An irreverent podcast about Service Design Principles hosted by Guy Martin and Daniele Catalanotto. Join us as we provide you with a deeper understanding of service design principles, enhanced by real-world examples and anecdotes from Daniele’s extensive expertise as a leading service design practitioner and founder of the [Swiss Innovation Academy] (https://store.swissinnovation.academy/book-service-design-principles-1-100?coupon=GUY-HAS-A-GIFT-FOR-YOU-BUT-PSSST-ITS-A-SECRET) , and Guy’s experience from working with global companies and startups in various roles, including service delivery, client services, and corporate education. Explicit tag is for language (we drop a few swear words here and there) and occasional “adult themes”. Support us with Value 4 Value Find out more about “Value 4 Value” here: [https://value4value.info/] (https://value4value.info/) Time - rate us on your preferred podcast platform, write a review, or submit your own service design principles or insights into the SDP in the books. Talent - Help promote the podcast on social media, produce some incidental music for the show, or suggest a way your talents can help. Treasure - use a modern podcast app to send us boost-a-grams or streaming value. We’ll recognize all contributions and comments in future episodes. Alternatively, make a traditional donation via Ko-Fi to help us cover our hosting and production costs. Get a modern podcast app: [https://modernpodcastapps.com/] (https://modernpodcastapps.com/) Traditional donation: [https://ko-fi.com/neoluxpodcasts] (https://ko-fi.com/neoluxpodcasts) [https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=KCP8BRUHP3HZS] (https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=KCP8BRUHP3HZS) Daniele Catalanotto is a service design practitioner, the author of the Service Design Principles series of books, and the founder of the [Swiss Innovation Academy] (https://store.swissinnovation.academy/principles-series) Guy Martin has worked with global companies and startups in a wide range of roles, including service delivery, corporate education, and leadership development. Music by [Mikhail Smusev] (https://pixabay.com/users/sigmamusicart-36860929/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=music&utm_content=153408) from [Pixabay] (https://pixabay.com/music//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=music&utm_content=153408) Hosted with [Castopod] (https://castopod.com/) We support [Podcasting 2.0] (https://podcasting2.org/) A production of [Neolux Consulting] (https://neoluxconsulting.com/podcasts/service-design-principles)
An irreverent podcast about Service Design Principles hosted by Guy Martin and Daniele Catalanotto. Join us as we provide you with a deeper understanding of service design principles, enhanced by real-world examples and anecdotes from Daniele’s extensive expertise as a leading service design practitioner and founder of the [Swiss Innovation Academy] (https://store.swissinnovation.academy/book-service-design-principles-1-100?coupon=GUY-HAS-A-GIFT-FOR-YOU-BUT-PSSST-ITS-A-SECRET) , and Guy’s experience from working with global companies and startups in various roles, including service delivery, client services, and corporate education. Explicit tag is for language (we drop a few swear words here and there) and occasional “adult themes”. Support us with Value 4 Value Find out more about “Value 4 Value” here: [https://value4value.info/] (https://value4value.info/) Time - rate us on your preferred podcast platform, write a review, or submit your own service design principles or insights into the SDP in the books. Talent - Help promote the podcast on social media, produce some incidental music for the show, or suggest a way your talents can help. Treasure - use a modern podcast app to send us boost-a-grams or streaming value. We’ll recognize all contributions and comments in future episodes. Alternatively, make a traditional donation via Ko-Fi to help us cover our hosting and production costs. Get a modern podcast app: [https://modernpodcastapps.com/] (https://modernpodcastapps.com/) Traditional donation: [https://ko-fi.com/neoluxpodcasts] (https://ko-fi.com/neoluxpodcasts) [https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=KCP8BRUHP3HZS] (https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=KCP8BRUHP3HZS) Daniele Catalanotto is a service design practitioner, the author of the Service Design Principles series of books, and the founder of the [Swiss Innovation Academy] (https://store.swissinnovation.academy/principles-series) Guy Martin has worked with global companies and startups in a wide range of roles, including service delivery, corporate education, and leadership development. Music by [Mikhail Smusev] (https://pixabay.com/users/sigmamusicart-36860929/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=music&utm_content=153408) from [Pixabay] (https://pixabay.com/music//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=music&utm_content=153408) Hosted with [Castopod] (https://castopod.com/) We support [Podcasting 2.0] (https://podcasting2.org/) A production of [Neolux Consulting] (https://neoluxconsulting.com/podcasts/service-design-principles)
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