airplanes all over the world. He made over 240 ocean crossings mostly in single engine airplanes. He and his wife of 25 years were computer consultants and began one of the earliest online computer retail outlets in 1995 before retiring in 2000. He began another career running a financial website in 2001 specializing in resource companies. He continues to travel the world looking for the next great mineral discovery and writes in his spare time. *Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": (available on iTunes or Amazon) ... Read more

01 Jul 2024

1 HR 05 MINS


01 Jul 2024


Mats Nilsson: Multipolar World Far From Perfect, But Better Than US Hegemony

Mats Nilsson discusses how his travels around the world led him to reconsider many of the official and false narratives that are typically espoused in the West. He describes his unique way of attempting to persuade commoners as to how politics really works. He is under no illusion regarding oligarchy in Beijing and Moscow, but believes Washington's hegemony is the most dangerous, and he currently supports the coming multipolar world. In the future he might be complaining about Eurasia, it's geopolitics, things change. We are in a pre-1914 scenario where momentum is building for another unnecessary war desired by the elites and no one is attempting to look for an off-ramp. America is getting too old to be able to dominate the globe. He hopes greed will help avoid WW3 because governments could potentially nationalize industry which would distress the BlackRock's of the world. Elites are in danger of overshooting the mark. The Algorithm Ghetto is a real possibility. We must keep speaking truth to power. Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack Geopolitics & Empire · Mats Nilsson: Multipolar World Far From Perfect, But Better Than US Hegemony #443 *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Donate Consult Become a Member Become a Sponsor **Visit Our Affiliates & Sponsors! Above Phone Borderless Mexico Expat Health Insurance easyDNS (use coupon code GEOPOLITICS for 15% off!) LegalShield Wise Wolf Gold Mats Nilsson Websites Mats Nilsson on X About Mats Nilsson Mats Nilsson is a Swedish author, traveler, conditional pacifist, tsundokuist, and epicurean with 15 years of government service. *Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": (available on iTunes or Amazon) ... Read more

26 Jun 2024

1 HR 11 MINS


26 Jun 2024


Jan Weckström: Between Nuclear Annihilation or Digital Prison, Politicians Lust for Power

Jan Weckström discusses rock and roll and the new anti-war music he is making. He tells of his experiences hanging out with Guns N' Roses and how the industry has changed, especially with AI. His new song "Turn To Dust" is about how politicians today, particularly in the West, are playing with nuclear war just to stay in power. He doesn't think that the West trying to force their "values" down the rest of the world's throats is working anymore. He fears the threat of the social credit system and us becoming digital inmates. European technocrats are more afraid of falling out of favor with Washington than their own people. The EU is increasingly weaker, delusional, and authoritarian. He consumes only alternative news and hopes that enough people will at some point come together in civil obedience to change the status quo. Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack Geopolitics & Empire · Jan Weckström: Between Nuclear Annihilation or Digital Prison, Politicians Lust for Power #442 *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Donate Consult Become a Member Become a Sponsor **Visit Our Affiliates & Sponsors! Above Phone Borderless Mexico Expat Health Insurance easyDNS (use coupon code GEOPOLITICS for 15% off!) LegalShield Wise Wolf Gold Jan Weckström Websites Anti-war anthem "Turn To Dust" Red Rumble on X Red Rumble on YouTube Wighthouse Wanderland Gulf Stream Riders About Jan Weckström Jan is a Finnish entrepreneur doing international business. He has worked for major corporations and founded a few startups. He has a background in music, being a former Warner Music recording artist as well as an Executive Producer on various music projects. Jan follows world politics and wrote the anti-war song ”Turn To Dust” as a way to contribute to the discussion. The artist, Red Rumble, is a two-man project band. ”Turn To Dust” is available on all major music streaming platforms and the music video on YouTube and X. *Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": (available on iTunes or Amazon) ... Read more

19 Jun 2024



19 Jun 2024


Karen Kingston: Pfizer Charged with Conspiracy, mRNA Shots Have Transhuman Purpose

Karen Kingston discusses a new lawsuit charging Pfizer with conspiracy to commit fraud and unconscionable acts related to its mRNA injections. She delves into the nanoparticle technology that is in the mRNA injections, synthetic biology being utilized for purposes of transhumanism. We have underestimated the enemy, they've outsmarted and outmaneuvered us. We must resist this push to eliminate constitutional rights in the West. Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack Geopolitics & Empire · Karen Kingston: Pfizer Charged with Conspiracy, mRNA Shots Have Transhuman Purpose #441 *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Donate Consult Become a Member Become a Sponsor **Visit Our Affiliates & Sponsors! Above Phone Borderless Mexico Expat Health Insurance easyDNS (use coupon code GEOPOLITICS for 15% off!) LegalShield Wise Wolf Gold Karen Kingston Websites Kingston Report Substack Karen Kingston X About Karen Kingston Karen Kingston is a Biotech Analyst and Med-legal Advisor with the expertise and evidence required to provide citizens with the evidence and words to understand and articulate the COVID-19 crimes committed against them under the guise of public health safety and national security. *Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": (available on iTunes or Amazon) ... Read more

18 Jun 2024



18 Jun 2024


Ralph Schoellhammer: Europe Experiencing Historical Moment With Political Shifts

Ralph Schoellhammer discusses how Europe is experiencing great change and political shifts which can be considered a historical moment. Ideas of the past (e.g. cheap money) are now colliding with reality. There is now a move in Europe by the right-wing in Germany, Italy, Hungary, and other countries to steer the European ship away from the proverbial iceberg. He comments on Ukraine, the specter of a Third World War, and the fate of America. Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack Geopolitics & Empire · Ralph Schoellhammer: Europe Experiencing Historical Moment With Political Shifts #440 *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Donate Consult Become a Member Become a Sponsor **Visit Our Affiliates & Sponsors! Above Phone Borderless Mexico Expat Health Insurance easyDNS (use coupon code GEOPOLITICS for 15% off!) LegalShield Wise Wolf Gold Websites Link Tree Twitter-X Mathias Corvinus Collegium About Ralph Schoellhammer Ralph Schoellhammer is a visiting fellow at Mathias Corvinus Collegium. His commentary has been featured in newspapers such as the Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Unherd, Spiked, Jerusalem Post, Washington Examiner, American Spectator, Die Presse, Der Standard, and the Wiener Zeitung among others. He is also a geopolitical consultant who has advised Austrian politicians and organizations in the past. *Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": (available on iTunes or Amazon) ... Read more

15 Jun 2024

1 HR 19 MINS


15 Jun 2024


Morgan Lerette: Life as a Blackwater Mercenary & the Role of PMCs Today

Morgan Lerette discusses his new book on his time as a Blackwater mercenary in Iraq and what a mess war and Private Military Companies (PMCs) are. He talks about laughing in the face of death and how, as bad as Saddam Hussein was, he kept things in check. America starts endless wars with no planned endgame. He tells stories of meeting Erik Prince, John Bolton, and Pat Tillman. He comments on Wagner, how PMCs are being used in Ukraine and Gaza, and the great power conflict. He doesn't believe the U.S. still has any competitor. Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack Geopolitics & Empire · Morgan Lerette: Life as a Blackwater Mercenary & the Role of PMCs Today #439 *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Donate Consult Become a Member Become a Sponsor **Visit Our Affiliates & Sponsors! Above Phone Borderless Mexico Expat Health Insurance LegalShield Wise Wolf Gold Websites Guns, Girls, and Greed: I Was a Blackwater Mercenary in Iraq Morgan Lerette on X About Morgan Lerette Morgan Lerette was first deployed to Iraq in 2003 to provide security for the first aerial supply route in Iraq at Tallil Air Base, which was the staging point for the Jessica Lynch rescue. He joined Blackwater in 2004 and was sent to Iraq to protect diplomats. He participated in hundreds of combat missions protecting the Regime Crimes Liaison Office, which gathered evidence for the trials of Saddam Hussein. He completed his undergraduate degree in 2007 at Northern Arizona University and is commissioned as an Army Intelligence Officer. In 2009, he deployed to Iraq where his team fed reports to Chelsea (Bradley) Manning that were given to WikiLeaks. He left the army as a Captain. Morgan received a Master’s of International Banking and Finance in 2013 at Tufts University. Lerette assisted the FBI in convicting Matt Marshall of fraud in 2022 by debunking his “proof” that he worked for the CIA. *Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": (available on iTunes or Amazon) ... Read more

13 Jun 2024



13 Jun 2024


Tony Arterburn: The Cancerous State of America & How Our Enemies Are Domestic Not Foreign

Tony Arterburn discusses the cancerous state of America and how our true enemies are not foreign but domestic. The project for world government is futile, we're moving toward decentralization. The elites likely want to blame the economic collapse on America First. We're probably headed for war. Alternative media is getting weird. In chaos there is opportunity. Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack Geopolitics & Empire · Tony Arterburn: The Cancerous State of America & How Our Enemies Are Domestic Not Foreign #438 *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Donate Consult Become a Member Become a Sponsor **Visit Our Affiliates & Sponsors! Above Phone Borderless Mexico Expat Health Insurance LegalShield Wise Wolf Gold Websites Wise Wolf Gold Arterburn News Tony Arterburn on X America Unplugged About Tony Arterburn Tony Arterburn is a former U.S. Army Paratrooper, owner of Wise Wolf Gold, host of The Arterburn Radio Transmission, host of The Wise Wolf Gold & Crypto Show, and co-host of America Unplugged. *Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": (available on iTunes or Amazon) ... Read more

07 Jun 2024



07 Jun 2024