Code Story podcast

Code Story

In a tech startup, how do you get from an idea on the back of a napkin to a fully functioning product? Code Story is a podcast featuring tech leaders, reflecting the roads they travelled and the products they created. On the show, we interview tech visionaries, digging into the critical moments of what it takes to change an industry, and build (and lead) a team that has your back.Hosted by Noah Labhart, this show is a window into the digital startup world. In their own words, tech veterans share what it feels like to create a world class product, how to recover from critical mistakes, and how to scale your solution to the masses.Their tech. Their products. Their stories.This podcast is for the founder, tech leader, CTO, CEO, developer, software architect, startup leader, disruptive visionary - or the curious minded individual, who wants to know what a builder goes through in creating world changing technology.

In a tech startup, how do you get from an idea on the back of a napkin to a fully functioning product? Code Story is a podcast featuring tech leaders, reflecting the roads they travelled and the products they created. On the show, we interview tech visionaries, digging into the critical moments of what it takes to change an industry, and build (and lead) a team that has your back.Hosted by Noah Labhart, this show is a window into the digital startup world. In their own words, tech veterans share what it feels like to create a world class product, how to recover from critical mistakes, and how to scale your solution to the masses.Their tech. Their products. Their stories.This podcast is for the founder, tech leader, CTO, CEO, developer, software architect, startup leader, disruptive visionary - or the curious minded individual, who wants to know what a builder goes through in creating world changing technology.



S9 E33: Rick Caccia, WitnessAI

Rick Caccia was born and raised in Silicon Valley - and just stayed. He is married with 2 teenage daughters, one about to go to college. Between him and his wife, they have worked in 13 different startups - so you could say they have a startup family through and through. Outside of tech, he is a cyclist in a bike club, and enjoys spending time with his family. After speaking with a number of security officers at companies, Rick realized the enterprise situation with AI - most companies are stuck, trying to figure out how to enable their employees to use new tooling, while still maintaining the level of security and control they have over data. Rick was asked to join a founding team to solve this problem. This is the creation story of [WitnessAI] ( . Sponsors --- [CacheFly] ( --- [ClearQuery] ( --- [Kiteworks] ( Links --- [] ( --- [] ( Support this podcast at — <a rel='payment' href=''></a>Advertising Inquiries: <a href=''></a>Privacy & Opt-Out: <a href=''></a> ... Read more

23 Jul 2024



23 Jul 2024


S9 E32: Shalin Madan, Formidium

Shalin Madan immigrated to the US when he was 6 years old. He spent 20 years in the financial markets, of which he got into when he was a teenager. HIs first and best memory of the industry is when Netspace IPO&#39;s, and the stock went up 300% in the first day. Outside of finance and tech, he enjoys cooking, frequents the gym, and loves to travel. He&#39;s also a learner, studying philosophy, relationships, and of course, the macro economy. Shalin found himself frustrated with working for others, which drove him into entrepreneurship. When he came across his current venture, he invested in the firm, became a part of it, and eventually, became the last co-founder, in a company administrating funds with cutting edge technology. This is the creation story of [Formidium] ( . Sponsors --- [CacheFly] ( --- [ClearQuery] ( --- [Kiteworks] ( Links --- [] ( --- [] ( Support this podcast at — <a rel='payment' href=''></a>Advertising Inquiries: <a href=''></a>Privacy & Opt-Out: <a href=''></a> ... Read more

16 Jul 2024



16 Jul 2024


S9 E31: Konrad Niemiec, Lekko

Konrad Niemiec lives in San Francisco. He is very close to his family, of which his parents are polish immigrants. He started coding when he was 11, while working for his Dad. His core values are curiosity and community, which drives a lot of what he does outside of tech. He likes to learn things, and his current hobby set includes surfing and spike ball, of which he is working on perfecting his spin serve. Konrad worked at Uber, on the self driving team. After a few years, he wanted to be less of a cog in the machine and joined a small startup. He introduced a feature flagging platform, and realized how quickly configuration bloat appeared on the platform. He also realized how dynamic configuration could take the platform beyond the limits of feature flags. This is the creation story of [Lekko] ( . Sponsors --- [CacheFly] ( --- [ClearQuery] ( --- [Kiteworks] ( Links --- [] ( --- [] ( Support this podcast at — <a rel='payment' href=''></a>Advertising Inquiries: <a href=''></a>Privacy & Opt-Out: <a href=''></a> ... Read more

11 Jul 2024



11 Jul 2024


S9 Bonus: Jason Hill, Owwlll App

Jason Hill was born and raised in New York, and post college, went back to New York and joined the financial services - though, he was always into technology. Eventually, he moved to South Florida because every time he was in New York, he couldn&#39;t wait to leave. He enjoys playing poker, pickleball, and spending time with his two kids. Jason has been a podcaster for many years, interviewing founders and creators of new startup and tech solutions. When COVID hit, he was struck with how difficult it was to connect with individuals via audio call. He validated an idea he had, and combining his ambition and a little bit of boredom, he got a crew building a solution. This is the creation story of [Owwlll App] ( . Sponsors --- [CacheFly] ( --- [ClearQuery] ( --- [Kiteworks] ( Links --- [] ( --- [] ( Support this podcast at — <a rel='payment' href=''></a>Advertising Inquiries: <a href=''></a>Privacy & Opt-Out: <a href=''></a> ... Read more

05 Jul 2024



05 Jul 2024


S9 E30: Adam Jacob, System Initiative

Adam Jacob grew up in Vancouver, but now lives North of San Francisco. He&#39;s married with a teenage daughter, and grew up in the era of the internet that was bulletin based. He likes music, specifically heavy metal. He was raised on 80&#39;s hair metal, but also enjoys modern and Swedish metal, of which your host is very familiar. He also loves cats, and at one point, had a bengal, which is a cross between a tiger and a domestic cat. Previously, Adam was the creator of Chef, and has spent many years building a successful platform, extending DevOops value with automated security and compliance. He and his now cofounder reached the limits of what could be achieved using conventional approaches in the space - and decided build a new tool, to enable engineers to tackle complex infra and app management without compromising control. This is the creation story of [System Initiative] ( . Sponsors --- [CacheFly] ( --- [ClearQuery] ( --- [Kiteworks] ( Links --- [] ( --- [] ( Support this podcast at — <a rel='payment' href=''></a>Advertising Inquiries: <a href=''></a>Privacy & Opt-Out: <a href=''></a> ... Read more

25 Jun 2024



25 Jun 2024


S9 Bonus: Berkay Atatop, Maestra

Berkay Atatop is originally from Turkey, but now lives in Germany. He loves to travel, and living in Germany allows him to be close to family, but enable him to live a nomadic life. He split his college time in Turkey and America, and while he was stateside, he discovered hackathons - which is the origin spot for his current venture. Outside of tech, he played water polo for 10 years, and enjoys playing the guitar. He finds inspiration in bands like Pearl Jam, who is coming to Europe soon, which Berkay is excited about. After getting into hackathons, Berkay and his co-founder built a prototype of their current company solution - an automatic transcription solution for voiceovers. Once they graduated, they decided to start a company and move into subtitles and beyond. This is the creation story of [Maestra] ( . Sponsors --- [CacheFly] ( --- [ClearQuery] ( --- [Kiteworks] ( Links --- [] ( --- [] ( Support this podcast at — <a rel='payment' href=''></a>Advertising Inquiries: <a href=''></a>Privacy & Opt-Out: <a href=''></a> ... Read more

20 Jun 2024



20 Jun 2024


S9 E29: Umaimah Khan , Opal Security

Umaimah Khan grew up in San Diego, but now lives in the Bay Area. A fun fact about her - she was home schooled until college, and growing up, loved puzzles and math. She planned to be a math professor until she eventually got into startups and tech. She is a curious person, with many hobbies and interests. In fact, she loves to cook and was a chef at two different Michelin star restaurants. She also likes to garden, growing food and also interesting plants. In the past, UK found herself drawn towards real world problems in real time. What she found herself noticing was that access management was incredibly messy - and that people weren&#39;t willing to look behind the curtain to fix the problem. After she noticed that this problem kept surfacing , and decided to solve it. This is the creation story of [Opal Security] ( . Sponsors --- [CacheFly] ( --- [ClearQuery] ( --- [Kiteworks] ( Links --- [] ( --- [] ( Support this podcast at — <a rel='payment' href=''></a>Advertising Inquiries: <a href=''></a>Privacy & Opt-Out: <a href=''></a> ... Read more

18 Jun 2024



18 Jun 2024


S9 E28: David Cauthron, Outpave

David Cauthron grew up in Dallas, TX and attended UTD for undergrad. Post that, he spent 22 years at Texas Instruments - who makes a whole lot more than calculators - serving in numerous roles in IT, the latter being e-commerce. Outside of tech, he is married with 2 kids, and really enjoys spending time with his family - going to Disney, biking and running. In addition to this, he plays Minecraft with the kids, and attending gymnastics meets and Boy Scout campouts. David was contacted by his current founder and friend, who was going through an intra-prenuership program at SAP. After winning the program, but having the program shut down, he asked David if he was available to start a company and create the Concur for small to medium businesses. This is the creation story of [Outpave] ( . Sponsors --- [CacheFly] ( --- [ClearQuery] ( --- [Kiteworks] ( Links --- [] ( --- [] ( Support this podcast at — <a rel='payment' href=''></a>Advertising Inquiries: <a href=''></a>Privacy & Opt-Out: <a href=''></a> ... Read more

11 Jun 2024



11 Jun 2024


S9 Bonus: Omry Hay, env0

Omry Hay is 41 years old, married, with 3 young kids. He has lived his whole life in Israel. Unlike many founders in Israel tech, he did not serve his military service in a technology group, but as a commanding officer in the infantry. Outside of tech, he is passionate about all things sports, and loves to follow Liverpool FC. Mostly, he enjoys chilling out, catching a movie or listening to music. Omry and his cofounder used to work together at a prior big company in Israel. They encountered problems scaling environments efficiently and fast. Back then though - there was no cloud, it was just getting started. When they started building something internally to solve this, they encountered infrastructure as a code - and the game changed. This is the creation story [env0] ( . Sponsors --- [Permit] ( --- [CacheFly] ( --- [ClearQuery] ( --- [Kiteworks] ( Links --- [] ( --- [] ( Support this podcast at — <a rel='payment' href=''></a>Advertising Inquiries: <a href=''></a>Privacy & Opt-Out: <a href=''></a> ... Read more

06 Jun 2024



06 Jun 2024


S9 E27: Neil Patel, Axiom

Neil Patel has always been a hacker - electronics boards, radios, etc. - being interested in how things work, mechanically or digitally. He learned hard work at his Father&#39;s convenience store, while also reading every computer magazine on the rack. He is a pharmacologist by study, but landed in tech cause he is passionate about it. Outside of tech, he loves architecture and design. He also loves to read, in particular sci fi, and enjoys eating Gujarati food, which is purely vegetarian food with tons of flavors. Prior to 2020, Neil and his team was attempting to build tooling around understanding the data around events. After a while, they realized that no matter what was done on top of an event store, you couldn&#39;t realize value without storing all events. So they pivoted, and focused on fixing the data store problem first. This is the creation story of [Axiom] ( . Sponsors --- [Permit] ( --- [CacheFly] ( --- [ClearQuery] ( --- [Kiteworks] ( Links --- [] ( --- [] ( Support this podcast at — <a rel='payment' href=''></a>Advertising Inquiries: <a href=''></a>Privacy & Opt-Out: <a href=''></a> ... Read more

04 Jun 2024



04 Jun 2024


S9 E26: Sanjay Nagaraj, Traceable AI

Sanjay Nagaraj started his journey in India, where he was born and raised. He earliest influences started at home, as his father taught him honesty and integrity and his mother heavily influenced his growth as an individual. Though he spends most of his time in tech, anytime outside of work is dedicated to time with family, where he gets to see the world through his wife and kids - along with fueling his passion for singing and following his favorite sports team. For Sanjay, one thing that was clear to him was that application builders exposing APIs, you are responsible for making sure those API&#39;s are secure. Prior to his current venture, he and his co-founder built AppDynamics, and they saw the growth of API&#39;s first hand. As such, businesses were looking for products to help understand API&#39;s and protect them - in real time. This is the creation story of [Traceable] ( . Sponsors --- [Permit] ( --- [CacheFly] ( --- [ClearQuery] ( --- [Kiteworks] ( Links --- [] ( --- [] ( Support this podcast at — <a rel='payment' href=''></a>Advertising Inquiries: <a href=''></a>Privacy & Opt-Out: <a href=''></a> ... Read more

30 May 2024



30 May 2024


S9 Bonus: Nic Beique, Helcim

Nic Beique was born in Odessa, Texas, but moved when he was very young to Montreal. Later in his teens, he moved to Alberta, which he describes as the &#34;Denver of Canada&#34;. He loves his work, and spends most of his time thinking about how to expand his new venture - but outside of this, he lives in a beautiful city, with tons of hiking, skiing and snowboarding. He also enjoys a lego set here and there, keeping close to his building roots. Nic started his first payments business a decade ago, which lived under the shadow of the bank. After many years of negotiation, he convinced the powers that be to let his company become its own payment processor. And after 3 years, he built a giant MVP to build the Square for grown-ups This is the creation story of [Helcim] ( . Sponsors --- [Permit] ( --- [CacheFly] ( --- [ClearQuery] ( --- [Kiteworks] ( Links --- [] ( --- [] ( Support this podcast at — <a rel='payment' href=''></a>Advertising Inquiries: <a href=''></a>Privacy & Opt-Out: <a href=''></a> ... Read more

23 May 2024



23 May 2024


S9 E25: JJ Tang, Rootly

JJ Tang grew up in mainland China, though eventually he came to the US for University and stayed. He found a job, started working and eventually, moved to Canada, as the entrepreneur ecosystem was quite friendly. He has worked for companies like Instacart, IBM and Cisco, gaining vast experience in a myriad of roles. But outside of tech, he is engaged to be married in 2025, and is big into road cycling. In addition, he has a dog named Nova, which his current venture centers their merch design around. At Instacart, JJ started to build a tool for infrastructure monitoring. When he realized that building it was cumbersome, and nothing existed in the market, he decided to take one of the companies best SRE and start a company, building this very product. This is the creation story of [Rootly] ( . Sponsors --- [Permit] ( --- [CacheFly] ( --- [ClearQuery] ( --- [Kiteworks] ( Links --- [] ( --- [] ( Support this podcast at — <a rel='payment' href=''></a>Advertising Inquiries: <a href=''></a>Privacy & Opt-Out: <a href=''></a> ... Read more

21 May 2024



21 May 2024


S9 E24: Alex Gallego, Redpanda Data

Alex Gallego was born and raised in Colombia. He has always identified as a builder, and as a kid, he would help his Uncle re-build dirt bike engines, and was the kid that would take apart his friend&#39;s computer when they weren&#39;t looking. Once he arrived in the US, his Dad got a computer, which started his love for tech and cryptography. Outside of tech, he is married with three boys, so his time is consumed with being present with his boys, to which he stated he loves being a Dad. Beyond that, he enjoys mentally reseting by doing mountain biking and road cycling. Alex was working with a large dataset in ad tech. After this startup did well, he was hooked, he went on to build a computing framework, which eventually sold to Alkamai. During his time at that company, he started playing with squeezing every bit of compute out of hardware - and decided to combine this in order to optimize storage. This is the creation story of [Redpanda] ( . Sponsors --- [Permit] ( --- [CacheFly] ( --- [ClearQuery] ( --- [Kiteworks] ( Links --- [] ( --- [] ( Support this podcast at — <a rel='payment' href=''></a>Advertising Inquiries: <a href=''></a>Privacy & Opt-Out: <a href=''></a> ... Read more

15 May 2024



15 May 2024


S9 Bonus: Adam Sandman, Inflectra

Adam Sandman grew up in Wales, in the United Kingdom. He went to university to study physics, because he had a fascination and desire to understand how things in the world worked. It was during this time that he ended up falling in love with tech, and has been in the industry ever since. Outside of tech, he is married with older children. He mentioned he was a scout master in the past, which he really enjoyed how the Scouts were led by the Scouts themselves. In the past, Adam realized that there were not great tools out there for QA testing. He noticed a lot of people were using Excel and Word, along with manual testing through the industry. Given his experience as a project manager and architect, he saw an opportunity in the market - and set out to build a solution. This is the creation story of [Inflectra] ( . Sponsors --- [Permit] ( --- [CacheFly] ( --- [ClearQuery] ( --- [Kiteworks] ( Links --- [] ( --- [] ( Support this podcast at — <a rel='payment' href=''></a>Advertising Inquiries: <a href=''></a>Privacy & Opt-Out: <a href=''></a> ... Read more

09 May 2024



09 May 2024


S9 E23: Vlad Sadovskiy, Netevia

Vlad Sadovskiy is a first generation immigrant from the Ukraine in the early 1990&#39;s. He has been in the payments space for 30&#43; years, so he knows a thing or two about the space. But outside of this and tech, he is a cancer survivor, and ex professional chess player. He mentions that along with ping pong, he still plays chess as a hobby - and sometimes, to help resolve arguments with his wife. A few years ago, Vlad acquired a number of businesses in the payment space. Having spent many years in the payment space, he decided it was time to be a founder and create something in the payment space with a twist - specifically, for the &#34;reseller community&#34;. This is the creation story of [Netevia] ( . Sponsors --- [Permit] ( --- [CacheFly] ( --- [ClearQuery] ( --- [Kiteworks] ( Links --- [] ( --- [] ( Support this podcast at — <a rel='payment' href=''></a>Advertising Inquiries: <a href=''></a>Privacy & Opt-Out: <a href=''></a> ... Read more

07 May 2024



07 May 2024


S9 Bonus: Sasha Mitchell, BeL2

Sasha Mitchell living in Bangkok, Thailand, but grew up in London. He stared in the creative industries, as one side of his family are architects and the other side are musicians. This inspired him to study music production, which allowed him to enjoy the intersection of tech and creativity. During his time in film tech, he discovered the blockchain and started his journey into this industry. Outside of tech, he enjoys snowboarding, skateboarding, and of course - music and film. Being in the space for a long time, Sasha has been witnessing what he describes as the drop in the value of currency, by manipulation. He wanted to see decentralized, smart contracts create a smart economy - as part of a new internet. This is the creation story of [BeL2] ( . Sponsors --- [Permit] ( --- [CacheFly] ( --- [ClearQuery] ( --- [Kiteworks] ( Links --- [] ( --- [] ( --- [] ( Support this podcast at — <a rel='payment' href=''></a>Advertising Inquiries: <a href=''></a>Privacy & Opt-Out: <a href=''></a> ... Read more

02 May 2024



02 May 2024


S9 E22: Roman Sevast, Awesomic

Roman Sevast was born in a small city in Ukraine. When he met his girlfriend, he wanted to take her out to dinner - but he didn&#39;t have the money to do so. So he started to learn software engineering to make a little money - and his tech career started. Outside of tech, he loves to play a myriad of different video games, and enjoys DJ&#39;ing - either for himself or for his friends. He tends to play techno or house music, but has thrown in some classical music from time to time. Eight years ago, Roman met his co-founder Stacy on Tinder. After dating for several years, she showed him some buggy apps she had tried to create, and Roman stepped into help. After a few failed startup attempts, they set out to build a space where companies meet design talent - within the same day - and have these designer&#39;s projects managed with AI. This is the creation story of [Awesomic] ( . Sponsors --- [CacheFly] ( --- [ClearQuery] ( --- [Kiteworks] ( Links --- [] ( --- [] ( Support this podcast at — <a rel='payment' href=''></a>Advertising Inquiries: <a href=''></a>Privacy & Opt-Out: <a href=''></a> ... Read more

30 Apr 2024



30 Apr 2024


S7 Bonus: Björn Kolbeck, Quobyte

When asked about his life outside of tech, Björn Kolbeck stated &#34;Is there anything outside of tech?&#34;. He has made his hobby into his job, being exposed to his first computer at 11 and dreaming of being a programer. Outside of tech, he is a father of 2 kids. He loves going to the gym and traveling, which he mentioned was a luxury at his current venture. For personal travel, he loved visiting Costa Rica, as the people are friendly, the country is beautiful - and it&#39;s safe. Björn started a PhD program, and was part of a large project with the goal to build a distributed version of Linux. Within this program, he met his now co-founder, and they were responsible for a package within that project, surrounding data management. Little did they know that their exciting part of the project would later turn into a separate distributed file system. This is the creation story of [Quobyte] ( . Sponsors --- [CacheFly] ( --- [ClearQuery] ( --- [Kiteworks] ( Links --- [] ( --- [] ( Support this podcast at — <a rel='payment' href=''></a>Advertising Inquiries: <a href=''></a>Privacy & Opt-Out: <a href=''></a> ... Read more

25 Apr 2024



25 Apr 2024


S9 E21: Matt Hocking, WellSaid Labs

Matt Hocking has a background in design, and started off as a graphic designer in Australia. He moved into lecturing while running a design school, which led him to New York and the startup community. He is a multi founder, which led him to his current venture. Outside of tech and startups, he is a family man, and loves to spend time with his kids - which he calls his startup outside of his startup. He enjoys building and drawing with his son, and doing the best he can to support his young daughter in becoming a princess one day. In 2018, Matt met his co-founder when joining AI2. While he was working on deep learning projects, Matt was working on a user centered, voice based experience in healthcare. When they put both things together, they figured out they could really help people and save hours of studio time by generating voiceovers with AI. This is the creation story of [WellSaid Labs] ( . Sponsors --- [CacheFly] ( --- [ClearQuery] ( --- [Kiteworks] ( Links --- [] ( --- [] ( Support this podcast at — <a rel='payment' href=''></a>Advertising Inquiries: <a href=''></a>Privacy & Opt-Out: <a href=''></a> ... Read more

23 Apr 2024



23 Apr 2024


Tech Update: Rene Morkos, Alice Technologies

Welcome back listeners. Today we have a return guest on the podcast, Rene Morkos, the Founder & CEO of Alice Technologies. If you recall our conversation with Rene from Season 7, April 6th 2023, he and his team are building algorithms to disrupt the construction industry, through project optioneering and construction optmization. Today, he returns to the show to update us on Alice Pro and Alice Core, their latest innovation to the sector, which boasts a 100X reduction in setup time. Listen in now. In any industry, if you can build something that reduces setup time 100X - you have achieved something great. Rene and his team are changing the game, when it comes to project optioneering, bringing the solution into the backyard of the construction industry, while making it faster and easier to manage your scheduling. You can learn more about Alice Tecnnologies, Alice Pro, and Alice Core - by visiting [] ( . And thanks again for listening. Sponsors --- [Porkbun: Use the link and get a .dev, .app, or .foo domain name for only $5!] ( --- [CacheFly] ( --- [ClearQuery] ( --- [Kiteworks] ( Links --- [] ( Support this podcast at — <a rel='payment' href=''></a>Advertising Inquiries: <a href=''></a>Privacy & Opt-Out: <a href=''></a> ... Read more

18 Apr 2024



18 Apr 2024


S9 E20: Michael Hummel, Establish

Michael Hummel has a different perspective on tech and startups than most people in this realm. His background dis in marketing, and prior to his current venture, he was running a lead gen marketing firm. Outside of his professional life, he is married, living in Puerto Rico, and has a miniature husky. He has picked up spearfishing - which sounds wicked fun. When I asked what was the biggest fish he caught, he laughed - and mentioned that he sticks to the reefs and the smaller fish. Starting out, Michael founded his current venture focused on PR - IE public relations - and they did this because it was aligned with his background. Fast forward, his company is aiding startups raise capital, by focusing on three key pillars. This is the creation story of [Establish] ( . Sponsors --- [Porkbun: Use the link and get a .dev, .app, or .foo domain name for only $5!] ( --- [CacheFly] ( --- [ClearQuery] ( --- [Kiteworks] ( Links --- [] ( --- [] ( Support this podcast at — <a rel='payment' href=''></a>Advertising Inquiries: <a href=''></a>Privacy & Opt-Out: <a href=''></a> ... Read more

16 Apr 2024



16 Apr 2024


S9 Bonus: Alon Arvatz, Pointfive & Author of Battle for Your Computer

Alon Arvatz has been in tech for a long time. Fun fact, he loved technology but hated computer science. After getting introduced to the industry by his father, he discovered that tech is not just computer science - which was a big relief. He is the author of a book called The Battle for your Computer, which highlights Israel and the growth of the global cybersecurity industry. Outside of tech and cybersecurity, he is married with 4 kids, and highlights that all things in life - family, startup, etc. - is a partnership between he and his wife. Their family is a big fan of history, and looks to learn the stories of the places they visit. Through his time in the military, Alon was exposed to the difficulties of managing cloud cost. Alongside his 15 years in cybersecurity, and [writing his book] ( on the topic, he figured out that a focus on efficiency could help businesses with their cloud costs - starting with a minimum integrate-able product. This is the creation story of [Pointfive] ( . Sponsors --- [Porkbun: Use the link and get a .dev, .app, or .foo domain name for only $5!] ( --- [CacheFly] ( --- [ClearQuery] ( --- [Kiteworks] ( Links --- [] ( --- [] ( --- [] ( Support this podcast at — <a rel='payment' href=''></a>Advertising Inquiries: <a href=''></a>Privacy & Opt-Out: <a href=''></a> ... Read more

11 Apr 2024



11 Apr 2024


S9 E19: Linus Hakansson, Gravitee

Linus Hakansson finds that he has been in the tech industry so long, that it is difficult to separate himself from what he does professionally. He&#39;s a family man, with a 2.5 year old son, and enjoys spending time with them and raising is kid. Outside of that, he enjoys soccer, sports, and cooking Italian food. In fact, recently he bought a pizza oven and started making his own dough and pie. Linus has been working with API&#39;s since he started in the industry. In 2019, he was introduced to his current venture, as they wanted to create an open source API management software. After a couple of years, he partnered with the team, and then eventually - joined the company, to build something good. This is Linus&#39; creation story at [Gravitee] ( . Sponsors --- [Porkbun: Use the link and get a .dev, .app, or .foo domain name for only $5!] ( --- [CacheFly] ( --- [ClearQuery] ( --- [Kiteworks] ( Links --- [] ( --- [] ( Support this podcast at — <a rel='payment' href=''></a>Advertising Inquiries: <a href=''></a>Privacy & Opt-Out: <a href=''></a> ... Read more

09 Apr 2024



09 Apr 2024


S9 Bonus: Erin & Jesus, MSquared

Erin Marie has been in tech for 20 years. Prior to tech, she was a history major but became more passionate about building websites and technology. She went from web developer to programmer analyst to cloud engineering, and met her current business partner at Boeing. Outside of tech, she is into amateur photography, capturing landscapes and portraits. She is also passionate about passion and film, with her favorite grind core film titled &#34;They call her one eye&#34;. Jesus Maria comes from the Caribbean, and enjoys beaches and being near the water. When he is not coding or coming up with crazy tech ideas, he describes the amount of heavy metal he listens to as obscene. He has 6 guitars, all tuned differently, and loves to take breaks from his tech and throw down a new riff. He&#39;s also passionate about art, and into doing illustrations. He shares the same favorite film as Erin Marie. Erin and Jesus are stationed in Denver, Colorado. During the pandemic, they were hanging out at the back yard picnic table, with wine and smokes. They were ideating over building a digital strip mall, to help local businesses build their platforms. Eventually, they started up a platform engineering company and when Lionsgate called, their pandemic picnic table idea started to grow. This is the creation story of [MSquared] ( . Sponsors --- [Porkbun: Use the link and get a .dev, .app, or .foo domain name for only $5!] ( --- [CacheFly] ( --- [ClearQuery] ( --- [Kiteworks] ( Links --- [] ( --- [] ( --- [] ( Support this podcast at — <a rel='payment' href=''></a>Advertising Inquiries: <a href=''></a>Privacy & Opt-Out: <a href=''></a> ... Read more

04 Apr 2024



04 Apr 2024