13 May 2024
What do you do when things go wrong between the kids and your dog?
Something that isn't talked about enough is how the relationship between kids and dogs isn't always as magical as we imagined.
It's very common for the kids to get annoyed with the jumpy puppy and their sharp teeth. It's just as common for the dog to avoid or get defensive with the kissy, fast moving kids.
Well lucky for you (and me) Justine Schuurmans, the expert on families, kids, and dogs, is back to help us out.
Justine is the founder of The Family Dog and the creator of The Dial Method. Her work with families has greatly impacted how I work with kids and puppies to this day.
Missed part one? Justine helps us answer the questions are your kids ready for a dog and how do you prepare your kids for a dog. Check out part one in episode 94.
Press play and enjoy!
There are three different ways to experience The Dial Method:
*Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links that, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.
The Family Dog resources: This page includes the resources both Justine and I talked about inside the interview including the video that I thinkEVERY parent should watchalong with the Pet, Pat, Pause flyer.
YNP Episode #094: Are Your Kids Ready for a Dog? With Justine Schuurmans (Part 01)
YOUR Perfect Puppy's course: A 4 week course to build the foundation of you and your new puppy's life together.
Justine is a former Nickelodeon and MTV producer and dog trainer for over 20 years, specializing in working with young families. Her mission is to help parents, kids and dogs understand each other better and live safely and happily together. She's the founder of The Family Dog, STOP THE 77 and the creator of The Dial Method.
The post YNP #095: When Things Go Wrong Between the Kids and Dog: With Justine Schuurmans appeared first on Playtime Paws.
What do you do when things go wrong between the kids and your dog?
Something that isn't talked about enough is how the relationship between kids and dogs isn't always as magical as we imagined.
It's very common for the kids to get annoyed with the jumpy puppy and their sharp teeth. It's just as common for the dog to avoid or get defensive with the kissy, fast moving kids.
Well lucky for you (and me) Justine Schuurmans, the expert on families, kids, and dogs, is back to help us out.
Justine is the founder of The Family Dog and the creator of The Dial Method. Her work with families has greatly impacted how I work with kids and puppies to this day.
Missed part one? Justine helps us answer the questions are your kids ready for a dog and how do you prepare your kids for a dog. Check out part one in episode 94.
Press play and enjoy!
There are three different ways to experience The Dial Method:
*Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links that, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.
The Family Dog resources: This page includes the resources both Justine and I talked about inside the interview including the video that I thinkEVERY parent should watchalong with the Pet, Pat, Pause flyer.
YNP Episode #094: Are Your Kids Ready for a Dog? With Justine Schuurmans (Part 01)
YOUR Perfect Puppy's course: A 4 week course to build the foundation of you and your new puppy's life together.
Justine is a former Nickelodeon and MTV producer and dog trainer for over 20 years, specializing in working with young families. Her mission is to help parents, kids and dogs understand each other better and live safely and happily together. She's the founder of The Family Dog, STOP THE 77 and the creator of The Dial Method.
The post YNP #095: When Things Go Wrong Between the Kids and Dog: With Justine Schuurmans appeared first on Playtime Paws.