11 Jul 2024
Hi everyone, we have a podcast now! In our first episode, we discuss intercultural relationships, wedding traditions in Germany, India, Thailand and Vietnam, and various superstitions and rituals. We hope you enjoy it!
Submit your own story at culturecuddles.com. Tell us about your experiences of living and loving between cultures.
Instagram: @uyenninh & @german.fiance
TikTok: @uyenthininh
Culture Cuddles is produced by Uyen Ninh and her German husband-to-be, with production support from YilmazHummel. The producers are Niklas Stündel and Freerk Sitter.
Hi everyone, we have a podcast now! In our first episode, we discuss intercultural relationships, wedding traditions in Germany, India, Thailand and Vietnam, and various superstitions and rituals. We hope you enjoy it!
Submit your own story at culturecuddles.com. Tell us about your experiences of living and loving between cultures.
Instagram: @uyenninh & @german.fiance
TikTok: @uyenthininh
Culture Cuddles is produced by Uyen Ninh and her German husband-to-be, with production support from YilmazHummel. The producers are Niklas Stündel and Freerk Sitter.