Faith and Tech Bytes with Amy Lynn podcast

Faith and Tech Bytes with Amy Lynn


  Amy Lynn  

I have a unique way of looking at things and I'd like to share that view with you. I believe technology and faith have a lot in common and I can teach both at the same time during one little byte. Join me today and find out how. I'm a strong Christian and have been sharing my faith since being saved in 1993. You can read my personal testimony here: [] ( I'm a computer geek, programming since the age of seven so I have a lot of things to share. All my businesses are lead by God. My very core has always been my faith. It's why I was so excited when he gave me the guidance to do the podcast "Faith and Tech Bytes with Amy Lynn."Be sure to Like, Subscribe, and Follow to our social media channels: [] ( [] ( [] ( [] ( Visit our website at: [] (

I have a unique way of looking at things and I'd like to share that view with you. I believe technology and faith have a lot in common and I can teach both at the same time during one little byte. Join me today and find out how. I'm a strong Christian and have been sharing my faith since being saved in 1993. You can read my personal testimony here: [] ( I'm a computer geek, programming since the age of seven so I have a lot of things to share. All my businesses are lead by God. My very core has always been my faith. It's why I was so excited when he gave me the guidance to do the podcast "Faith and Tech Bytes with Amy Lynn."Be sure to Like, Subscribe, and Follow to our social media channels: [] ( [] ( [] ( [] ( Visit our website at: [] (



Everything is Going to Let You Down

Everything is going to let you down in some way shape or form. This not a curse, it's the likelihood of life. No human is perfect. Each of us have our own responsibilities in life and our own burdens.Computers too can let us down. Phones can get damaged as well as lost and if you didn't backup data then again your system or devices have let you down. If you have important content on your phone or computers you need to back it up, save it somewhere safe so it's there when you need it. Print things out before they get lost or damaged. Uploading everything to the cloud also isn't secure.  Even online storage like Google Drive or Dropbox aren't 100% safe. There is no format online or off that offers 100% secure backups.Psalms 118:8: "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man"Be sure to Like, Subscribe, and Follow to our social media channels: [] ( [] ( [] ( [] ( Visit our website at: [] ( ... Read more

19 Aug 2024



19 Aug 2024


Combination Show

Episode 12 is a combination of all the shows. I wanted to do something special since the number 12 is so important in the Bible. While I realize that the podcast isn't fully centered around either faith or tech it is a combination of both. Jesus's apostles: Jesus chose 12 apostles, each representing one of Israel's 12 tribes.The book of Revelations: The number 12 is referenced in many ways, including 12 gates and 12 angels.Jesus's disciples: The 12 disciples of Jesus symbolize the perfection and completeness of his teachings. The number 1212 can be seen as a reflection of this biblical meaning, representing completion, perfection, and divine authorityBuddhists believe that life is composed of 12 stages.Beyond faith:12 months in a year. 12 hours of day and night. 12 dozen eggs. 12 ribs on the average human. 12 signs of the zodiac. 12 function keys on a computer. 12 grades of school. 12 face cards in a deck of cards. Alcoholics Anonymous has 12 steps, 12 traditions, and 12 concepts for world service. Jury of 12.You can read more here: [] ( Be sure to Like, Subscribe, and Follow to our social media channels: [] ( [] ( [] ( [] ( Visit our website at: [] ( ... Read more

05 Aug 2024



05 Aug 2024


Darkness Into Light

You know how shadows are scary in the dark?  The darkness can make anything look scary. It can play on your paranoia creating things that aren't there. Children and adults alike can be afraid of the dark.  If you've gone through a traumatic event it can cause you to fear the dark. When you turn on the light, the darkness and shadows disappear.Don't let your tech problems leave you in the dark. When you have computer or phone glitches, errors, blue screen of death you may feel like you too are in the dark.  You may be wondering how to fix whatever the computer issue. Sometimes just shutting the device down and leaving it alone for a bit helps."Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." - Psalms 119:105Be sure to Like, Subscribe, and Follow to our social media channels: [] ( [] ( [] ( [] ( Visit our website at: [] ( ... Read more

22 Jul 2024



22 Jul 2024


Asking for Help

Sometimes asking for help can be hard. I've always researched things on a search engine before reaching out to any kind of support or to friends. Everyone's time has worth and value. Time is something you can't get back. This is something that should be considered when reaching out for help. Is it something you can find the answer yourself or do you indeed need that helping hand? Please don't misunderstand me. You should never feel embarrassed when reaching out for help. You can also always find instructional videos on YouTube. We are really blessed that so many share their knowledge often times free of charge online."Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need." - Hebrews 4:16Tech help: [] ( [] ( [] ( [] ( Be sure to Like, Subscribe, and Follow to our social media channels: [] ( [] ( [] ( [] ( Visit our website at: [] ( ... Read more

08 Jul 2024



08 Jul 2024


The Art of Distraction

The art of distraction is Satan's most powerful tool. If Satan cannot have your heart, he’ll do his best to distract you. Are you busy? Are you looking left when you should be looking right? Are you carrying a platter of things to do instead of a plate? This can be considered by design.Romans 8:1 People who struggle with distraction should not feel condemned, and good stewardship for them may look like fighting distraction as best they can.Be sure to Like, Subscribe, and Follow to our social media channels: [] ( [] ( [] ( [] ( Visit our website at: [] ( ... Read more

24 Jun 2024



24 Jun 2024



You know your relationship has gotten closer when you start to discover "triggers" ON BOTH SIDES. It's a terrible thing to be triggered and even more to trigger someone else. But I have to say, that this I don't think would of ever happened if you didn't really love the person and they didn't really love you back. The key is to discuss this, not hold it inside and grow resentment.  You need to keep your computer in working order to avoid "bad triggers." Get yourself a virus scanner, and or firewall today to keep things running smoothly. There are some really good free versions out there. I've used Trend Micro, and Malwarebytes to name a few.Philippians 1:4Be sure to Like, Subscribe, and Follow to our social media channels: [] ( [] ( [] ( [] ( Visit our website at: [] ( ... Read more

10 Jun 2024



10 Jun 2024


Nothing To Lose

'Nothing to lose' is a state of absolute surrender to God. It’s recognizing that your life is no longer yours, but belongs to God. Everything you have, are and will be, are now His. It’s saying, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” (Galatians 2:20).If a person has nothing to lose or believes they have nothing to lose, what holds them to their moral code? What stops them from inflicting pain towards others? What prevents them from breaking the law? Is it the law itself? Is it their moral code, or belief in a higher body or power?  I personally have felt this way many times. And having done so I understand why people do what they do and then the media blames mental illness.What about Tech? Well, If you lose your phone, laptop or any other item that you have data stored on, you are likely to panic. You may very well be highly upset or scared even. It can even be worse if you got hit with ransomware or your hard drive fails entirely. Let's face it any personal loss of data can be painful.Be sure to Like, Subscribe, and Follow to our social media channels: [] ( [] ( [] ( [] ( Visit our website at: [] ( ... Read more

27 May 2024



27 May 2024


Life Inside - The Holy Ghost

When you carry a life inside, you start to second guess what you are eating, drinking, and all around doing. If we all treated our bodies as though there was another life inside what would happen? We carry the Holy Spirit inside of us and our bodies are a temple that we abuse nearly daily. Overworking, overeating, oversleeping. These overages over time add up. Overweight, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, stress, anxiety, overuse of drugs, depression just to name a few. Science already shows us that working out releases endorphins that make us feel better similar to those of morphine. Change may be easier for women to adapt to in this situation as carrying a life inside is in our nature. But after you got saved, how many times have you paused at the thought while eating that hamburger "is this the best meal choice for me?"1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says, "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies".Be sure to Like, Subscribe, and Follow to our social media channels: [] ( [] ( [] ( [] ( Visit our website at: [] ( Resources: [] ( [] ( [] ( [] ( ... Read more

13 May 2024



13 May 2024


Playing Pretend

Social media has become a wasteland full of abuse. If it was a movie, it would be Mad Max.  Online trolls, bullying, attacking anyone for an opinion they don't agree with or understand.  People are quick to use the keyboard to vent. Often times not in a healthy or safe manner. Please, I ask you, if you have been a victim of a romance scam, catfished, a stalker, a con artist, a bully, or any other kind of abuse please report it. Romans 12:19-21Be sure to Like, Subscribe, and Follow to our social media channels: [] ( [] ( [] ( [] ( Visit our website at: [] ( Resources: [] (  - 24/7 Crisis lines. [] (  - Places to report scams. [] (  - Book that contains resources. [ ] ( - Crisis lines world wide. [] ( Disclaimer: This publication is meant as a source of valuable information for the reader and listener.  However, it is not meant as a substitute for direct expert assistance.  If such a level of assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. ... Read more

30 Apr 2024



30 Apr 2024


The Power of Words

As Christians, we need to be careful what we say and how we say it. Should you smite someone or point blank curse them this could cause a lot of damage. Not just to the person you are cursing or smiting but yourself in the end. Many call it Karma. Be kind to support agents, they are humans too and don't deserve abuse because something may not be working. It's not personally their fault.  "Take control of what I say, O Lord, and guard my lips. Don’t let me drift toward evil or take part in acts of wickedness. Don’t let me share in the delicacies of those who do wrong." – Psalm 141:3-4Be sure to Like, Subscribe, and Follow to our social media channels: [] ( [] ( [] ( [] ( Visit our website at: [] ( ... Read more

15 Apr 2024



15 Apr 2024


Everyday Burdens

I have come to realize that Hotmail, Outlook, Live, MSN spam filter it a lot like being taught the Bible, faith, God, good and evil. Teaching it what's not junk/bad what is good/right is hard!  There are limitations to understanding and acceptance and this doesn't just apply to children. Psalms 68:19-20 Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens. Our God is a God who saves; from the Sovereign LORD comes escape from death.Be sure to Like, Subscribe, and Follow to our social media channels: [] ( [] ( [] ( [] ( Visit our website at: [] ( ... Read more

06 Apr 2024



06 Apr 2024


Browser Extensions Are Like Stones

People don't realize that all these browser extensions are actually slowing down the computer and browsing.  Think of Browser Extension like stones - they are pulling you down.  You may have people in your life doing that very same thing.  Cast away the stones pulling you down both on your computer and real life. Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs it down, but a good word makes it glad. Psalm 38:4Be sure to Like, Subscribe, and Follow to our social media channels: [] ( [] ( [] ( [] ( Visit our website at: [] ( You can find other ways to earn online here: [] ( ... Read more

20 Mar 2024



20 Mar 2024


From The Heart

I grew up programming and now I do just about anything you can think of on a computer. I've been very blessed with those gifts. Today I want to share something I feel some people may relate to. A heart transplant, a triple bypass, surgeries that can change ones life and or even end it. Psalm 51:10-12: says "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me. Do not cast me away from your presence, and do not take your holy spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and sustain in me a willing spirit."Be sure to Like, Subscribe, and Follow to our social media channels: [] ( [] ( [] ( [] ( Visit our website at: [] ( ... Read more

24 Feb 2024



24 Feb 2024


Trailer for Faith and Tech Bytes with Amy Lynn

I have a unique way of looking at things and I'd like to share that view with you. I believe technology and faith have a lot in common and I can teach both at the same time during one little byte. Join me today and find out how.Be sure to Like, Subscribe, and Follow to our social media channels: [] ( [] ( [] ( [] ( Visit our website at: [] ( ... Read more

09 Feb 2024



09 Feb 2024