Daily Meditation Podcast podcast

Daily Meditation Podcast

Sleep better, reduce stress and anxiety, and feel happier about your life. If you yearn for simpler calmer days, settle yourself down to explore the rich tradition of meditation for your modern life. Journey through a weekly theme to gain insight and understanding of the biggest stressors of our time. Be guided in a brief mini-meditation using a time-proven meditation technique in each episode to sleep better, manage anxiety, and improve mental focus. Described by listeners as a daily therapy session with certified meditation and yoga teacher, Mary Meckley

Sleep better, reduce stress and anxiety, and feel happier about your life. If you yearn for simpler calmer days, settle yourself down to explore the rich tradition of meditation for your modern life. Journey through a weekly theme to gain insight and understanding of the biggest stressors of our time. Be guided in a brief mini-meditation using a time-proven meditation technique in each episode to sleep better, manage anxiety, and improve mental focus. Described by listeners as a daily therapy session with certified meditation and yoga teacher, Mary Meckley



Meditation for Peace While Healing, Day 6: "Navigating Loss and Healing" meditation series

This meditation incorporates various techniques to offer a comprehensive approach to healing from grief. It combines body awareness, visualization, and breathwork to create a supportive space for emotional processing. WELCOME TO THIS WEEK'S GUIDED MEDITATION SERIES Be guided in a transformative meditation series designed to guide you through the profound process of healing and remembrance after experiencing loss. In this series, we will embark on a heartfelt exploration of grief, honor the memories of our loved ones, and find solace in the midst of sorrow. Grieving is a deeply personal journey, and finding ways to navigate through it can often feel overwhelming. This series offers a sanctuary of peace and reflection, where you'll be gently guided to connect with your emotions, embrace your memories, and discover healing techniques that resonate with your unique experience. Each meditation in this series is crafted to support you in processing your grief, finding comfort, and nurturing your heart. From reflecting on cherished memories to embracing the strength found within, you'll learn to honor your loved ones' legacies while fostering your own emotional well-being. Join us as we explore practices designed to soothe your spirit, cultivate resilience, and ultimately, guide you towards a place of renewed hope and inner peace. Whether you're seeking comfort in your loss or looking for ways to celebrate the life of someone dear, this series will provide you with the tools and support needed to heal and move forward with grace. May this journey bring you solace, strength, and a deeper connection to the enduring love that remains in your heart. This is episode 6 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Navigating Loss and Healing," episodes 3149-3155. THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Create a Celebration of Life Journal This week reflect on the ways you celebrate the life of the loved being who has passed. select a time each day to light a candle in their honor. write down the best qualities of the being you are celebrating and reflect on beautiful remembrances of their life. A DIFFERENT MEDITATION TECHNIQUE EVERY DAY FOCUSED ON A WEEKLY THEME: Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique daily, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life. FREE TOOLS: For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey. Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app! Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone</a>   1-week Free Access to the Android app! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom</a>   ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission.   RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by  [RoyaltyFreeMusic.com] (http://royaltyfreemusic.com/) , and also by musician Greg Keller.   I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes.   **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate. ... Read more






Anchoring Through Grief, Day 5: "Navigating Loss and Healing" meditation series

This guided meditation invites you to connect with your root chakra, the foundation of your being. As you breathe deeply and visualize stabilizing energy, imagine roots growing from your base, anchoring you to the earth's strength. Feel the sorrow, but also the unwavering presence that continues to support you. This meditation can offer a sense of security and stability during a time of loss. WELCOME TO THIS WEEK'S GUIDED MEDITATION SERIES Be guided in a transformative meditation series designed to guide you through the profound process of healing and remembrance after experiencing loss. In this series, we will embark on a heartfelt exploration of grief, honor the memories of our loved ones, and find solace in the midst of sorrow. Grieving is a deeply personal journey, and finding ways to navigate through it can often feel overwhelming. This series offers a sanctuary of peace and reflection, where you'll be gently guided to connect with your emotions, embrace your memories, and discover healing techniques that resonate with your unique experience. Each meditation in this series is crafted to support you in processing your grief, finding comfort, and nurturing your heart. From reflecting on cherished memories to embracing the strength found within, you'll learn to honor your loved ones' legacies while fostering your own emotional well-being. Join us as we explore practices designed to soothe your spirit, cultivate resilience, and ultimately, guide you towards a place of renewed hope and inner peace. Whether you're seeking comfort in your loss or looking for ways to celebrate the life of someone dear, this series will provide you with the tools and support needed to heal and move forward with grace. May this journey bring you solace, strength, and a deeper connection to the enduring love that remains in your heart. This is episode 5 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Navigating Loss and Healing," episodes 3149-3155. THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Create a Celebration of Life Journal This week reflect on the ways you celebrate the life of the loved being who has passed. select a time each day to light a candle in their honor. write down the best qualities of the being you are celebrating and reflect on beautiful remembrances of their life. A DIFFERENT MEDITATION TECHNIQUE EVERY DAY FOCUSED ON A WEEKLY THEME: Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique daily, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life. FREE TOOLS: For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey. Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app! Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone</a>   1-week Free Access to the Android app! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom</a>   ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission.   RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by  [RoyaltyFreeMusic.com] (http://royaltyfreemusic.com/) , and also by musician Greg Keller.   I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes.   **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate. ... Read more

25 Jul 2024



25 Jul 2024


Calm Your Heart and Find Peace, Day 4: "Navigating Loss and Healing" meditation series

Embark on a healing journey with today's meditation featuring the Matangi Mudra, a powerful gesture for calming the heart and fostering inner peace. In this session, you'll be guided through the Matangi Mudra, which symbolizes purity and tranquility, to help you release emotional burdens and find solace amidst grief. As you practice this mudra, you’ll connect deeply with your inner self, inviting a serene calmness to envelop your heart. Allow this meditation to gently guide you through the process of healing, offering you a space to honor your loved one’s memory and cultivate a sense of peaceful acceptance. WELCOME TO THIS WEEK'S GUIDED MEDITATION SERIES Be guided in a transformative meditation series designed to guide you through the profound process of healing and remembrance after experiencing loss. In this series, we will embark on a heartfelt exploration of grief, honor the memories of our loved ones, and find solace in the midst of sorrow. Grieving is a deeply personal journey, and finding ways to navigate through it can often feel overwhelming. This series offers a sanctuary of peace and reflection, where you'll be gently guided to connect with your emotions, embrace your memories, and discover healing techniques that resonate with your unique experience. Each meditation in this series is crafted to support you in processing your grief, finding comfort, and nurturing your heart. From reflecting on cherished memories to embracing the strength found within, you'll learn to honor your loved ones' legacies while fostering your own emotional well-being. Join us as we explore practices designed to soothe your spirit, cultivate resilience, and ultimately, guide you towards a place of renewed hope and inner peace. Whether you're seeking comfort in your loss or looking for ways to celebrate the life of someone dear, this series will provide you with the tools and support needed to heal and move forward with grace. May this journey bring you solace, strength, and a deeper connection to the enduring love that remains in your heart. This is episode 4 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Navigating Loss and Healing," episodes 3149-3155. THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Create a Celebration of Life Journal This week reflect on the ways you celebrate the life of the loved being who has passed. select a time each day to light a candle in their honor. write down the best qualities of the being you are celebrating and reflect on beautiful remembrances of their life. A DIFFERENT MEDITATION TECHNIQUE EVERY DAY FOCUSED ON A WEEKLY THEME: Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique daily, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life. FREE TOOLS: For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey. Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app! Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone</a>   1-week Free Access to the Android app! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom</a>   ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission.   RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by  [RoyaltyFreeMusic.com] (http://royaltyfreemusic.com/) , and also by musician Greg Keller.   I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes.   **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate. ... Read more

24 Jul 2024



24 Jul 2024


Breathing Technique for Clearing Sorrow, Day 3: "Navigating Loss and Healing" meditation series

Discover solace and renewal in today's meditation designed to heal from grief and loss through the transformative power of a cleansing breathing. This meditation guides you through a soothing breathing technique that helps release pent-up emotions, clear mental clutter, and create a space for healing. By focusing on deep, cleansing breaths, you'll gently let go of sorrow and invite a sense of calm and renewal.  Be guided in a transformative meditation series designed to guide you through the profound process of healing and remembrance after experiencing loss. In this series, we will embark on a heartfelt exploration of grief, honor the memories of our loved ones, and find solace in the midst of sorrow. Grieving is a deeply personal journey, and finding ways to navigate through it can often feel overwhelming. This series offers a sanctuary of peace and reflection, where you'll be gently guided to connect with your emotions, embrace your memories, and discover healing techniques that resonate with your unique experience. Each meditation in this series is crafted to support you in processing your grief, finding comfort, and nurturing your heart. From reflecting on cherished memories to embracing the strength found within, you'll learn to honor your loved ones' legacies while fostering your own emotional well-being. Join us as we explore practices designed to soothe your spirit, cultivate resilience, and ultimately, guide you towards a place of renewed hope and inner peace. Whether you're seeking comfort in your loss or looking for ways to celebrate the life of someone dear, this series will provide you with the tools and support needed to heal and move forward with grace. May this journey bring you solace, strength, and a deeper connection to the enduring love that remains in your heart. This is episode 3 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Navigating Loss and Healing," episodes 3149-3155. THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Create a Celebration of Life Journal This week reflect on the ways you celebrate the life of the loved being who has passed. select a time each day to light a candle in their honor. write down the best qualities of the being you are celebrating and reflect on beautiful remembrances of their life. A DIFFERENT MEDITATION TECHNIQUE EVERY DAY FOCUSED ON A WEEKLY THEME: Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique daily, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life. FREE TOOLS: For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey. Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app! Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone</a>   1-week Free Access to the Android app! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom</a>   ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission.   RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by  [RoyaltyFreeMusic.com] (http://royaltyfreemusic.com/) , and also by musician Greg Keller.   I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes.   **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate. ... Read more

23 Jul 2024



23 Jul 2024


Healing Affirmation, Day 2: "Navigating Loss and Healing" meditation series

Acknowledge Your Feelings: It’s important to recognize and accept your emotions, whether it's sadness, anger, guilt, or confusion. Grieving is a natural process, and there’s no “right” way to feel. Repeating an affirmation is a powerful therapeutic way to manage grief.  Be guided in a transformative meditation series designed to guide you through the profound process of healing and remembrance after experiencing loss. In this series, we will embark on a heartfelt exploration of grief, honor the memories of our loved ones, and find solace in the midst of sorrow. Grieving is a deeply personal journey, and finding ways to navigate through it can often feel overwhelming. This series offers a sanctuary of peace and reflection, where you'll be gently guided to connect with your emotions, embrace your memories, and discover healing techniques that resonate with your unique experience. Each meditation in this series is crafted to support you in processing your grief, finding comfort, and nurturing your heart. From reflecting on cherished memories to embracing the strength found within, you'll learn to honor your loved ones' legacies while fostering your own emotional well-being. Join us as we explore practices designed to soothe your spirit, cultivate resilience, and ultimately, guide you towards a place of renewed hope and inner peace. Whether you're seeking comfort in your loss or looking for ways to celebrate the life of someone dear, this series will provide you with the tools and support needed to heal and move forward with grace. May this journey bring you solace, strength, and a deeper connection to the enduring love that remains in your heart. This is episode 2 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Navigating Loss and Healing," episodes 3149-3155. THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Create a Celebration of Life Journal This week reflect on the ways you celebrate the life of the loved being who has passed. select a time each day to light a candle in their honor. write down the best qualities of the being you are celebrating and reflect on beautiful remembrances of their life. A DIFFERENT MEDITATION TECHNIQUE EVERY DAY FOCUSED ON A WEEKLY THEME: Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique daily, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life. FREE TOOLS: For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey. Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app! Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone</a>   1-week Free Access to the Android app! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom</a>   ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission.   RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by  [RoyaltyFreeMusic.com] (http://royaltyfreemusic.com/) , and also by musician Greg Keller.   I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes.   **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate. ... Read more

22 Jul 2024



22 Jul 2024


Navigating Loss and Healing, Day 1: "Navigating the Path of Loss and Healing" meditation series

Be guided in a transformative meditation series designed to guide you through the profound process of healing and remembrance after experiencing loss. In this series, we will embark on a heartfelt exploration of grief, honor the memories of our loved ones, and find solace in the midst of sorrow. Grieving is a deeply personal journey, and finding ways to navigate through it can often feel overwhelming. This series offers a sanctuary of peace and reflection, where you'll be gently guided to connect with your emotions, embrace your memories, and discover healing techniques that resonate with your unique experience. Each meditation in this series is crafted to support you in processing your grief, finding comfort, and nurturing your heart. From reflecting on cherished memories to embracing the strength found within, you'll learn to honor your loved ones' legacies while fostering your own emotional well-being. Join us as we explore practices designed to soothe your spirit, cultivate resilience, and ultimately, guide you towards a place of renewed hope and inner peace. Whether you're seeking comfort in your loss or looking for ways to celebrate the life of someone dear, this series will provide you with the tools and support needed to heal and move forward with grace. May this journey bring you solace, strength, and a deeper connection to the enduring love that remains in your heart. This is episode 1 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Navigating Loss and Healing," episodes 3149-3155. THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Create a Celebration of Life Journal This week reflect on the ways you celebrate the life of the loved being who has passed. select a time each day to light a candle in their honor. write down the best qualities of the being you are celebrating and reflect on beautiful remembrances of their life. A DIFFERENT MEDITATION TECHNIQUE EVERY DAY FOCUSED ON A WEEKLY THEME: Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique daily, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life. FREE TOOLS: For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey. Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app! Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone</a>   1-week Free Access to the Android app! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom</a>   ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission.   RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by  [RoyaltyFreeMusic.com] (http://royaltyfreemusic.com/) , and also by musician Greg Keller.   I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes.   **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate. ... Read more

21 Jul 2024



21 Jul 2024


Detoxing From Stress for Inner Renewal, Day 7: Stress Detox: Reclaiming Peace and Balance" meditatio...

Be guided through a weekly review to identify and celebrate what helped you detox from stress. Today's practice offers you introspective guidance to cultivate gratitude, resilience, and mindfulness, empowering you to build a foundation of peace and well-being week by week. Experience profound relaxation and rejuvenation with our meditation series. These guided sessions are crafted to help you unwind, release tension, and restore inner peace using the power of conscious breathing techniques. Rediscover tranquility as you embark on a journey to detoxify your mind and body from stress. This is episode 7 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Stress Detox: Reclaiming Peace and Balance," episodes 1865-1871. THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: For a stress detox challenge, commit to taking 10 minutes each day to practice deep breathing exercises. Focus on your breath, letting go of tension with each exhale, and allowing yourself to relax fully. A DIFFERENT MEDITATION TECHNIQUE EVERY DAY FOCUSED ON A WEEKLY THEME: Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique daily, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life. FREE TOOLS: For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey. Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app! Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone</a>   1-week Free Access to the Android app! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom</a>   ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission.   RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by  [RoyaltyFreeMusic.com] (http://royaltyfreemusic.com/) , and also by musician Greg Keller.   I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes.   **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate. ... Read more

20 Jul 2024



20 Jul 2024


Calm Oasis, Day 6: "Stress Detox: Reclaiming Peace and Balance" meditation series

Release stress, cultivate inner calm, and rejuvenate your spirit. Each meditation offers a pathway to clarity and relaxation, empowering you to detoxify your mind and reclaim a sense of serenity in your daily life. Experience profound relaxation and rejuvenation with our meditation series. These guided sessions are crafted to help you unwind, release tension, and restore inner peace using the power of conscious breathing techniques. Rediscover tranquility as you embark on a journey to detoxify your mind and body from stress. This is episode 6 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Stress Detox: Reclaiming Peace and Balance," episodes 1865-1871. THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: For a stress detox challenge, commit to taking 10 minutes each day to practice deep breathing exercises. Focus on your breath, letting go of tension with each exhale, and allowing yourself to relax fully. A DIFFERENT MEDITATION TECHNIQUE EVERY DAY FOCUSED ON A WEEKLY THEME: Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique daily, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life. FREE TOOLS: For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey. Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app! Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone</a>   1-week Free Access to the Android app! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom</a>   ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission.   RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by  [RoyaltyFreeMusic.com] (http://royaltyfreemusic.com/) , and also by musician Greg Keller.   I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes.   **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate. ... Read more

19 Jul 2024



19 Jul 2024


Chakra Energy for Stress Detox, Day 5: "Stress Detox: Reclaiming Peace and Balance" meditation serie...

Harness the healing power of your chakras to release stress, restore balance, and amplify your energy centers. Dive deep into each chakra's unique energy to detoxify your mind and body, paving the way for profound relaxation and revitalization. Experience profound relaxation and rejuvenation with our meditation series. These guided sessions are crafted to help you unwind, release tension, and restore inner peace using the power of conscious breathing techniques. Rediscover tranquility as you embark on a journey to detoxify your mind and body from stress. This is episode 5 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Stress Detox: Reclaiming Peace and Balance," episodes 1865-1871. THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: For a stress detox challenge, commit to taking 10 minutes each day to practice deep breathing exercises. Focus on your breath, letting go of tension with each exhale, and allowing yourself to relax fully. A DIFFERENT MEDITATION TECHNIQUE EVERY DAY FOCUSED ON A WEEKLY THEME: Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique daily, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life. FREE TOOLS: For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey. Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app! Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone</a>   1-week Free Access to the Android app! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom</a>   ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission.   RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by  [RoyaltyFreeMusic.com] (http://royaltyfreemusic.com/) , and also by musician Greg Keller.   I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes.   **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate. ... Read more

18 Jul 2024



18 Jul 2024


Stress Detox for Better Sleep, Day 4: "Stress Detox: Reclaiming Peace and Balance" meditation series

Achieve deep, rejuvenating sleep. Today's guided meditation guides you to release tension and promote a tranquil state conducive to restful sleep. Experience profound relaxation and rejuvenation with our meditation series. These guided sessions are crafted to help you unwind, release tension, and restore inner peace using the power of conscious breathing techniques. Rediscover tranquility as you embark on a journey to detoxify your mind and body from stress. This is episode 4 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Stress Detox: Reclaiming Peace and Balance," episodes 1865-1871. THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: For a stress detox challenge, commit to taking 10 minutes each day to practice deep breathing exercises. Focus on your breath, letting go of tension with each exhale, and allowing yourself to relax fully. A DIFFERENT MEDITATION TECHNIQUE EVERY DAY FOCUSED ON A WEEKLY THEME: Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique daily, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life. FREE TOOLS: For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey. Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app! Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone</a>   1-week Free Access to the Android app! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom</a>   ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission.   RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by  [RoyaltyFreeMusic.com] (http://royaltyfreemusic.com/) , and also by musician Greg Keller.   I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes.   **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate. ... Read more

17 Jul 2024



17 Jul 2024


Deep Breathing Stress Detox, Day 3: "Stress Detox: Reclaiming Peace and Balance" meditation series

Experience profound relaxation and rejuvenation with our meditation series. These guided sessions are crafted to help you unwind, release tension, and restore inner peace using the power of conscious breathing techniques. Rediscover tranquility as you embark on a journey to detoxify your mind and body from stress. This is episode 3 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Stress Detox: Reclaiming Peace and Balance," episodes 1865-1871. THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: For a stress detox challenge, commit to taking 10 minutes each day to practice deep breathing exercises. Focus on your breath, letting go of tension with each exhale, and allowing yourself to relax fully. A DIFFERENT MEDITATION TECHNIQUE EVERY DAY FOCUSED ON A WEEKLY THEME: Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique daily, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life. FREE TOOLS: For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey. Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app! Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone</a>   1-week Free Access to the Android app! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom</a>   ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission.   RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by  [RoyaltyFreeMusic.com] (http://royaltyfreemusic.com/) , and also by musician Greg Keller.   I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes.   **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate. ... Read more

16 Jul 2024



16 Jul 2024


Affirmation for a Stress Detox, Day 2: "Stress Detox: Reclaiming Peace and Balance" meditation serie...

Experience the power of positive affirmations to help you release stress, cultivate inner calm, and enhance mental clarity. Empower yourself with affirmations designed to detoxify your mind and nurture a sense of profound relaxation. Experience profound relaxation and rejuvenation with our meditation series. These guided sessions are crafted to help you unwind, release tension, and restore inner peace using the power of conscious breathing techniques. Rediscover tranquility as you embark on a journey to detoxify your mind and body from stress. This is episode 2 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Stress Detox: Reclaiming Peace and Balance," episodes 1865-1871. THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: For a stress detox challenge, commit to taking 10 minutes each day to practice deep breathing exercises. Focus on your breath, letting go of tension with each exhale, and allowing yourself to relax fully. A DIFFERENT MEDITATION TECHNIQUE EVERY DAY FOCUSED ON A WEEKLY THEME: Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique daily, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life. FREE TOOLS: For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey. Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app! Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone</a>   1-week Free Access to the Android app! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom</a>   ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission.   RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by  [RoyaltyFreeMusic.com] (http://royaltyfreemusic.com/) , and also by musician Greg Keller.   I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes.   **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate. ... Read more

15 Jul 2024



15 Jul 2024


Reclaim Your Inner Peace, Day 1" Stress Detox: Reclaiming Peace and Balance"

Join us for a transformative meditation series, "Stress Detox: Reclaiming Peace and Balance." These guided sessions are designed to help you release tension, quiet the mind, and cultivate inner peace. Rediscover harmony within yourself as you embark on a journey towards stress-free living. This is episode 1 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Stress Detox: Reclaiming Peace and Balance," episodes 1865-1871. THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: For a stress detox challenge, commit to taking 10 minutes each day to practice deep breathing exercises. Focus on your breath, letting go of tension with each exhale, and allowing yourself to relax fully. A DIFFERENT MEDITATION TECHNIQUE EVERY DAY FOCUSED ON A WEEKLY THEME: Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique daily, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life. FREE TOOLS: For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey. Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app! Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone</a>   1-week Free Access to the Android app! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom</a>   ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission.   RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by  [RoyaltyFreeMusic.com] (http://royaltyfreemusic.com/) , and also by musician Greg Keller.   I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes.   **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate. ... Read more

14 Jul 2024



14 Jul 2024


Renewal in Nature's Embrace, Day 7: "Healing Through Nature: The Art of Forest Bathing"

Embark on a serene journey of healing and renewal in the restorative power of nature, allowing you to release stress, cultivate inner peace, and rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit. Let the soothing sounds of the natural world guide you towards profound healing and a deeper connection with the earth. Embark on a transformative journey with our meditation series, "Healing Through Nature: The Art of Forest Bathing." Immerse yourself in the healing power of nature through guided meditations designed to restore vitality, reduce stress, and foster deep connection with the natural world. Each session invites you to embrace tranquility, rejuvenate your spirit, and find healing amidst the serene beauty of forests. This is episode 7 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Healing Through Nature: The Art of Forest Bathing" meditation series, episodes 1184-1190. THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Spend time in nature This week, allow yourself to commune with the healing energy of nature around you. A DIFFERENT MEDITATION TECHNIQUE EVERY DAY FOCUSED ON A WEEKLY THEME: Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique daily, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life. FREE TOOLS: For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey. Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app! Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone</a>   1-week Free Access to the Android app! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom</a>   ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission.   RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by  [RoyaltyFreeMusic.com] (http://royaltyfreemusic.com/) , and also by musician Greg Keller.   I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes.   **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate. ... Read more

13 Jul 2024



13 Jul 2024


Cultivating Inner Strength in Nature's Embrace, Day 6: "Healing Through Nature: The Art of Forest Ba...

Foster a sense of inner strength and resilience. Allow the tranquil sounds and serene atmosphere of the forest to guide you toward inner peace, clarity, and renewed vitality. Embark on a transformative journey with our meditation series, "Healing Through Nature: The Art of Forest Bathing." Immerse yourself in the healing power of nature through guided meditations designed to restore vitality, reduce stress, and foster deep connection with the natural world. Each session invites you to embrace tranquility, rejuvenate your spirit, and find healing amidst the serene beauty of forests. This is episode 6 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Healing Through Nature: The Art of Forest Bathing" meditation series, episodes 1184-1190. THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Spend time in nature This week, allow yourself to commune with the healing energy of nature around you. A DIFFERENT MEDITATION TECHNIQUE EVERY DAY FOCUSED ON A WEEKLY THEME: Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique daily, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life. FREE TOOLS: For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey. Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app! Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone</a>   1-week Free Access to the Android app! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom</a>   ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission.   RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by  [RoyaltyFreeMusic.com] (http://royaltyfreemusic.com/) , and also by musician Greg Keller.   I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes.   **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate. ... Read more

12 Jul 2024



12 Jul 2024


Clearing the Mind, Day 5: "Healing Through Nature: The Art of Forest Bathing"

Allow the gentle rhythms of the forest to guide you towards inner peace and rejuvenation. These guided meditations are crafted to enhance mental clarity, reduce stress, and cultivate a deep sense of harmony with the natural world, offering a pathway to profound healing. Embark on a transformative journey with our meditation series, "Healing Through Nature: The Art of Forest Bathing." Immerse yourself in the healing power of nature through guided meditations designed to restore vitality, reduce stress, and foster deep connection with the natural world. Each session invites you to embrace tranquility, rejuvenate your spirit, and find healing amidst the serene beauty of forests. This is episode 5 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Healing Through Nature: The Art of Forest Bathing" meditation series, episodes 1184-1190. THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Spend time in nature This week, allow yourself to commune with the healing energy of nature around you. A DIFFERENT MEDITATION TECHNIQUE EVERY DAY FOCUSED ON A WEEKLY THEME: Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique daily, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life. FREE TOOLS: For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey. Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app! Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone</a>   1-week Free Access to the Android app! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom</a>   ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission.   RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by  [RoyaltyFreeMusic.com] (http://royaltyfreemusic.com/) , and also by musician Greg Keller.   I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes.   **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate. ... Read more

11 Jul 2024



11 Jul 2024


Pathways to Wellness, Day 4 "Healing Through Nature: The Art of Forest Bathing"

Be guided to calm the mind, uplift the spirit, and foster a deep connection with the healing energies of the natural world. Embark on a transformative journey with our meditation series, "Healing Through Nature: The Art of Forest Bathing." Immerse yourself in the healing power of nature through guided meditations designed to restore vitality, reduce stress, and foster deep connection with the natural world. Each session invites you to embrace tranquility, rejuvenate your spirit, and find healing amidst the serene beauty of forests. This is episode 4 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Healing Through Nature: The Art of Forest Bathing" meditation series, episodes 1184-1190. THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Spend time in nature This week, allow yourself to commune with the healing energy of nature around you. A DIFFERENT MEDITATION TECHNIQUE EVERY DAY FOCUSED ON A WEEKLY THEME: Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique daily, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life. FREE TOOLS: For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey. Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app! Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone</a>   1-week Free Access to the Android app! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom</a>   ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission.   RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by  [RoyaltyFreeMusic.com] (http://royaltyfreemusic.com/) , and also by musician Greg Keller.   I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes.   **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate. ... Read more

10 Jul 2024



10 Jul 2024


Calming Breathing Technique, Day 3: "Healing Through Nature: The Art of Forest Bathing"

Be guided with a calming breathing technique. Embark on a transformative journey with our meditation series, "Healing Through Nature: The Art of Forest Bathing." Immerse yourself in the healing power of nature through guided meditations designed to restore vitality, reduce stress, and foster deep connection with the natural world. Each session invites you to embrace tranquility, rejuvenate your spirit, and find healing amidst the serene beauty of forests. This is episode 3 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Healing Through Nature: The Art of Forest Bathing" meditation series, episodes 1184-1190. THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Spend time in nature This week, allow yourself to commune with the healing energy of nature around you. A DIFFERENT MEDITATION TECHNIQUE EVERY DAY FOCUSED ON A WEEKLY THEME: Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique daily, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life. FREE TOOLS: For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey. Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app! Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone</a>   1-week Free Access to the Android app! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom</a>   ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission.   RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by  [RoyaltyFreeMusic.com] (http://royaltyfreemusic.com/) , and also by musician Greg Keller.   I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes.   **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate. ... Read more

09 Jul 2024



09 Jul 2024


Affirmation for Inner Renewal, Day 2: "Healing Through Nature: The Art of Forest Bathing"

Embark on a transformative journey with our meditation series, "Healing Through Nature: The Art of Forest Bathing." Immerse yourself in the healing power of nature through guided meditations designed to restore vitality, reduce stress, and foster deep connection with the natural world. Each session invites you to embrace tranquility, rejuvenate your spirit, and find healing amidst the serene beauty of forests. This is episode 2 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Healing Through Nature: The Art of Forest Bathing" meditation series, episodes 1184-1190. THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Spend time in nature This week, allow yourself to commune with the healing energy of nature around you. A DIFFERENT MEDITATION TECHNIQUE EVERY DAY FOCUSED ON A WEEKLY THEME: Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique daily, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life. FREE TOOLS: For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey. Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app! Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone</a>   1-week Free Access to the Android app! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom</a>   ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission.   RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by  [RoyaltyFreeMusic.com] (http://royaltyfreemusic.com/) , and also by musician Greg Keller.   I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes.   **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate. ... Read more

08 Jul 2024



08 Jul 2024


Tranquility in Nature, Day 1: "Healing Through Nature: The Art of Forest Bathing"

Embark on a transformative journey with our meditation series, "Healing Through Nature: The Art of Forest Bathing." Immerse yourself in the healing power of nature through guided meditations designed to restore vitality, reduce stress, and foster deep connection with the natural world. Each session invites you to embrace tranquility, rejuvenate your spirit, and find healing amidst the serene beauty of forests. This is episode 1 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Healing Through Nature: The Art of Forest Bathing" meditation series, episodes 1184-1190. THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Spend time in nature This week, allow yourself to commune with the healing energy of nature around you. A DIFFERENT MEDITATION TECHNIQUE EVERY DAY FOCUSED ON A WEEKLY THEME:Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique daily, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life. FREE TOOLS: For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey. Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app! Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone</a> 1-week Free Access to the Android app! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom</a> ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission. RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by <a href= "http://royaltyfreemusic.com/" rev= "en_rl_none">RoyaltyFreeMusic.com</a>, and also by musician Greg Keller.   I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes.   **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate. ... Read more

07 Jul 2024



07 Jul 2024


Improve Focus + Attention Span, Day 7: Pathways to Healing: Meditations for Managing Physical Pain

Be guided in a meditation you could do as a walking meditation ourdoors, or while seated indoors. Exposure to nature has been shown to improve focus, attention span, and cognitive function. This can be particularly beneficial for managing chronic pain conditions that may impact concentration and daily activities. "Pathways to Healing: Meditations for Managing Physical Pain" invites you to explore mindfulness as a transformative tool in coping with and alleviating physical discomfort. You meet your fellow meditator, Firuze, in an interview where she shares her own healing journey and how meditation helps her to cope. Through guided meditations and practices, this series aims to cultivate resilience, enhance well-being, and empower you on your path to managing pain with greater ease and compassion.   This is episode 7 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Pathways to Healing: Meditations for Managing Physical Pain" meditation series, episodes 3142-3148. THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE:  Maintain an Anger Awareness Journal This week, become aware of how anger impacts you. Consider: What caused your anger? How are you impacted by your anger? What physical and emotional reactions are you experiencing? Why are you taking in the anger in this way? What would you do differently next time you experience the anger? A DIFFERENT MEDITATION TECHNIQUE EVERY DAY FOCUSED ON A WEEKLY THEME: Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique daily, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life. FREE TOOLS: For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey. Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app! Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone</a>   1-week Free Access to the Android app! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom</a>   ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission.   RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by  [RoyaltyFreeMusic.com] (http://royaltyfreemusic.com/) , and also by musician Greg Keller.   I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes.   **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate. ... Read more

06 Jul 2024



06 Jul 2024


You Are Not Your Pain, Day 6: "Pathways to Healing: Meditations for Managing Physical Pain"

Mindfulness can transform the experience of chronic pain for a holistic approach to pain management, emphasizing that while pain is a part of life, it doesn't need to define your identity or limit your quality of life. Be guided in a mindfulness meditation to process your pain as you non-judgmentally observe sensations, thoughts, and emotions related to pain.   "Pathways to Healing: Meditations for Managing Physical Pain" invites you to explore mindfulness as a transformative tool in coping with and alleviating physical discomfort. You meet your fellow meditator, Firuze, in an interview where she shares her own healing journey and how meditation helps her to cope. Through guided meditations and practices, this series aims to cultivate resilience, enhance well-being, and empower you on your path to managing pain with greater ease and compassion.   This is episode 6 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Pathways to Healing: Meditations for Managing Physical Pain" meditation series, episodes 3142-3148. THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE:  Maintain an Anger Awareness Journal This week, become aware of how anger impacts you. Consider: What caused your anger? How are you impacted by your anger? What physical and emotional reactions are you experiencing? Why are you taking in the anger in this way? What would you do differently next time you experience the anger? A DIFFERENT MEDITATION TECHNIQUE EVERY DAY FOCUSED ON A WEEKLY THEME: Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique daily, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life. FREE TOOLS: For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey. Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app! Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone</a>   1-week Free Access to the Android app! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom</a>   ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission.   RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by  [RoyaltyFreeMusic.com] (http://royaltyfreemusic.com/) , and also by musician Greg Keller.   I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes.   **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate. ... Read more

05 Jul 2024



05 Jul 2024


Staying Positive Through Awareness, Day 5: "Pathways to Healing: Meditations for Managing Physical P...

You are guided in observing pain without judgment, which can reduce its emotional impact and help to manage it effectively.   "Pathways to Healing: Meditations for Managing Physical Pain" invites you to explore mindfulness as a transformative tool in coping with and alleviating physical discomfort. You meet your fellow meditator, Firuze, in an interview where she shares her own healing journey and how meditation helps her to cope. Through guided meditations and practices, this series aims to cultivate resilience, enhance well-being, and empower you on your path to managing pain with greater ease and compassion.   This is episode 5 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Pathways to Healing: Meditations for Managing Physical Pain" meditation series, episodes 3142-3148. THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE:  Maintain an Anger Awareness Journal This week, become aware of how anger impacts you. Consider: What caused your anger? How are you impacted by your anger? What physical and emotional reactions are you experiencing? Why are you taking in the anger in this way? What would you do differently next time you experience the anger? A DIFFERENT MEDITATION TECHNIQUE EVERY DAY FOCUSED ON A WEEKLY THEME: Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique daily, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life. FREE TOOLS: For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey. Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app! Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone</a>   1-week Free Access to the Android app! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom</a>   ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission.   RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by  [RoyaltyFreeMusic.com] (http://royaltyfreemusic.com/) , and also by musician Greg Keller.   I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes.   **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate. ... Read more

04 Jul 2024



04 Jul 2024


Comfort Within, Day 4: "Pathways to Healing: Meditations for Managing Physical Pain"

You are guided in using visualization for healing physical discomfort. Through gentle visualization techniques, you will envision a state of comfort and ease within your body, promoting relaxation and reducing the perception of pain. By engaging your mind in positive imagery, you support your body's natural healing process and cultivate a sense of well-being.   "Pathways to Healing: Meditations for Managing Physical Pain" invites you to explore mindfulness as a transformative tool in coping with and alleviating physical discomfort. You meet your fellow meditator, Firuze, in an interview where she shares her own healing journey and how meditation helps her to cope. Through guided meditations and practices, this series aims to cultivate resilience, enhance well-being, and empower you on your path to managing pain with greater ease and compassion.   This is episode 4 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Pathways to Healing: Meditations for Managing Physical Pain" meditation series, episodes 3142-3148. THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE:  Maintain an Anger Awareness Journal This week, become aware of how anger impacts you. Consider: What caused your anger? How are you impacted by your anger? What physical and emotional reactions are you experiencing? Why are you taking in the anger in this way? What would you do differently next time you experience the anger? A DIFFERENT MEDITATION TECHNIQUE EVERY DAY FOCUSED ON A WEEKLY THEME: Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique daily, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life. FREE TOOLS: For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey. Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app! Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone</a>   1-week Free Access to the Android app! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom</a>   ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission.   RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by  [RoyaltyFreeMusic.com] (http://royaltyfreemusic.com/) , and also by musician Greg Keller.   I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes.   **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate. ... Read more

03 Jul 2024



03 Jul 2024


Breathing to Release Physical Pain, Day 3: "Pathways to Healing: Meditations for Managing Physical P...

This meditation combines a focused breathing technique with mindfulness to address both physical pain and anger management. Through deep, intentional breathing, you will cultivate a sense of calm and relaxation, allowing you to release tension in the body associated with pain and manage emotional responses such as anger. By integrating breath awareness with mindful presence, you promote healing and restore emotional balance.   "Pathways to Healing: Meditations for Managing Physical Pain" invites you to explore mindfulness as a transformative tool in coping with and alleviating physical discomfort. You meet your fellow meditator, Firuze, in an interview where she shares her own healing journey and how meditation helps her to cope. Through guided meditations and practices, this series aims to cultivate resilience, enhance well-being, and empower you on your path to managing pain with greater ease and compassion.   This is episode 3 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Pathways to Healing: Meditations for Managing Physical Pain" meditation series, episodes 3142-3148. THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE:  Maintain an Anger Awareness Journal This week, become aware of how anger impacts you. Consider: What caused your anger? How are you impacted by your anger? What physical and emotional reactions are you experiencing? Why are you taking in the anger in this way? What would you do differently next time you experience the anger? A DIFFERENT MEDITATION TECHNIQUE EVERY DAY FOCUSED ON A WEEKLY THEME: Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique daily, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life. FREE TOOLS: For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey. Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app! Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone</a>   1-week Free Access to the Android app! <a href= "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone" rev= "en_rl_none">https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom</a>   ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission.   RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by  [RoyaltyFreeMusic.com] (http://royaltyfreemusic.com/) , and also by musician Greg Keller.   I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes.   **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate. ... Read more

02 Jul 2024



02 Jul 2024