Live Well and Flourish podcast

Live Well and Flourish

If you’re ready to think beyond material and external success, if you’re ready to take control of who you are and the kind of life you live, if you’re ready to flourish, this podcast is for you. The topics I cover help you understand what it means to live a flourishing life, a life of meaning, satisfaction, and enduring happiness.(Formerly known as the Rational Ignorance Podcast.)Contact us at, on Twitter @TheRIpodcast, or on Mastodon

If you’re ready to think beyond material and external success, if you’re ready to take control of who you are and the kind of life you live, if you’re ready to flourish, this podcast is for you. The topics I cover help you understand what it means to live a flourishing life, a life of meaning, satisfaction, and enduring happiness.(Formerly known as the Rational Ignorance Podcast.)Contact us at, on Twitter @TheRIpodcast, or on Mastodon



Stress Trifecta: Uncertainty, Isolation, and Overload (rewind)

Stress can literally kill you ... if it's not managed well. In this episode of Live Well and Flourish, Craig shares his insights on the three main causes of stress: uncertainty, isolation, and overload. He discusses how each of these factors can bring about stress and offers suggestions on how to prepare for better managing your stress through reflection and performing an uncertainty inventory. Can a Hermit Flourish? ------ Live Well and Flourish website: [] ( The theme music for Live Well and Flourish was written by Hazel Crossler, Production assistant - Paul Robert ... Read more

26 Aug 2024



26 Aug 2024


Managing Conflict (rewind)

(This is a re-release of episode 43 of Live Well and Flourish.) Conflict is a part of human relationships, and relationships are critical to flourishing. So, knowing how to effectively manage these inevitable conflicts is an important aspect of living a good life. In this episode, Craig discusses four important conflict management approaches based on the importance you place on relationships and task outcomes. He also gives some general tips for managing conflict well. --- Emotional contagion: [] ( Emotional regulation: [] ( Cage of Your Assumptions: [] ( ------ Live Well and Flourish website: [] ( The theme music for Live Well and Flourish was written by Hazel Crossler, Production assistant - Paul Robert ... Read more

19 Aug 2024



19 Aug 2024


Controlling Your Emotions Through Emotional Regulation (rewind)

(This is a re-release of episode 31 of Live Well and Flourish.) Being able to control your emotions to minimize unnecessary suffering, and to maximize positive feelings is important to your flourishing. In this episode, Craig discusses emotional regulation and provides some strategies for taking control of your emotions and emotional responses. There's also a goat story! Notes Five Families of Emotional Regulation Strategies Strategy familyExample strategies Situation selectionAvoidance Situation modificationDirect request (to change the situation) Attentional deploymentDistraction Rumination (directing attention towards causes & consequences) Cognitive changeCognitive reappraisal Acceptance (of the emotion) Response modulationExpressive suppression (preventing outward expressions of emotion) Physiological intervention (e.g. breathing deeply and slowly) Note: Adapted from McCrae & Gross (2020) Available at: [] ( Article on Stoicism and Emotion Regulation Live Well and Flourish website: [] ( The theme music for Live Well and Flourish was written by Hazel Crossler, Production assistant - Paul Robert ... Read more

12 Aug 2024



12 Aug 2024


Grief and Gratitude (rewind)

(This episode originally aired before our name change from Rational Ignorance to Live Well and Flourish.) Grief comes from loss. But gratitude should accompany grief. Listen as Craig reflects on the puzzling relationship between grief and gratitude, and how a deeper understanding of how they interact can help you deal with grief, and prepare for future grief. ------ Live Well and Flourish website: [] ( The theme music for Live Well and Flourish was written by Hazel Crossler, Production assistant - Paul Robert ... Read more

05 Aug 2024



05 Aug 2024


Living Well Through Reflection (rewind)

Reflection is a learning, growth, and flourishing superpower. The world is often a chaotic, puzzling place. Reflection is how we can make sense of the world and our place in it. As the Jesuits at Boston College put it, “Reflection is the way we discover and compose the meaning of our experience.” In this episode, Craig discusses critical self-reflection and its many benefits. He also describes a systematic method for reflection and offers three things you can put into practice that will help you build a practice of reflection in order to take control of your life. ------ Live Well and Flourish website: [] ( Email: The theme music for Live Well and Flourish was written by Hazel Crossler, Production assistant - Paul Robert ... Read more

29 Jul 2024



29 Jul 2024


Living Well Through Mindfulness (rewind)

Do you ever feel like you’re going through life on autopilot? Most of us have, but life doesn’t have to be that way. Join Craig as he discusses mindfulnessand its benefits. Mindfulness is an active, conscious process where you’re more open to the present as well as more attentive and aware of the moment. According to Dr. Ellen Langer there are three specific behaviors related to mindfulness: engagement, seeking novelty and producing novelty. Listen to the episode to learn what to do to practice mindfulness in your life and how to use it to become the master of your thoughts and actions. ------ Live Well and Flourish website: [] ( Email: The theme music for Live Well and Flourish was written by Hazel Crossler, Production assistant - Paul Robert ... Read more

22 Jul 2024



22 Jul 2024


Living a Life of Purpose (rewind)

Do you have a purpose in life? And do you know the difference between purpose and goals? In this episode you’ll learn how purpose is an elemental foundation to guiding your life and flourishing, as well as a means for having more focus and resilience when faced with the challenges of life. It’s also important to understand that you already have purpose, it’s already in you, and it is not something that you can find, but rather discover. By following the steps covered in this episode, you’ll be able to reflect on what is your “why” by figuring out what makes you happy, fills you with a sense of accomplishment and that you would like to be recognized for. Listen to the episode to discover your purpose and use it as a North Star to guide you towards a path of flourishing. Watch Simon Sinek’s video “Start with Why”: [] ( Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl: [] ( ... Read more

15 Jul 2024



15 Jul 2024


Taking Control of Your Life (rewind)

When you have a low sense of personal control, you suffer increased stress, anxiety, depression and negative mood. Your physical health also suffers. In this episode of Live Well and Flourish, Craig discusses the effects of personal control and provides some insights into how to increase your sense of personal control to improve your mental and physical health, and to help you flourish. The Small Wins Strategy of Change - [] ( Grief and Gratitude - [] ( ------ Live Well and Flourish website: [] ( Email: The theme music for Live Well and Flourish was written by Hazel Crossler, Production assistant - Paul Robert ... Read more

08 Jul 2024



08 Jul 2024


The Problem with Generalizations (rewind)

Like assumptions, our generalizations can limit your flourishing by putting blinders on how you see the world. Generalizations help us make sense of a complex world; generalizing is a fundamental human function. Most of the time, our generalizations serve us well. But, when we make generalization errors, bad things happen, such as stereotypes that lead to prejudice. In this episode, Craig discusses how we make generalizations, why they're necessary, and how generalization errors and overgeneralizing can harm us, and those around us. When to use a generalization flowchart: [] ( ------ Live Well and Flourish website: [] ( Email: The theme music for Live Well and Flourish was written by Hazel Crossler, Production assistant - Paul Robert ... Read more

01 Jul 2024



01 Jul 2024


The Cage of Your Assumptions (rewind)

Are your assumptions limiting you? (Spoiler: Yes, they probably are.) Assumptions are necessary for getting through the complexity of life. However, some of our assumptions, when untested, can hinder flourishing by limiting the way you view and think about the world. In this episode, Craig discusses assumptions, how they're formed, why they're so persistent, and what you can do to free yourself from the cage of your assumptions. Living Well Through Mindfulness: [] ( Live Well and Flourish website: [] ( The theme music for Live Well and Flourish was written by Hazel Crossler, Production assistant - Paul Robert ... Read more

24 Jun 2024



24 Jun 2024


The Power of Small Things: The Small Wins Strategy of Change (rewind)

(This is a re-release of episode 29 of Live Well and Flourish.) In this episode of Live Well and Flourish, Craig discusses the small wins strategy of change, which involves breaking big changes into a series of smaller changes such that each of the small changes has its own value. This is the last of a three part mini-series of episodes on the power of small things. Weick, K. (1984). Small wins: Redefining the scale of social problems,American Psychologist, 39(1), 40-49. [] ( ------ Live Well and Flourish website: [] ( Email: The theme music for Live Well and Flourish was written by Hazel Crossler, Production assistant - Paul Robert ... Read more

17 Jun 2024



17 Jun 2024


The Power of Small Things - Micro-kindness (rewind)

(This is a re-release of episode 27.) Do you want to make the world a better place? Try a little kindness. In this episode, Craig discusses the power of micro-kindness, small acts of kindness, which are small sincere and voluntary acts and attitudes, intentional or unintentional, that communicate compassion, generosity and service towards others, and that signal that we recognize the value and dignity of other people. Practicing micro-kindness not only has benefits for others, you benefit as well. Not only will small acts of kindness help you pursue the virtue of kindness, it will also improve your well-being. This is the first of a three-part series on the power of small things. The other episodes will discuss how small events and experiences give our life meaning, and will introduce the small wins strategy of change. Visit [] ( for more information on the Live Well and Flourish podcast. The theme music for Live Well and Flourish was written by Hazel Crossler, Production assistant - Paul Robert ... Read more

10 Jun 2024



10 Jun 2024


The Value of Taking a Break: Why Rest is Essential to Flourishing

Welcome to Live Well and Flourish, the podcast that helps you use practical wisdom to live an excellent life. In this episode, Craig challenges today's hustle culture, which seems to value the constant busyness over true excellence. He discusses the negative impacts of nonstop work and draws on timeless wisdom to dig into the benefits of rest. Craig also announces a temporary hiatus from the podcast to recharge. During the break he will re-release classic episodes during. He seeks feedback for the future of the podcast. As you listen, consider how you can integrate the concept of rest into your own life and how it may lead to improved well-being. So sit back, relax, and join us for this insightful exploration of the value of taking a break. ------ Email Craig at: All episodes are available online at the Live Well and Flourish website: [] ( The theme music for Live Well and Flourish was written by Hazel Crossler, Production assistant - Paul Robert ... Read more

03 Jun 2024



03 Jun 2024


Navigating Mistakes Through Practical Wisdom

In this episode, host Craig Van Slyke opens up about a significant mistake he made relating to the podcast. He shares his initial reactions, the immediate consequences of the error, and the insights and wisdom he gained from the experience. The episode discusses the emotional and practical aftermath of the mistake and provides valuable advice on how to navigate mistakes and setbacks in life. Key Points: 1--Craig candidly admits to making a substantial mistake that impacted the podcast, and he discusses his initial reactions, emotions, and thoughts in the aftermath of the error. 2--Craig reflects on the importance of acceptance and moving forward in the face of mistakes. He emphasizes the Stoic philosophy of focusing on things within one's control and letting go of past events, offering a practical and actionable approach to dealing with setbacks. 3--Listeners gain valuable advice on addressing and learning from errors, including reflecting on what led to the mistake, practicing self-compassion, and seeing opportunities within adversities. The episode encourages self-reflection and growth as integral components of navigating life's challenges. 4--The show concludes with Craig's contemplation on the future of the podcast, inviting listeners to share their own stories of recovering from mistakes through practical wisdom. Takeaways: ---Embracing acceptance and focusing on what is within one's control are key elements in navigating mistakes and adversities. ---Stoic principles, including reflecting on mistakes, practicing self-grace, and seeing opportunities within setbacks, can empower individuals to grow from their experiences. ---Sharing personal stories of navigating and learning from mistakes fosters connection and empathy. Join Craig on this intimate and insightful journey of acknowledging mistakes, embracing wisdom, and crafting a path towards resilience and growth in the face of errors. ------ Live Well and Flourish website: [] ( Email: The theme music for Live Well and Flourish was written by Hazel Crossler, Production assistant - Paul Robert ... Read more

20 May 2024



20 May 2024


Songs of Wisdom: Doing Philosophy Through Music

In this episode of Live Well and Flourish, Craig explores the profound connection between music and philosophy. He digs into the idea that music has the power to trigger deep thoughts and contemplation, effectively leading to the practice of philosophy in our daily lives. He also give his take on what it means to "do philosophy." Craig shares personal experiences with country songs that sparked philosophical reflection and emphasizes the importance of recognizing one's own philosophy of life. Listeners are encouraged to leverage music as a tool for engaging in philosophy and living a more fulfilling life. Join us as we discover the transformative potential of music and its ability to enrich our understanding of the world around us. ... Read more

06 May 2024



06 May 2024


Prudent preparation: Reducing anxiety by being prepared

Whether it's paying thousands of dollars for a generator or a few dollars on an escape hatchet, preparation can pay considerable physical and psychological dividends.  Yes, being prepared is a wonderful thing; it can help reduce anxiety and uncertainty. But focusing too much on preparation can have the opposite effect, over preparation can actually INCREASE anxiety and uncertainty. Join Craig as he unpacks the complex relationship among preparation, uncertainty, and anxiety.The episode begins with Craig discussing the challenges posed by storm season in Louisiana and the anxiety it brings, particularly in a rural setting. He shares his belief in being prepared and the practical measures he has taken, such as having generators, water storage containers, and emergency supplies.Craig explains the psychological benefits of preparation, emphasizing its role in reducing anxiety and providing a sense of control over the environment. He links anxiety to uncertainty, explaining how the human need for predictability and control contributes to heightened anxiety in the face of uncertainty.Drawing from personal experiences, Craig illustrates how uncertainty triggers anxiety, highlighting the evolutionary basis of this psychological reaction in humans. He also touches on the role of negativity bias, trauma, and the need to quickly reduce uncertainty to avoid potential threats.The discussion turns to the balance between reducing uncertainty through preparation and gathering more information, with a focus on the positive impact of being prepared for natural disasters. Craig recounts personal experiences during power outages and how prudent preparation greatly reduced anxiety and allowed life to proceed as normal.However, Craig warns of the potential downside of excessive preparation, which can lead to increased anxiety. He outlines the concept of a u-shaped relationship between preparation and anxiety, explaining that while adequate preparation reduces anxiety, excessive preparation can trigger a downward spiral of anxiety and what-if scenarios.- Craig introduces the notion of prudent preparation, emphasizing the importance of striking a balance. He discusses the aspects of prudence, including thinking ahead, using sound judgment, and considering risk when preparing for potential future events, all of which align with living an excellent life.- Practical suggestions for prudent preparation are offered, such as considering probabilities and consequences, taking actions to deal with multiple types of emergencies, and building a strong social network for support during challenging times. Additionally, Craig recommends the Practical Prepping podcast and encourages listeners to stop the downward spiral of anxiety by considering probabilities when faced with potential threats.Conclusion:The episode concludes with a closing quote about the importance of preparing in advance, highlighting the dedication of the host to help others flourish. Craig reiterates his commitment to providing valuable content and encourages listeners to share the episode with others who may benefit from its insights.Practical Prepping Podcast:<a href=''></a> ------Live Well and Flourish website: <a href=''></a> The theme music for Live Well and Flourish was written by Hazel Crossler, Production assistant - Paul Robert ... Read more

22 Apr 2024



22 Apr 2024


Beyond Reason: Finding strength in Philosophy, Faith, and Self-Grace

When life threw its harshest curveballs at me, from health crises to the heart-wrenching loss of those closest to my heart, I found myself grappling with the very philosophies I've long championed. In this intimate sharing, I peel back the layers of my journey, revealing how the wisdom of Stoicism, Christianity, Buddhism, and Aristotelian virtue unexpectedly became my lifeline in the storm. We all encounter rough patches, but it's the principles we've woven into the fabric of our lives that hold us together when we're fraying at the edges. This episode is a testament not only to struggle but to the surprising resilience that comes with a foundation built on reason and virtue.As I look back on this tumultuous period, I dissect four potent concepts from various philosophies that fortified my perseverance. It's a deep examination into how maintaining our character and virtue in the face of adversity isn't just a lofty ideal, but a practical strategy that can illuminate our darkest days. By sharing my story, I hope to offer not just a mirror reflecting my own experiences but a window into discovering your own unyielding strength and the power of inherent goodness to radiate even when the lights go out. Join me as we ponder the importance of these philosophical tools, and how they can help us not just to endure but to emerge gracefully from the trials we face. ------Live Well and Flourish website: <a href=''></a> The theme music for Live Well and Flourish was written by Hazel Crossler, Production assistant - Paul Robert ... Read more

08 Apr 2024



08 Apr 2024


Understanding and Overcoming Allostatic Overload: Navigating Stress for a Healthier Life

Ever find yourself inexplicably tense, fatigued, or on edge, as if your body is sounding an alarm? Your instincts aren't wrong; it's the distress signal of allostatic overload—the crux of our latest Live Well and Flourish discussion. Join me, Craig Van Slyke, as we unearth the buried mechanisms of stress and its staggering toll on our health. The journey from understanding stress to mastering its effects requires patience, insight, and the right tools. We navigate through the nuances of episodic versus chronic stress and how the latter can lead to a state of incessant irritability and exhaustion. Recognizing the signs and implementing strategies to mitigate stress are paramount, and I offer actionable advice to help you lighten your allostatic load. By the end of our discussion, you'll not only grasp the significance of allostatic load but also be equipped to tackle it head-on. Embrace this opportunity to recalibrate your life and thrive, because when it comes to stress, knowledge truly is power.The Ask Ralph Podcasth<a href=''>ttps://</a>Episodes mentioned:Stress trifecta: <a href=''></a>Power of small things: <a href=''></a> ------Live Well and Flourish website: <a href=''></a> The theme music for Live Well and Flourish was written by Hazel Crossler, Production assistant - Paul Robert ... Read more

25 Mar 2024



25 Mar 2024


Being Smart Doesn't Mean Being Wise

Navigating the delicate interplay of intelligence and wisdom can be as complex as it is profound. Today's journey begins with a glimpse into a personal loss—a story of my beloved dog, Maggie—which opens the door to a much larger conversation. We tackle the misconceptions surrounding intelligence, often mistaken for wisdom, and explore how various types of smarts, whether it’s bookish intellect or street savvy, don't inherently lead to wise decisions. This episode peels back the layers of what it truly means to be wise, contrasting it with the raw power of intelligence through real-life anecdotes that demonstrate the perilous gaps where knowledge alone falls short.As we shift toward a vision of living a good life, we draw inspiration from the timeless wisdom of Maya Angelou, whose insights remain a beacon for personal growth. The focus turns to the transformative power of knowledge and the personal commitment to use it for leading a fulfilling life, free from commercial pressures. Listeners are encouraged to not just absorb but share the wisdom gleaned today, as we conclude with a guiding light toward resources that support a journey of flourishing. Join in for a heartfelt conversation that promises to leave you with more than just food for thought—it's an invitation to grow, share, and ultimately, live well. ------Live Well and Flourish website: <a href=''></a> The theme music for Live Well and Flourish was written by Hazel Crossler, Production assistant - Paul Robert ... Read more

11 Mar 2024



11 Mar 2024


From Rational Ignorance to Practical Wisdom: Reflections on 100 Episodes

Discover seven powerful maxims that can redefine your approach to life and unlock a more fulfilling existence. As I, Craig Van Slyke, reflect on the journey of Live Well and Flourish, I'm proud to share the wisdom that has not only shaped this podcast but also my personal path to flourishing. This centennial celebration is more than a milestone—it's a testament to the transformative power of combining philosophy and psychology to navigate life's ups and downs.  Whether you're a long-time listener or new to our community, this episode is imbued with thoughtful reflections and actionable advice designed to guide you on your own journey to a life well-lived.Episodes mentioned:45 - <a href=''></a>23 - <a href=''></a> ------Live Well and Flourish website: <a href=''></a> The theme music for Live Well and Flourish was written by Hazel Crossler, Production assistant - Paul Robert ... Read more

26 Feb 2024



26 Feb 2024


Are You a Good Person? 10 Questions to Consider

Reflecting on the profound legacy left by my late wife, Debbie, I was reminded of the incredible impact one individual's goodness can have. In our latest heart-to-heart podcast episode, I delve into the essence of what it means to be good, exploring the internal characteristics and external behaviors that embody a life led by virtue and reason. From personal anecdotes to the wisdom of ancient philosophers, we navigate the pursuit of personal betterment and its significance in our lives and the communities we are part of.Capturing the essence of Marcus Aurelius's wisdom, this conversation goes beyond mere talk, urging you to take action and live out the virtues we discuss. As I guide you through ten introspective questions designed to assess your own path to goodness, you’ll discover the rewards of living with integrity—increased satisfaction, stronger relationships, resilience in adversity, and an enduring legacy. Join me in this exploration of flourishing, untethered by sponsorships or financial motivations, as we seek to elevate the human experience together.Ten questions: 1-- In what ways did I practice self-reflection and mindfulness today and how has this influenced my thoughts and actions? 2--How did I demonstrate (or fail to demonstrate) empathy and compassion in my daily interactions with others?  3--How well did my actions and decisions today reflect my core values and the virtues I seek? 4--What new ideas and possible adjustments to my assumptions or beliefs did I consider today? 5--How well have my actions reflected my true self and my core beliefs and virtues? 6--What were the moments today when I consciously decided to act according to my virtues, and how did I navigate situations in which my virtues were challenged? 7--How well did my actions demonstrate responsibility and reliability today? 8--In what specific ways did I practice kindness or generosity today without expecting anything in return?  9--How did I stand up for justice and fairness today?  10-How did I contribute to the well-being and harmony of my community today and what were the effects of these actions? ------Live Well and Flourish website: <a href=''></a> The theme music for Live Well and Flourish was written by Hazel Crossler, Production assistant - Paul Robert ... Read more

12 Feb 2024



12 Feb 2024